Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Necro bump.

Just got it, started playing and I've gotten as far as the end of Chapter 2, beating both the Colossi, err, Titans...

Kind of not liking it. Hate the pacing, don't enjoy the combat, the story seems interesting, but the rate at which they dish it out to you is off, the levels feel very empty all the time. Patrick Stewart though, goddman what a narrator.

Does it get better soon?

You have to play it more, it starts out a little slow, but the combat gets much better when you learn some combos and pick up a few more spells.

It's no Dark Souls or Demon's Souls, and tends to be a little more like Dante's Inferno instead of God of War, but as I've previously stated in this thread, I liked Dante's Inferno.

As far as the story goes, it's pretty well done from what I understand. I haven't beaten the game, but my friend did, he played at the hardest difficulty setting too. It gets pretty challenging and harder as you keep going on, but never really feels cheap either.

Anyway, keep playing, it does get better as you progress. I think the main reason it can feel a little empty is because you're not really fully powered up yet untill you gain use of a few combos and whatnot. Use your points, you don't need to save them, Castlevania gives you as many points as you need to progress. So dont' be afraid to use them!
Yes, it does get better and the story is very good as well. I need to go back through it. The ending of the game is very interesting and open ended. They could make a sequel and take it any number of ways.
Man I looooved this game.

Man I haaaated the DLC (well...pricing not worth it) Only bought one dlc..waiting for second one to drop.Awesome reboot of Castlevania storyline.
Liking it better, I'm in the Vampire Castle now, some of the Chapters are silly short, which is good because the game seems pretty long. The pacing is still terrible, and the rate at which new enemies are rolled out and mixed up totally sucks. It is in no ways anywhere near as good as the God of War series. Reminds me of the Rygar reboot a little. It's not a chore to play through though and the story is getting more interesting.

Goddamn Patrick Stewart, he's the man.
I had a good time with it. A lot of the special attacks and combos were all but useless (you'd get hit before they came out) but it was still fun.
I remember it being harder than the GoW games were.
I'd say that the game seemed unfinished (mainly related to the camera) but it turned out to be good anyway.