CES and Motherboards!


Dick with a heart of gold
Oct 22, 2003

I have to say I'm a fanboy of AMD but after seeing this barebones from FIC, I fell in love with it. I'm glad it doesn't won't come out for another four months or so that way I can save the dough to get a system together. Gee I wonder how it will OC? On the AMD side the nforce3 250s are being shown and they look great too! That new LanParty looks rather yummy! I found that part about the Socket 940 rather interesting, sounds like the 754 has a longer life span then first though. ;)
Damn I want a nForce3 250 now too! Damn you FIC!!:)

With nForce3 250 capable of 1GHz HT, how long will it be before enthusiasts find ways to unlock this capability on Socket 754? Is history repeating itself? (Think nForce2/nForce2 Ultra/400).
Works for me... Most impressive, but I'd like to see the temp specs for the SFF. If they can pull off a moderately-cheap, overclockable, 25dB SFF at ~45C, they will pull some market share indeed. Good times, good times... my father is at CES right now, doing work for a high-end audio company named Wisdom Audio. If you are in the area, you really should check them out as they sound incredible. For you bass freaks out there, imagine 6 ultra-high-end 12" woofers stacked on top of eachother... that's what a single one of the two bass units is. Anyway, sorry the rambling...

The answer is almost surely yes to all three of those. These allowed the nForce2 chipset to do very well, and I don't see any reason why mobo makers would want to lose sales.

Usually around four months or so, these trade shows are mostly to show off really cool products so we as consumers can plan on getting some of those toys