Changing PCB Color


Jun 6, 2002
Is it possible, or more importantly safe, to change the color of the PCB on graphics/pci cards etc. with a paint pen or Sharpie? I think I remember seeing something here once where someone did that. (Then again, I DO smoke a lot of cRaCk.) If anyone knows a technique for doing so I would be much obliged, Google has let me down on this one :(. Thanks in advance;) .
Well, if you can find a non-conductive spray paint you can paint it...

If it's a lighter color you could try staining it, but that probably wouldn't go over too well.
Carefully choose products that have PCB colors that match what you are looking for. :D

Or failing that, get a jumbo black marker from office depot. I wouldn't bother trying to change a green card to red, but black goes with everything. :cool:
Just absolutely make sure that the marker or whatever you use is non-conductive...otherwise BOOM.
Originally posted by eL c0L0mb1aNo
Just absolutely make sure that the marker or whatever you use is non-conductive...otherwise BOOM.

you could always test it on a $5 nic or something.