cheap price not cheap quality question, thoughts

Oct 2, 2003
I'm sitting here with a minimally cannibalized rig that I tore parts out of for my brother in law. I used to use it as a server and had an antec 420 true power in it. Well I'm wanting to get it back running to play around with again and just want a PSU that can power the thing and won't blow it up. I'm also looking for something on the cheap side. I know, why spend money on parts if you're going to throw a crap PSU in it. the thing is this computer isn't exactly anything special and I really don't care too much. It's isolated from all of my other systems, including surge protector, and any lan lines. The specs are sckt 939 3200+ not oc'd, 2GB 2x1GB hyper x ddr400, one generic dvd drive, one WD 160GB hard drive, gigabyte el cheapo mobo, and a geforce 3 ti200 128MB vid card. Nothing to get excited over. I'm planning on using it to fold and maybe host a small 16 player server for local, in my home use occasionally when friends are over.
Now onto the power supply question. I was looking at fry's here and they have several Iw as considering sorry I don't remember all of the rails, it's easy to compare in store but not for me to remember all of them, here are the candidates, Raidmax 380W $23, raidmax hybrid 400w $30, and then my least favorite thermaltake 430W $35, but $20 AR.
If I can get by with the raidmax 380W that would be great but for 7 more to get the 400w would be ok too. suggestions?
I wouldn't suggest any of those...

xclio 500w (the new 80+ version) is prob the cheapest priced PSU I would buy. ($59 @ newegg i think)
If you like buying at Fry's, they carry Ultra products. Just watch for one of their rebate sales and snag one. They work well, and Ultra's rebates are quick.