Choppy HD playback on new laptop


Jun 12, 2003
I just bought a new Gateway laptop at best buy. the specs on it are. vista 64 bit. amd turion dual core 2.1 ghz. 3gb of memory. and the video card is a ATI Radeon HD3200. i seem to get alot of choppyness playing some hd videos. especially on and still some good amount of lag on hd videos. they arent choppy when i dont hit the full screen, but the moment i switch over to full screen, lag. But when i watch the HD TV shows at on full screen they run fine, also on they run good. my screen resolution is at 1280by1024. i have the rescent adobe player 10 and the most rescent updated ati drivers that are out. any clues? thankyou
Hmm, what do you have going on for bandwidth? Are you watching these shows at prime-time evening hours?

You may need to test those sites on off hours to see if it's an actual hardware problem or bandwidth issue.
thankyou for your help. a little update. i tried the websites this morning and still about the same performance. itll run fine when i view it on the small view but when i hit full screen still choppy. my bandwidth is descent. u run dsl. 6mb down and 700kp up. on speakeasy dsl test i get around 5200 down and 640 up. i just did perform one test though. i rememberd i had a wmvhd dvd. i bought one when windows came out with those dvds. i decided to run that right now to see how that would run. i turned my screen resolution to max. 1600by1200(i have my laptop hooked up to my desktop monitor via vga cable). and i set the dvd to 1080p then i watched about 10 min of it in defferent sections. on full screen. seems like it ran just fine.
Ah. ok. My fiance was complaining of the same problem but she was trying to watch hulu at 7PM at a peak time.

is it immediatly choppy or does it take like 15 seconds before it starts to lag?
right when i switch to full screen it goes choppy. even if i switch right away. ive tried playing it on mozilla and internet explorer. i have adobe flash player 10 for both of them.
bumb, everybody think its just the websites? i just find it weird how it runs fine until i switch over to full screen
What browser are you using? Have you tried other browsers? (Firefox, Chrome, IE7, IE8 beta, Opera, etc)
i have tried firefox and IE7 so far. seemed to be about the same results. have you tried IE8Beta yet? is it pretty glitchy?
It is a bug of the flash player the site is using. That happens to me too. Some sites have good normal speed even maximized, like the one they use on South park studios, and youtube. But most get choppy video when enlarged, like megavideo, and videos on pr0n sites (WHY GOD WHY!!). It also might be browser type bug.