City Packing, take order prease! v This is how you pack a cpu-ram/mobo?!

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Extremely [H]
Jan 2, 2001
For those that don't understand the "City Packing" reference in the title.....

I don't know what the hell is happening with my luck with traders lately. I have 157 good experiences (more actually as both parties forgot heat on some trades) and all of a sudden the last two I have absolute craptastic packing by the sellers. First one the seller stepped up to it 100%, it's not an issue anymore. I am still trying to get in touch with the seller of this cpu/mobo/ram combo since it arrived Tuesday. PMs and emails both. He hasn't logged in since tuesday morning before I got the package. Still, no replies to emails either. Since I don't have his side of the story or what he's willing to do or not do yet, no names as of now.

I'd like to hear people's opinion on this packing job, maybe it's just me? Wait, no, it's not. It's an absolute shit job for what it is, how much it cost me, and with the smallest of efforts it just could have been much better. I'm really scratching my head on this as I referred this seller to my hard drive packing fiasco and asked him to please don't do that- *wink*. His response? "No problem lol, I wouldn't do that, *wink*".

I haven't tested it yet because I would have to break my only system down and install it in the case (it's a replacement for current system), and I don't know how seller wants to handle it. I wanted contact before I handled/installed it to avoid any "Well I bet it was fine but you broke it installing it!" type deal should it be DOA/faulty.....

Now, would you trust this setup after receiving it like this:

Seems like a plenty big box to pack right, I'm not worried until I pick it up. It rattles/shifts back and forth quite a bit. "Awe fuck me, not again" :(

Folks, you need to pack well enough to IMMOBILIZE- SECURELY! Surely that is self evident?


Folks, the point of double boxing to give ALL sides an area to add cushioning. Here's what is wrong in this pic:

1) Mobo box is against one side of box= no room for packing material to provide impact protection.

2) On one side the air bags were almost completely flat, allowing over 2 inches of travel for some great rattling. If they were full going in, they were not sometime during the trip. Choose a material that has a less likelyhood of failure. The blister packs were so big that just one going out would have severely compromised protection. (There were 3 on that deflated side- one completely deflated, the other two more then halfway gone).

3) The mobo box is sitting on bottom of CDW box (hard to see in this pic but it is) so no protection there.

4) Also, the top of the mobo box you see here is about 1 inch from the top of the lid (when it's closed). More space would be better, but at least it's something. Unless, that is, you don't put any packing material there so it shakes, rattles, and damn near rolls as UPS does it's "Soccer Time!" routine from seller's house to mine:rolleyes: I have not removed any packing material, what you see is all that was there.


Well, shit. Maybe he's got the mobo,cpu, ram, and hsf packed good enough in there to mitigate the above, right? turns out he used two mobo boxes and taped them together, but something is holding them apart on one side........


Ok time to open up- I don't see how but maybe in some way he packed really good in here-

Really? Seriously? With everything loose and rattling around inside and on top of the mobo, as well as the mobo box itself rattling around? Felt it needed a twofer? Well it worked, as there was so much jostling it knocked the fan off the hsf....unless for some reason seller put it in there loose to rattle around while still plugged into the mobo-


clearing the loose stuff off the mobo you see the RAM installed- which is fine if it's protected- but obviously it wasn't. Having other shit like the fan, metal backplate, cables, and even the cardboard box that was not secured bounce around on top of it from IL to CA can't be wonderous for it's health.......much less on other mobo componets. As far as the HSF, it was in no way secured except by being mounted to the cpu/mobo. The top mobo box used as a lid was just taped, loosely, to the bottom mobo box. The hsf kept it from closing all the way as seen in the 3rd pic. So all that stuff in there had plenty of room to rattle around...on top of the mobo and ram.


Well folks there you have it. How would you handle this? One of the reasons I ask is because although I've been a long time trader, I have been fortunate enough not to have to deal with this stuff- I've always packed well and my sellers have always done the same to me. Until now. I spent a good deal of money on this, well over a $100, but it was less then what seller originally asked for. However, seller PM'd me and offered it at that price if I paypaled that day. I paypaled within 15min of reading his pm. If seller accepts a lower price then asking, is that a justified reason for shit packing? I had no worries paying because he's been a member here nearly 6 yrs, only a dozen heat but all positive and some received from great traders. Oh and yes I read it- some quotes are:

Item arrived quickly and packaged well.........

Great seller, fast shipping, well packed........

but the laptop was in better condition and better packed than i could have ever expected.......

Received drive quickly and packaged properly .........

Very good communication. Ultra fast shipping. Packaged well...........

Great comms, fast responses, great packaging, A + A +.............

The above heat evals, on top of my half jokingly pleading to pack better then the HD guy, I honestly thought there wouldn't have been a packing issue. Am I out of line at going W...T...F!? upon opening this package? If you had paid what is a good amount of money for you, and received this package they way I did, how would you feel?


1) "mobo box" rattled like hell in the CDW box.

2) Loose shit rattled like hell on top of the mobo/ram in the makshift mobo box.


No fucking profit:(
That packaging looks dodgy as hell..... but i gotta ask, does it work? You seem to have left that important piece of info out. The burden is on him to make sure it arrives to you in a safe manner. It looks like he played it very risky with his packaging method but as long as it gets to you in working order he's fulfilled his side of the deal, no matter how dodgy the packaging looks.
Don't get me wrong this packaging is completely unacceptable but in regards to you being entitled to a refund or anything like that I don't think he is obligated to give you one unless it isn't working.
That packaging looks dodgy as hell..... but i gotta ask, does it work? You seem to have left that important piece of info out.

I am still trying to get in touch with the seller of this cpu/mobo/ram combo since it arrived Tuesday. PMs and emails both. He hasn't logged in since tuesday morning before I got the package. Still, no replies to emails either............

...........I haven't tested it yet because I would have to break my only system down and install it in the case (it's a replacement for current system), and I don't know how seller wants to handle it. I wanted contact before I handled/installed it to avoid any "Well I bet it was fine but you broke it installing it!" type deal should it be DOA/faulty.....

The burden is on him to make sure it arrives to you in a safe manner. It looks like he played it very risky with his packaging method but as long as it gets to you in working order he's fulfilled his side of the deal, no matter how dodgy the packaging looks. Don't get me wrong this packaging is completely unacceptable but in regards to you being entitled to a refund or anything like that I don't think he is obligated to give you one unless it isn't working.

The question I have is what if it works now, but fritzes out a week or two later? How do I know that isn't because this shit packing job with the stuff rattling around on the mobo didn't shorten it's life span? Who bites the bullet then? That's what pisses me off so much about this. I had every expectation, reasonable in light of his heat I quoted AND my specific warning to him on bad packing, to have a decent packing job. I was not supposed to deal with this issue, I was supposed to be putting in this system and be able to trust it as he described it:

This served as my main machine for the past 1 1/2 to 2 years. Parts are in perfect working order.....

Now if the package had gotten eaten or destroyed by UPS that would suck but I'd be cool as that wouldn't be seller's fault. I'd still expect a refund, and I'd do everything I could to help seller in his claim. But that didn't happen. The seller, one who knew he was doing a shit packing job while he did it, chose to go ahead and do it anyway. This was not a cheap little part (like a $20 HD), this cost me a pretty penny for me. And now I am faced with either a fully working combo today, that is much less trustworthy because of this shit packing, or a faulty combo that I'll have to deal with getting refund, shipping back, time and effort lost- and it all could have been avoided if seller had simply did a decent packing job.
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quick lazy pack job maybe he didnt have the correct materials. But if it works without kinks then your gonna be fine. I like to pack boxs super tight. Since he hasnt logged in for a while just keep bugging and be as patient as you can.
I suggest you test it. Make sure to test every component and I am thinking prime95/OCCT/memtest86+ and so on. If it works perfectly well you are in the clear. Inspect the board for broken ports as well. Make sure the fins aren't horribly bent on the HSF. If it all checks out perfect I still suggest a positive heatware with mention of his poor packing job. Neutral would be if he gave you are hard time about it or gave you the run around on a refund. Definitely don't leave a negative unless it is broken and he refuses to refund you.

Negative is for trolls. Neutrals are for premium assholes that still refund/compensate but drag you through the coals for it. Everything else is positive IMO.
I would send it back and demand a refund......because if it craps out in 2 or 3 weeks, your gonna be on your own ...but that's just me....... with 406 positive heat dating back 10 year, WTF do I know..:)

Cliffs: if you cant pack your shit right, I don't want to deal with you....
My first test before I seal a box up to ship: Close the flaps and hold it closed, pick up the box and shake fairly vigorously. If I hear anything move even a little bit, I open it up and add more packing materials or repack it.

To be fair, with what most people are asking for their used componentry these days, given the issues that have been cropping up with sellers lately I'd rather just spend the $5 more and buy new retail parts than deal with crap like this. And I have...
Personally, I wouldn't even bother testing it and demand a refund. Why?

1. HSF is attached to the motherboard without great security. Moving around in bad packing may put stress on the board near the socket. Sure, Dell/HP/other OEMs send computers with heatsinks attached, but have you seen how they pack their computers? It is miles above what the OP received.

2. Looks like loose components inside of the box (fan/USB expansion) which means it bounced off the components on the board...

Even if the board worked while testing, who knows in 1 month.
My first test before I seal a box up to ship: Close the flaps and hold it closed, pick up the box and shake fairly vigorously. If I hear anything move even a little bit, I open it up and add more packing materials or repack it.

To be fair, with what most people are asking for their used componentry these days, given the issues that have been cropping up with sellers lately I'd rather just spend the $5 more and buy new retail parts than deal with crap like this. And I have...
This is typically what I do. Shake the box and if it's loose, add more packing materials. Plus if the flaps don't bulge a little when I hold them shut, I know there isn't enough.
Personally, I wouldn't even bother testing it and demand a refund. Why?

1. HSF is attached to the motherboard without great security. Moving around in bad packing may put stress on the board near the socket. Sure, Dell/HP/other OEMs send computers with heatsinks attached, but have you seen how they pack their computers? It is miles above what the OP received.

2. Looks like loose components inside of the box (fan/USB expansion) which means it bounced off the components on the board...

Even if the board worked while testing, who knows in 1 month.
I'm not a fan of shipping things assembled, but I will leave the CPU in the socket since it's better than those covers IMHO. Sometimes i'll leave the ram in if I put bubble over top to make sure the rig is padded. I would NEVER ship with a HSF installed....... That's asking for trouble. HOWEVER, does the HSF mount with a backplate? If so, I would try it out and run IBT for 24-48 hours. If you torture it with that and it survives, odds are it would be ok. However, it's completely your call on returning it without even putting in any effort.
I have emailed and PMed the seller since tuesday. No response so far.

I do not have another case nor test bed in order to test the cpu/mobo/ram combo. I will have to gut my main system for that, so after tonight or tomorrow morning if I am offline for a day or two, that's what's happening. Even if it passes initial tests, I am still really unhappy that I should have to worry about whether it's going to die in a month, and who's fault is that then if it happens?

Folks, this is why you pack decent, it avoids hassle and harsh feelings, for the seller as well. Which is why I don't understand why would a seller do such a shit packing job on an expensive item like this. There is NO excuse for it. Don't have enough of or the right packing material? Then go get it.

Serious question folks, if you scrimped and saved and bought an upgrade combo like this, that you was looking forward to the enjoyment of putting it in and getting a much better system out of it (it's quite a step up from what I have now), and it's your only system aside from a headless server, how would you feel react if you opened the box(es) to what I did? Seriously, I know my OP is TL;DR, but take a minute and go over it if you've just skimmed the pics.
Those pictures make me cringe. I know how it feels have have your heart sink when you open up a package like that as I've had at least two terribly packed packages before that I can remember. One was a bare PSU shipped in a flat rate USPS box with no packaging at all that ended up not working and the other was a couple of desktop hard drives and one of them was bare (not even in a anti-static bag) up against the side of the box, but both are still working. Shit sucks and is why I try to avoid buying hardware on forums anymore unless I have to. I will still sell hardware, though, as at least I know I always do my best to bomb proof it with packaging.

Is it even possible for this particular type of hardware with no moving parts to have a delayed death (or whatever you want to call it) from it being potentially tossed around in a box? Would it be enough to just check all the capacitors to make sure they haven't been bent too much from something hitting them? Check the PCB to make sure there aren't any cracks? Check inside the anti-static bag to see if anything was chipped off? What exactly can go wrong with this type of hardware due to bad packaging that wouldn't be immediately obvious? I'm pretty sure that since you already have the pictures, and have been a member for so long with a good amount of heatware, that you can take the stuff out and test it without being accused of it being your fault if it doesn't work. You're not exactly a noob here.

Hopefully everything works out for you in the end.
I have emailed and PMed the seller since tuesday. No response so far.

I do not have another case nor test bed in order to test the cpu/mobo/ram combo. I will have to gut my main system for that, so after tonight or tomorrow morning if I am offline for a day or two, that's what's happening. Even if it passes initial tests, I am still really unhappy that I should have to worry about whether it's going to die in a month, and who's fault is that then if it happens?

Folks, this is why you pack decent, it avoids hassle and harsh feelings, for the seller as well. Which is why I don't understand why would a seller do such a shit packing job on an expensive item like this. There is NO excuse for it. Don't have enough of or the right packing material? Then go get it.

Serious question folks, if you scrimped and saved and bought an upgrade combo like this, that you was looking forward to the enjoyment of putting it in and getting a much better system out of it (it's quite a step up from what I have now), and it's your only system aside from a headless server, how would you feel react if you opened the box(es) to what I did? Seriously, I know my OP is TL;DR, but take a minute and go over it if you've just skimmed the pics.

You don't need a case, just yank the PSU on your rig and have at it. I always keep a spare PSU + USB stick or HDD on the ready for such instances. Hell, I've even set the setup I want to test beside my main rig and just ran the ATX power out to the new mobo so I can run tests. That way all I have to do is plug the ATX back in to my main and fire it back up when I'm done.
Original thread with picks of Mobo:

Sorry, I was on vacation. As far as the packing, I did the best with what I had at the time and thought I had enough to immobilize the entire unit. Had I thought what I did wasn't sufficient I would have gotten more packaging to keep it sturdy. It does look like some stuff did get bounced around, but this is the first time I've ever had a packing job go south on me like this. The blister packs were definitely full when I sent it out and had it immobilized. I'm not saying that to assign blame, but to assure you I was not packing up a rush job. From a packing perspective, this definitely is a learning experience from my end, as this is the first CPU/Mobo combo I sent out.

I am certainly not trying to dodge anything and offer my apologies for my tardiness. PM is incoming although I can gather from this thread what you wanted to discuss on the phone. And while I am not in any mood to get chewed out over the phone and prefer to keep this to PMs (which, now that I am aware of the issue), I am happy to help how I can.

I sincerely apologize.

Please let me know that the combo still works (I do know it did when I sent it out). If so, I'll send you something worthwhile for your trouble (much better packed than this, as well, I assure you).

Again, my apologies for my delay in responding to you.
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For reference, Original PM chain:

Re: cpu combo


Zion Halcyon said:
topcat989 said:
Zion Halcyon said:
topcat989 said:
Zion Halcyon said:
topcat989 said:
Zion Halcyon said:
topcat989 said:
Anyone? Willing to hear other offers.

Hey I'd love to buy this combo, but it's just past my budget a bit. My cash outlay limit limit is around $125 to $150 tops:(

Hey have you looked at my FS/T thread? And if so, see anything that caught your eye? Also not in the thread I will soon have available my unRAID server which is an Antec 900 case, an icydock 5x3 HDD caddy, some 500GB HDDs, and a few other things I'm digging out of storage.

Anyways please let me know if you see anything on my list you'd be interested in trading to reduce the cash outlay on my part for your combo. Not expecting a full trade, though that'd be great if you see that kind of deal with enough of my trade stuff:D

Thanks, Tom

Hey, appreciate the interest, but need the cash for a birthday gift for my wife ;)

Thank you for the interest though!

mmmm, would you be able to live with $150 shipped if you pulled 1/2 the RAM out so you could sell it separately?

I don't mean to lowball, but as I've stated I'm shy the $50 scratch to meet your asking price. I'd really like the combo so I'm open to suggestions as to how the $150 I do have in paypal can be bundled with something of mine you might like...

thx, Tom

Tell ya what. The other guy has been slacking with getting his $$ in on the combo.

If you can get me the $150 by 5pm CST today, the combo is yours. Paypal is [email protected]. Use it as a payment and not a gift - I dont mind the fee paypal takes because doing it as a payment allows me to print a UPS label from Paypal, while a gift doesn't.

Let me know.

Done. Paypal on it's way. Just please, pack better then this guy did a hard drive for me:p

Haha, no worries, that is truely awesome in its sheer awfulness.

yeah that was brutal, but at least he made right on it.

Anyways, don't suppose you could get the combo out today so I might get it by this weekend to install?:D

If not that's cool. Not "demanding", or even expecting. Just "hoping"

Actually, was just about to tell you this sucker will ship tonight - pickup is 6pm cst, so the tracking label should be active shortly thereafter. UPS : 1Z 297 WA4 ## #### ####

Didn't mention anything about city packaging there, or other than a 1 off, a history of rough ships. Shouldn't matter though - I should have had it more immobilized.

Again, let me know if the combo works, and I will definitely send you something for your trouble, very well packed this time.
Only foul on the seller i see is that he shipped it with the heat sink mounted to the motherboard. The popped airbag could have happened to anyone at anytime.

OP everything your bitching about is petty compared to the fact the heat sink was left on the board, and you hardly mentioned that.
Don't really want to get into a blame game here. Just want to know if it works, and if it does, will send a peace offerring to make things right.
I have gotten several items like that as well, I have a new stance if you pack it badly I will just return to sender without opening and ask for a full refund. I have found it not expensive to pack well it only shows a I don't care attitude and I do not want to do business with individuals like that.
I have gotten several items like that as well, I have a new stance if you pack it badly I will just return to sender without opening and ask for a full refund. I have found it not expensive to pack well it only shows a I don't care attitude and I do not want to do business with individuals like that.

Sometimes it is a lack of knowledge/brain cramp.

I can assure you if I ever do a mobo/chipset sale down the line, I'll be packing each component individually. I thought I had everything secured well enough. Evidently, I was very wrong.
Lesson Learned

But not everyone is a lazy bastard or doesn't care. In fact, I am mortified that everything ended up how it did. Hence, I want to make it right.

That said, you certainly are entitled to deal with people how you see fit, as is topcat. Merely wanted to say my peace that it isn't always as black and white as you say.
You honestly should have known better than to leave a pound of metal to be supported by the pcb/cpu socket knowing full well how these packages are handled.
You honestly should have known better than to leave a pound of metal to be supported by the pcb/cpu socket knowing full well how these packages are handled.

As I said, lesson learned. I thought I had it secured enough to not move. I agree it was a stupid mistake.
Moving forward,if you have something constructive to add, by all means do so, but Zion Halcyon has admitted his mistake and is willing to rectify it so there is no need to "chastise him" any further
The real crime is how shipping carriers treat our packages :D

Mistakes were made, lessons have been learned. He is willing help make the deal right. You really can't ask for much more. Hope all goes well going forward for both parties involved.
I bought a "used - like new" microwave oven from Amazon and it was left at my door upside down :mad:

I immediately created a return shipping label and returned the damn thing back to Amazon, although I knew it wasn't their fault.
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