Classic Doom for Doom 3


Aug 3, 2002
check out this project called "classic Doom for Doom 3"
I am looking foward to this mod since i havent played the first doom :)
sorry if repost

Look here for more screenshots, here for the features list and check out here for more info.


i knew somone would make this! looks awesome so far, just hope it eventually gets finished :D
Goddam I can't wait for that! I miss classic doom! Oh the memories.....
will it be a larger performance impact hit since the engine will have to be rendering large enviroments?
Actually, I was playing that D2DM01 remake Hal made, and going into the pump room which is pretty big, there really wasnt too big a performance hit. Plus, when you run outside in at the start of the Doom 3 it doesnt really lag at all.
That looks like what I was hoping Doom3 would be like! Cant wait!
goodbye atmosphere and getting suprised. other than that though should be cool
This remake looks awesome.

goodbye atmosphere and getting suprised. other than that though should be cool

If you want the Doom 3 atmosphere, play some Halloween background music, grab a gun, and run around with your eyes closed...
Wow! Those screen shots look awesome. I have to say, I would pay for that mod if it is the complete original game.

Very nice!
I hope they leave in the foot sliding effect when co-op is released... :p
OldPueblo said:
I hope they leave in the foot sliding effect when co-op is released... :p

LOL, that would be soooo great!!! I remember playing coop through Doom2 for a whole day until we finished the game :( . That was with a serial cable on a Pentium 90 and a 486 66. Ahhh, those memories!

This mod is really cool and I hope that someone will recreate all levels from Doom 1 and Doom 2 in the Doom 3 engine. Maybe I'll have a go at it if I can create the time (I wish I could create time out of thin air). :cool:

I would pay for this too, so Id Software, give these guys some support will ya? :D
I hope they have the old music, or at least new music based off the old music :)
Just what I been waiting for! Now, bring on the unlimited ammo!
seeing this makes me all happy in my pants......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :D

till then i will be playing doom3 =]
i love this game

i want to see what the CYBERDEMON looks like :)

Menaing that this person also has to recreate the Baron's of Hell (The Minotaurs) :)
My guess is they will use most of the models from doom 3. So if you've seen the cyberdemon from Doom 3, there ya go.
I want this almost as much as i want the Dark Forces mod for Jedi Academy :D
GotNoRice said:
I hope they have the old music, or at least new music based off the old music :)

my buddy rocks out e1m1 on his electric guitar all the time, its fucking pimp. i add drums by smacking the file cabinet.
The old music would rock! I hope they keep everything a little lighter than D3 :) Looks good so far
From the website:

Throat has completed his first reworking of one of the original pieces of Doom music - E1M4, which will make its way into the game when we do that map. Throat is currently working on the E1M1 music which should be in the next release, and we might even have a preview of it tomorrow :)
DLed and played it and its all that it seems. Looks great, play is MUCH harder due to higher AI/lower weapon damage. Very cool. I love it.
why are you people asking so many silly questions when he has the mod almost done and ready for download at the site ? rofl laughing at you all.... wake up
colin said:
I want this almost as much as i want the Dark Forces mod for Jedi Academy :D
yes that would be great, the memories from that are good
this mod is gonna be awesome, i had a machine running win98 just so i could play the old time games, now that one classic is coming to the d3 engine, cant wait for the others!
Tis a great time for gaming. Doom 3 has Classic Doom. Half-Life 2 will have Half-Life: Source. Ahhh...