Catalyst 11.8 Released

Improves performance up to 30% when AMD’s Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA) is enabled through the
Catalyst™ Control Center on the AMD Radeon™ HD 6000 and AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 Series

thats quite a jump...
Wonder how my newly acquired 6970 will like these.
Sounds like they are getting ready for bulldozer systems with integrating all the CPU/GPU OCing and monitoring stuff etc. into a single program. Could be pretty darn spiffy.
I can safely say I am getting way better framerate in Blackops with super sampling AA and 8x. (Multiplayer)

I use to dip in the 40's, now I get a good 70-80fps.

Good increase if you ask me
I don't see anything on the release notes that mention AMD HD3D support over DisplayPort monitors like there was in the 11.8 preview. Was this an oversight?
Cysis 2 Running under DirectX 11 mode is running much faster in my 6970 Tri-Fire Setup. The game still doesnt look great LOL!
^ That's a far cry from the 20-30% being claimed, and our experiences with 11.8 Preview were not so good as well. However, we are working on getting 11.8 WHQL tested in MLAA to find out what the real-deal is.
Cysis 2 Running under DirectX 11 mode is running much faster in my 6970 Tri-Fire Setup. The game still doesnt look great LOL!

It looks good on Ultra!!! Of course it still doesnt look as good as Crysis 1.
They should have built this game from scratch for the PC and then ported it to shit ass consoles.

Anyways we'll save this topic for another day.

Im downloading the drivers as well right now and am going to test Crysis 2 DX11 on my Trifire 6990+70 rig.
Neat thing about using the CPU Overdrive is that it performs a multiplier overclock for you so you don't have to fiddle with FSB OCing, but still allows Cool N Quiet to work and reduce the clock and voltage on idle. Not sure if that capability was there before, though.

I verified this by watching CPU-Z at idle and while Prime95 was running.
These drivers are great. Playing WOW on Ultra settings with 4x AA and I was getting around 77fps but now with these drivers I am getting around 100fps.

For me this is the biggest performance boost I have ever seen in a driver update.
11.8 jacked up the HUD on dirt3 for me. I run eyefinity and the on-screen tach/gear indicator used to reside on my center screen where it was most helpful. Now? all the way to the right on my right side screen, dang.
11.8 jacked up the HUD on dirt3 for me. I run eyefinity and the on-screen tach/gear indicator used to reside on my center screen where it was most helpful. Now? all the way to the right on my right side screen, dang.
That's not a driver issue... you set the wrong desktop resolution.

Set your desktop to a known triple-monitor resolution (5040x1050, 5760x1200, etc) before starting the game. The HUD will be centered. (Edit: Nevermind, looks like even THAT trick has stopped working in Catalyst 11.8)
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Interesting, a driver release that's not accompanied with a sense of dread out the gate. Have temps been affected at all? How's the overall strain put on the hardware pre to post update?

I'm pleased, but a skeptic. Plus, would love to see oc results.

Can't wait for the results of the H investigation.
11.8 jacked up the HUD on dirt3 for me. I run eyefinity and the on-screen tach/gear indicator used to reside on my center screen where it was most helpful. Now? all the way to the right on my right side screen, dang.
Ok, I spent some time troubleshooting, and I've figured out WTF is going on. It's not the driver, it's the Steam overlay screwing with DiRT 3's resolution detection.

Right click DiRT 3 in Steam > Properties > Uncheck "Enable Steam Community In-Game"

The HUD will start centering itself again, even with bezel correction. :D
Ok I'll try that but I didn't have any issues with/without bezel compensation in 11.7 or older.
^ That's a far cry from the 20-30% being claimed, and our experiences with 11.8 Preview were not so good as well. However, we are working on getting 11.8 WHQL tested in MLAA to find out what the real-deal is.

Would be great if it's true. The performance hit and input lag it gives me at 5760x1200 with older drivers is pretty huge.
Battlefield – Bad Company 2 may randomly hang after a period of game play.

This is the main game I play...definitely not upgrading to these. Still on 11.6 actually, they work perfectly in every game and I'm scared to upgrade. :p
Surprisingly enough they managed not to break anything this time around... didn't really fix anything though (one day I will have eyefinity vsync... one day).
This is the main game I play...definitely not upgrading to these. Still on 11.6 actually, they work perfectly in every game and I'm scared to upgrade. :p

May my arse. I installed the 11.8 and new CAP and have not been able to keep BC2 up and running for more than 30 seconds. Need to hard reboot after hang also. :mad: back to 11.6 for me as well.
11.7 works for me in BC2. I get freezes if I'm running afterburner at the same time though.
It's xfire that gets hosed. I pull one of my 6950's and go to a single card and the 11.8 and new CAP work fine. Which has been the same with every driver release that is buggy on my rig. Single card(either one)... runs fine. Tos the second back in for Xfire = studderin' & crashing POS. Sooo pissed. I'm seriously thinking about selling my second 6950. :mad:
Looks like AMD is finally getting a handle on these shit drivers. Youre not seeing thread after thread of complaints after each release. Glad to hear it.
Just took the plunge on 11.8 (was on old drivers, like 11.3). Only issue is that presets (I assume this used to be the "Profiles"?) don't work worth a damn for me, so I can't toggle between Eyefinity and Extended mode. I did the usual procedure (uninstall, reboot, clean drivers, reboot, install).

I really wish AMD would figure this crap out, Eyefinity has been out for a very long time and they still don't have a reliable way to swap in and out of it.

*edit* Found a fix/work-around ..

When in CCC in the advanded view, the only settings that will be saved in a preset are the settings on whatever tab/page you have open at the time of saving. If you want to save a profile holding all the settings you currently have, the way to do it is: set everything up as you want it, switch to the standard view then save the preset. After that the preset will save and apply all the settings. And naturally after saving you can switch back to the advanded view. source

Funny thing though, this is from 11.5. So three revisions later and they still haven't addressed this bug.
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It's xfire that gets hosed. I pull one of my 6950's and go to a single card and the 11.8 and new CAP work fine. Which has been the same with every driver release that is buggy on my rig. Single card(either one)... runs fine. Tos the second back in for Xfire = studderin' & crashing POS. Sooo pissed. I'm seriously thinking about selling my second 6950. :mad:

Just stick with 11.6. I'm using xfire as well, and everything runs perfectly fine with reason to change, screw 20% better MLAA, it looks weird as hell in BC2 anyway.
I just found out with the 11.8s COD Black Ops has some major Flickering in Tri-Fire, It works with 1 or 2 cards for me just not 3. No major biggie since i dont play it much but annoying nontheless
i had to uninstall net framework 4 in order to make 11.8 not causing random bsod.
after that i reinstalled nf4 and everything is fine now:D:D
It's xfire that gets hosed. I pull one of my 6950's and go to a single card and the 11.8 and new CAP work fine. Which has been the same with every driver release that is buggy on my rig. Single card(either one)... runs fine. Tos the second back in for Xfire = studderin' & crashing POS. Sooo pissed. I'm seriously thinking about selling my second 6950. :mad:

Try staying on the whql release of the driver and not the just released betas. They haven't updated CAP yet for xfire on the very newest beta drivers. 11.7 with CAP works great in xfire. I'm sure 11.8 will as well once they release a new CAP.
I just updated to 11.8 on my crossfire rig last night. No problems yet and install went nice and smooth. I haven't tried BC2 yet, but I'll check back and let you all know if I have problems.
It looks good on Ultra!!! Of course it still doesnt look as good as Crysis 1.
They should have built this game from scratch for the PC and then ported it to shit ass consoles.

Anyways we'll save this topic for another day.

Im downloading the drivers as well right now and am going to test Crysis 2 DX11 on my Trifire 6990+70 rig.

I agree. PC is where Crysis 2 should have focused. I was a little upset when I looked and saw sprites in trees and extremely limited polygons on highest settings. I really was expecting more, which I felt was fair, considering the standard that was set with Crysis.
Give the latest PC Perspective podcast a listen for their opinion on tessellation in Crysis 2. It was pretty interesting. I had no idea there was that much wasted rendering going on.
Ok, I spent some time troubleshooting, and I've figured out WTF is going on. It's not the driver, it's the Steam overlay screwing with DiRT 3's resolution detection.

Right click DiRT 3 in Steam > Properties > Uncheck "Enable Steam Community In-Game"

The HUD will start centering itself again, even with bezel correction. :D

Did not work for me kind Sir. My tach is still on the right side of my right screen. Thanks for screwing me over 11.8.
Did not work for me kind Sir. My tach is still on the right side of my right screen. Thanks for screwing me over 11.8.
It's not strictly 11.8 causing the problem if I can start DiRT3 and get a centered HUD with 11.8...

Try setting your desktop resolution to something that IS NOT bezel corrected before starting DiRT3, see if that helps. 5040x1050 or 5760x1200 should work. Keep the Steam overlay disabled.