Change screen from "Mobile PC Display" to generic, or other...


Dec 3, 2003
Ok, I am running an ASuS N56DP-DH11 with Windows 7 Pro installed. It shows is display screen as a "Mobile PC Display." I cannot change this designation.

Why is this an issue?
Websites check what screen they are displayed on. Whenever a "Mobile PC Display" is found, you get the Mobile Edition of the website.

So? What is the big deal?
Well, due to the swap from the standard size website, to the "mobile" version, I see the site in the center 1/3 strip of the monitor. The monitor's resolution is 1920x1080... So, I get these 2 huge swaths of white on the edge of the screen, as the "mobile" webpage is stuck in the center, as small as can be.
In addition, many of the "mobile" editions of the websites out there have far less info on them... Which means I am missing stuff. (Yeah, yeah, not only on the screen...)

In addition, I have the grand responsibility of aiding my Mother with tech support. Her little HP 2000 series laptop (Win 7 Home Premium) does the same thing, but is harder to read due to the native resolution of 1366x768... Which means she can't read the sites well, due to her eyesight... Using the Ctrl plus + does not work, as it pushes the "mobile" site off the right hand side of the monitor, and you cannot side scroll to read it...

So, the question is: Is there a way to force a laptop screen to be designated something other than a "Mobile PC Display?"

IF not, is there a way to trick your web browsers into thinking you are on a desktop monitor, rather than a "mobile," so you get the full size website?
At the bottom of most pages you get a "desktop view" option. I know this isn't helpful for ALL sites but its something to look in to. I bet there is a browser option hid somewhere that does this same thing.
Yeah, sadly, few sites have the option... I, too, think there should be a setting somewhere - to force the browser into displaying the standard site...
Nope. Drivers are good. They get designated as a "Mobile PC Display." Reinstalled the drivers to be sure...

(EDIT) Just updated to the newest AMD Drivers available... No effect on the display - it is still designated a "Mobile PC Display."
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Sites display content based on the user-agent string presented by a browser, mobile browsers and desktop browsers supply different strings, and AFAIK none of them rely on the name or 'type' of display a has installed on their device.

There is most likely something else screwy going on with your browser settings that is causing this.
Hmm, as I recall, the browser checks the screen type and reports it.

I also believe there is a work around, but have not found it. What settings change this, or can fix it?

IE (used just to test this issue) firefox, and palemoon seem to react the same way, pointing to either a universal setting, or to a universal "reporting" of what they are being displayed on.
Ok, attempting to find a fix via Mozilla's support page. So far all they have offered is settings and addons which expand, or stretch, the mobile webpage. Does not get you the full size webpage.

Still hunting for a fix... :/
Website detection of mobile/desktop has nothing to do with this. Check your scaling, zoom and font size settings. If you have a 1080p display, but are using 200% scaling, for instance, you will often be shown the mobile site because of the effective window width.

Some screenshots of what you are seeing vs. what you expect to see would help in diagnosing the root issue.
Website detection of mobile/desktop has nothing to do with this. Check your scaling, zoom and font size settings. If you have a 1080p display, but are using 200% scaling, for instance, you will often be shown the mobile site because of the effective window width.

Some screenshots of what you are seeing vs. what you expect to see would help in diagnosing the root issue.
^ this

There isn't any property being transmitted by the browser to give the Windows string name of a display device.

I'd mostly suspect that some extension is doing something goofy that some poor mobile detection js is using to wrongly identify the client if it's not related to scaling.