Catalyst 5.13 Discussion

I too would like to know where i can get the control panel. CCC is horrid.

I am unimpressed with ATI lately. They have only just now added the WoW BWL VPU issue to the release notes in 5.13, and they now remove the control panel from the drivers page! My next card will be nvidia.
I don't understand why everyone has such a prejudice against CCC.

It usues 15 MB of memory MAX, you can shut it down from your system tray if you don't like it running, and you can control all the features of your ATI card if you have a newer GPU. The CP will no longer be available. It's old news to ATI at this point. Another way to spead CCC up is to change the theme to the system theme. The only argument against I can think of is the .net framework but it doesn't bother me at all and my PC has never been exploited through it. I agree that a few months ago, CCC was a pile of smokey shit, but with the last 2 months, ATI has improved it's stability greatly.
Possibly because not everyone likes fancy GUI that takes a time to load up everytime you want to change graphics settings..

That's just me, I don't have desktop icons and when I start my computer, NOTHING loads up except explorer for some basic Window manager.

I don't like extra stuff where I don't need it.
Two questions please.

1) Will 5.13's CCC work with .NET 2.0? I have XP64 and .NET 2.0 installed. Is that a problem?

2) Will there be a non CCC version available assuming the answer to #1 is no?
Thanks Borgschulze if that is OK I'll do it. Do you know if this version of the CCC works with .NET 2.0 though? To be honest I kind of wouldn't mind giving the 'ole CCC a twirl. ;)
Borgschulze said:
Possibly because not everyone likes fancy GUI that takes a time to load up everytime you want to change graphics settings..

That's just me, I don't have desktop icons and when I start my computer, NOTHING loads up except explorer for some basic Window manager.

I don't like extra stuff where I don't need it.

That was problem with me too but after I disabled the theme and changed it to "Standard" and disabled the 3D preview, it loaded in about 3 seconds.

Two questions please.

1) Will 5.13's CCC work with .NET 2.0? I have XP64 and .NET 2.0 installed. Is that a problem?

2) Will there be a non CCC version available assuming the answer to #1 is no?

1. When I reformatted, I tried just putting 2.0 on there and not 1.1 ATI CCC loaded up but I couldn't open the app to change my settings. So I went back to Windows Update and put 1.1 showed up and I installed it, works fine now. 1.1 should be available to you 64 users, I'm surprised it's not. Try looking in the updates you may have hidden, it could be lurking around in there.

As long as you have 1.1 installed, then 2.0 shouldn't be a problem.
2. No
Here is my thoughts on CCC:

Why do I need to have a special program to control the driver options when the control panel done a fine job and has been for many years.
Deviationer said:
Here is my thoughts on CCC:

Why do I need to have a special program to control the driver options when the control panel done a fine job and has been for many years.
I love you.
OK so CCC still doesn't work with .NET 2.0 installed *unless* you have 1.1 installed alongside it? That's a hokey solution. I think I'll just stick with the regular CP if that's the case. Sheesh.
Riptide_NVN said:
OK so CCC still doesn't work with .NET 2.0 installed *unless* you have 1.1 installed alongside it? That's a hokey solution. I think I'll just stick with the regular CP if that's the case. Sheesh.

As long as 1.1 is installed, it will work. You technically don't need 2.0, just 1.1
Thanks. What I meant by hokey is that typically one wants to shy away from having two different versions of the same software installed at the same time on the same PC. Having .NET 2.0 *and* 1.1 on there at the same time just seems - silly. And maybe asking for trouble down the road. Maybe, maybe not, I just don't like doing things that way. :)
.NET 2.0 and 1.1 are completely independent of each other and have no problems running both at the same time.
I was just looking at the release notes for 5.12 and 5.13, now i'm wondering what is the difference between the 2?
I just install the Drivers and use Ati Tray Tools, easy access, more tweaks, less memory problem
ComputerBox34 said:

I like how you added the phrase to your sig :D

It's just madness how some people go on. When Vista coems out the control panel (yes that includes nvidia) will need to use a .net framework so why not get it over with now? It's hardly what I'd call a resource hog either.
I have XP64. I looked at my update history in windowsupdate and I don't see .NET 1.1 listed, only 2.0. I thought XP64 came w/.NET 1.1? If it did then it seems like the 2.0 update removed it from my machine.
Thanks for the Tray tools recomendation Sniviler! It's looks pretty good, I'll give it a try in a bit.

I don't care if the CCC doesn't use much resources, it's not something i use everyday and so I don't think I should have to have it using any memory really. I also think it's ugly ;)
I'm sure there is a way to change the skin, but I'm still going to avoid it for as long as possible.
alexik01 said:
Thanks for the Tray tools recomendation Sniviler! It's looks pretty good, I'll give it a try in a bit.

I don't care if the CCC doesn't use much resources, it's not something i use everyday and so I don't think I should have to have it using any memory really. I also think it's ugly ;)
I'm sure there is a way to change the skin, but I'm still going to avoid it for as long as possible.
Yeah Im going to try tray tools as well. I never use the CCC either so, it is a waste of resources.
Well I installed 5.13 w/CCC and it fails. I get a splash screen when it tries to open and then nothing. I end task twice on CLI.EXE*32 and it still won't start up. Tried reinstalling, no help.

I have no idea if I have .NET 1.1 installed along with 2.0. I know 2.0 is on there for sure. Maybe 1.1 is not installed at all and that's why it's freaking out on me.

In any case I'm going to try the Tray Tools now. Only thing I worry about is that I have an X1800XT and I'm not sure it will work right with this program. Guess I'll find out.

Sweet! :rolleyes:

I install the latest tray tools and the gamma adjustments don't do anything at all. So that program apparently won't work for me. Weeeeeee....

Looks like I'm going to have to revert back to 5.12. The only thing I haven't tried yet is to install the 5.12 legacy CP w/this 5.13 driver installed.
since no one else did, I did some benchmarks...

I got a .5 FPS increase in quake4.... watch out these new drivers are INCREDIBLE..... wheres that sarcasm tag?

Btw, I'm running a x850XT so that might be why no big increase
Well I just downloaded the Cat 5.13s with CCC and it runs great so far. I ran Half-life 2, Doom3, Quake4, Farcry, Call of Duty 2 and Battlefield 2 and they all run smoothly with no problems can't really tell that much of a performance increase from the 5.12s though i did run CS benchmark and gained about 15fps...well maybe a little :) Image quality seems about the same too.

I was wondering im somewhat new with CCC and I would like to know what under 3D then All Settings...

1. What is Catalyst A.I and should I have that Enabled or Disabled?

2. Under 3D then API Specific where you have both Direct 3d, and Open GL settings. Under Direct 3d should I have all checked?
a. enable geometry instancing
b. Support DXT texture formats
c. alternate pixel center

And OpenGL settings
a. tripple buffering
b. force 24bit z-buffer depth

What should be checked (enabled) and what should not? My system specs is in my Sig.
Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz HT
Biostar P4TSV 800MHz FSB 865G/ICH5 Chipsest
2gigs PC3200 DDR400 4 x 512 Corsair XMS TwinX Dual Channel Memory 2-3-2 (2048mb)
120Gig 7200rpm ATA-133
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Ati Radeon X800 XT 256MB (537/1166) Cat 5.13s
Windows XP Home SP2

Heres my specs if you have sigs off.
Why is it every freakin time a new set of cats is released in the last couple of months the discussion ends up being about the fukin CCC,CP and .NET . Then I have to dig through this shit to look for performance #'s.

How can you guys argue about the same fukin thing every month for the last 2 months or so????? WTF????

Sorry, I like to get to the point.
So will owners of non-x1xxx cards see any benefits from the new features?
Here's a little something I figured out, for those of you having problems with getting CCC to run try using the program compatibility wizard. BTW i'm running Windows Xp Pro 64 Edition.
Mikey20 said:
1. What is Catalyst A.I and should I have that Enabled or Disabled?
Enable it and set it to standard
Mikey20 said:
2. Under 3D then API Specific where you have both Direct 3d, and Open GL settings. Under Direct 3d should I have all checked?
a. enable geometry instancing
b. Support DXT texture formats
c. alternate pixel center
Enable DXT support and geometry instancing
Mikey20 said:
And OpenGL settings
a. tripple buffering
b. force 24bit z-buffer depth
Enable foirce 24-bit z-buffer depth, you can also enable triple buffering if you use v-sync in OGL games
Well this was so much fun.

5.13 w/CCC installs fine but hangs at splash screen. Reinstall didn't fix it.

Removed CCC. Downloaded Tray Tools. That program fails to work right, gamma adjustments don't do anything, so off it goes.

Next I tried like hell to find the X64 regular CP version of 5.12 so I can load the CP from it. Finally find it after half an hour of searching and the CP refuses to load because 5.13 is installed and it wants to be paired w/5.12. Wunderbar.

So now I say to hell with it. I remove .NET 2.0 from add/remove and reload CCC. CCC refuses to launch, producing an error when it starts. So I dig around and find .NET 1.1 and 1.1sp1 installers. Load them both and *finally* CCC works for me.

You know... Things just shouldn't be that much of a PITA.

Going with XP64 was a huge mistake. I wish I had bought the 32bit license now.
Riptide_NVN said:
Well this was so much fun.

5.13 w/CCC installs fine but hangs at splash screen. Reinstall didn't fix it.

Removed CCC. Downloaded Tray Tools. That program fails to work right, gamma adjustments don't do anything, so off it goes.

Next I tried like hell to find the X64 regular CP version of 5.12 so I can load the CP from it. Finally find it after half an hour of searching and the CP refuses to load because 5.13 is installed and it wants to be paired w/5.12. Wunderbar.

So now I say to hell with it. I remove .NET 2.0 from add/remove and reload CCC. CCC refuses to launch, producing an error when it starts. So I dig around and find .NET 1.1 and 1.1sp1 installers. Load them both and *finally* CCC works for me.

You know... Things just shouldn't be that much of a PITA.

Going with XP64 was a huge mistake. I wish I had bought the 32bit license now.

Don't worry pal, .net 2.0 support next version...

When asked about .net 2.0 on Beyond3D, this is what Terry had to say:

No youre right, its a silly mistake on our end. Cat 6.1 will address it.

for now the workaround is install 1.1 first and then 2.0 on top of it

(me hides in shame)

He also said it is being fully recoded for 2.0 too. Of course we still need to wait a few weeks for Cat 6.1.
Cool glad to see that they're concerned about it then. I still wish I had not gone with XP64 though. My money would've been better put into a 32bit license. Just to many little hassles and idiosyncracies with XP64 and the support it receives (or rather doesn't) from software companies.
Anyone play Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones with these drivers? It seems to be very jerky for me. It's kind of weird.. it's like the game is in fast forward but it's still jerky.