Clear Sky + Steam question

21% completed here. I'm sure you've been downloading yours for longer though.
Seeing as how I have a BB gift cert to use, and I don't want to deal with mods not working in the latest version, I'll pick mine up tonight.

Have fun guys, tell us how it is.
Man you guys! I just upgraded to 4mb internet... 415 kb/s is the max and that is THE fastest you can get here! It'd take me probably 4+ hours to download this game...

Can't complain too much though, most of my friends are still on 1mb internet :rolleyes:
Man you guys! I just upgraded to 4mb internet... 415 kb/s is the max and that is THE fastest you can get here! It'd take me probably 4+ hours to download this game...

Can't complain too much though, most of my friends are still on 1mb internet :rolleyes:

10mb down/1.5mb up is the fastest download speed I could get where I am at. Oh how I miss my 15mb down 15mb up Verizon FIOS. :(

74% downloaded so far!
15mb up must have been nice for pings and multiplayer games ;)

I'm happy with my new internet. I can now find more than 5 games with pings under 100 in most games now :D
10mb down/1.5mb up is the fastest download speed I could get where I am at. Oh how I miss my 15mb down 15mb up Verizon FIOS. :(

74% downloaded so far!

Nothing wrong with that. I'd love 1.5Mb up. I get 15Mb down and 512Kb up (768Kb realistically).

Downloads finished... 4:30 can't come soon enough.
picked it up on my lunchbreak at BB with a $10 reward zone cert. looking forward to playing when i get home from work tonight. all you people that'll be playing in the next few hours make sure to report back to this thread with screens :).
Latency (ping) on a 15mb upload wouldn't be any better than on a 100k upload.

bandwidth != latency.

/jus sayin'

Fair enough... I'm coming from a 1mb connection from far far away so it was difficult for me to find a game with decent ping and connection.
Man you guys! I just upgraded to 4mb internet... 415 kb/s is the max and that is THE fastest you can get here! It'd take me probably 4+ hours to download this game...

Can't complain too much though, most of my friends are still on 1mb internet :rolleyes:

Mine's 3 Mb internet... which should equate to 375kb/s... but my line only goes to 2.5 Mb, which is about 310 kb/s. I'll be happy if I can sustain that all the way through. 1.1 Gb/ hour and it should be here before I go to bed.
Went to my BB this afternoon, they looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language.

So..........what to do?? Looked at Steam earlier today and it was still locked. I get about 1 MB per second on a good day......

meh, I just ordered from Amazon and used the upgrade to overnight. I can wait until tomorrow night.

I also like having a physical product, call me old school.;)
The game looks impressive though. Looks like my 8800GT is new 7900GS.
I must say, great game thus far.

Although, eats my 8800GTX alive... suppose I should get around to installing that 4870 x2.
Right now because my onboard audio died I'm only running with two Geforce GTX 280's in SLI. The game is perfectly playable at 1920x1200 with maximum settings and 0AA. Quite smooth actually. At 2560x1600 with Maximum quality settings the game isn't playable. For general walking around its' fine but in firefights it simply gets too slow to be playable.

When my replacement board arrives tomorrow I'll get my third Geforce GTX 280 thrown in there and I'll be able to get back to using my Geforce GTX 280 3-Way SLI setup.
Right now because my onboard audio died I'm only running with two Geforce GTX 280's in SLI. The game is perfectly playable at 1920x1200 with maximum settings and 0AA. Quite smooth actually. At 2560x1600 with Maximum quality settings the game isn't playable. For general walking around its' fine but in firefights it simply gets too slow to be playable.

When my replacement board arrives tomorrow I'll get my third Geforce GTX 280 thrown in there and I'll be able to get back to using my Geforce GTX 280 3-Way SLI setup.

What happens when you increase AA?

Just wondering if I should return my un-opend 4870 x2 or not.

I'm currently playing at 1920x1200 medium, full dynamic lighting dx9, max AA.
Eats 8800 GTX for breakfast? Dang.... Hope my 8800m GTS does okay at 1440x900.
Right now because my onboard audio died I'm only running with two Geforce GTX 280's in SLI. The game is perfectly playable at 1920x1200 with maximum settings and 0AA. Quite smooth actually. At 2560x1600 with Maximum quality settings the game isn't playable. For general walking around its' fine but in firefights it simply gets too slow to be playable.

When my replacement board arrives tomorrow I'll get my third Geforce GTX 280 thrown in there and I'll be able to get back to using my Geforce GTX 280 3-Way SLI setup.

Bit-tech review gave this a "3". Said the game crashed constantly and essentially was no more than a rushed out the door beta...........I really enjoyed Shadow of Chernobyl........what do you think so far of the game itself, have you noticed it to be buggy????
I'm getting a hard copy tomorrow and was just wondering if I should be ready for frustration?
What happens when you increase AA?

Just wondering if I should return my un-opend 4870 x2 or not.

I'm currently playing at 1920x1200 medium, full dynamic lighting dx9, max AA.

I'm playing with DX9 mode too. DX9 my FPS are near 60, at 1920x1200 with only 2 8800 GTS 512s. DX10 and it drops to 1. Looks like while I was busy working ya'll have been whining how it isn't downloading fast enough for you!
Ok, now I'm really confused, I changed nothing and now I'm getting around 15 FPS instead of 1 FPS with 1920x1200 @ max settings DX10. I'm so confused.
Ok, still messing with stuff.

"GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24"
also see these two lines
"Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world"
"Unable to find InstallUserName entry in registry
Player name in registry is empty! (InstallUserName)"

I'm not terribly worried about the latter, however the former wories me. And that shadows seem to be
messed up. I'll post more as I poke around.

Oh and Brahmzy, I havn't actually played it yet, still having fun with the graphic tweaking :p
Ok, more updates as it looks like I'm talking to my self now. :(

looks like the renderer thing is left over crap that was a common error in the first game. (You'd think they'd fix that for the second one.... /sigh damn lazy developers)
Bit-tech review gave this a "3". Said the game crashed constantly and essentially was no more than a rushed out the door beta...........I really enjoyed Shadow of Chernobyl........what do you think so far of the game itself, have you noticed it to be buggy????
I'm getting a hard copy tomorrow and was just wondering if I should be ready for frustration?

I haven't experienced any bugs so far. The game has been perfectly stable. At least it has been for the last two hours or so. That's the longest stretch I've played it so far.

What happens when you increase AA?

Just wondering if I should return my un-opend 4870 x2 or not.

I'm currently playing at 1920x1200 medium, full dynamic lighting dx9, max AA.

Not sure. I haven't tried it yet. I'd rather have all the eye candy maxed then play on medium with high levels of AA. I can try AA on top of that and see what happens. I know that AA won't fly at 2560x1600. That's already a slide show. I'm hoping the third Geforce GTX 280 will help with that when it goes back in tomorrow. (After my new board gets here.)

I will also be trying the 4870 X2 tomorrow.
If you guys are forcing aa, make sure you turn off r3_msaa in the user.ltx. Its on by default and can cause framedrop
If you guys are forcing aa, make sure you turn off r3_msaa in the user.ltx. Its on by default and can cause framedrop

No forcing AA here. I leave control panel off and never force AA unless I'm playing a game that doesn't have menu options or config file options for it. I generally have the best luck using the in game menus for AA and AF control.
I was setting in game AA, its playable high 40's dropping into high 30's in fire fights. With my previous mentioned settings.

I'm an AA junkie, can't stand jaggies.
Wow, a lot of people need to relax a little.

At any rate, one thing to watch out for on steam is that you cannot control the patch level, what patches are applied, or when they are applied. If this is important to you, avoid steam.

How about right click on the game select properties and on the Updates tab, select "Do Not Automatically Update This Game"?
How about right click on the game select properties and on the Updates tab, select "Do Not Automatically Update This Game"?

What he is describing is the issue where stalker mods require a certain patch to play. With Steam you dont have the control you have with patches like the retail disc, Perfect example was AMK; it could not be played on steam because it required a patch you couldnt get for steam. I noticed the file structure for CS has changed. Hopefully it wont be that bad with CS.
What he is describing is the issue where stalker mods require a certain patch to play. With Steam you dont have the control you have with patches like the retail disc, Perfect example was AMK; it could not be played on steam because it required a patch you couldnt get for steam. I noticed the file structure for CS has changed. Hopefully it wont be that bad with CS.

Exactly. Stalker SOC on steam is 1.05...period. If you need 1.04 (for mods) or 1.06 (for online play) you're SOL.
If you guys are checking framerates, make sure you leave the first area before tweaking. My FPS doubled and I've yet to see it chug as much as it did in that first area during the morning.
If you guys are checking framerates, make sure you leave the first area before tweaking. My FPS doubled and I've yet to see it chug as much as it did in that first area during the morning.

no shit, my 4870 chokes in that scene with enhanced full dynamic lighting (DX9):


edit: does the disc symbol on the bottom right mean it's accessing the page file?
Here are some initial FPS shots of my 4870X2 running stalker. It seems to only get choppy in buildings instead of outside.. *shrug*. This is in DX10 mode 2560x1600 Maximum detail setting. There are apparently even more details you can crank up under Advanced (such as AA), but I have not adjusted them.



Also, haven't crashed yet, but do have a start up glitch. After I set DX10 2560x1600, the game glitches during start up and doesn't fill up the screen and runs in an off-center window. Going to Options and and click Use fixes it. Oh and another thing, I had yahoo messenger running in the background and a "pop-up" from someone logging off happened in the background. It caused the framerate to drop. Alt-tabbing out of the game and back in fixed it.
My 4870 Crossfire is playing it 1920x1200 DX10 all max. 35-40 in the camp, higher indoors and hitting 45-60 in the swamp. Can't get past the machine gun in Cordon yet so...........
rig in sig if interested


This game is doing the same thing SOC did to me. Random fps drops. I mean running at 60 and it just drops to ~5-10. I have to pull down the console and type vid_restart and fps goes right back up to 60. It is totally random.......has nothing to do with what I'm looking at. Sometimes, if I just let it sit there for a long time, it will fix itself for a minute. Either way, I get no more than a few minutes play without having to hit vid_restart.

So fucking annoying..........I've seen this same complaint spattered about the web and theres even a problem solving sticky on SOC forum with this problem as #3 but no solution was ever posted. I;ve seen people with both Nvidia and ATI cards with the same issue so.........
Man.. this is the first game to really make me feel bad about my system. At 1920x1200 and 1680x1050, the game ran at under 12fps in the beginning area. I ended up lowering resolution to 1280x800. This gives me playability, but the game looks like crap. I guess it's time to give 4870's and gtx260's a look. Anyone else with an old school 8800gts (or hell, even the newer ones) have any luck with certain settings for this game?
I didn't play the first one, but does this game feel like all the graphics are "muddy" to anyone else?
Well I was wrong. My system can handle more than 1920x1200. It's just that first part of the game that really runs like shit. Now I've got it running at 2560x1600 Maximum quality with no AA and it runs pretty good actually, even in firefights. So hopefully the third Geforce GTX 280 OC card does the job allowing me to get at least 2xAA. (Not that you need tons of AA at 2560x1600.