Cat 5 cable causing packet loss?


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2002
Ok, the weirdest thing happened tonight.

I have a 25 ft ethernet cable (one of those nifty "flat" cables) that connects my PC to my router. Tonight I decided to hide the cable. The router is on the other side of my room from the PC.

So I ran it under the carpet for about 3 feet, then hid it very well on the bottom of the wall by digging it in real good where the wall ends/carpet begins.

So I boot up and start getting major packet loss. I ran tracert and some online tests to verify. I've repaired the connection, tried with onboard and PCI NIC ehternet ports, and toyed around with router settings. Rebooting everything did nothing. The only thing I haven't tried is another cable (I don't have another one that long). Nothing is fixing it.

My question is this - is it possible that cable damage is the reason for the packet loss? I would think that any damage to the cable would cause the entire connection to go out. It's possible that it got cut a bit by a nail or maybe I bent it too much. I don't know, it's late and I've been trying to fix this for far too long.

I appreciate any responses.
packet loss due to damage in the cable is highly likely. you should try another cable NOT ran anywere and see if that fixes. if it dose then try hiding more carefully next time :D
My vote lies in possibly a nail, cause more often then not the carpet is tack stripped along the edge unless you glued yours down. If its not something physical well then not sure what it could be, although if problems persist get wirless across the room. If this isnt an option, carefully staple the wire to the ceiling afterwards paint it the color of your ceiling. Create a somewhat good camo effect to just blend it into the surrounding area of the ceiling. For me i just ran my cable under my house, but you said your setup is in the same room so scratch that option.
Although you could do a ethernet through power system, just plug in an ethernet connection into the wall and get a receiving/sending unit at where your computer is located.
Hope this helps
Weird, I didn't have any problems when I woke up. I'm thinking it was my cable provider. If it happens again though I'll know for sure.

And thanks so much for the information on powerline networking, that is a PERFECT solution for my apartment (no phone line and I hate wireless) :)