Can't decide between VIAK8T800 Pro and nForce3


Apr 2, 2002
I'm going to buy an Athlon64 3000+ for my next system. I'm torn between three motherboards: MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R, MSI K8N Neo, and Abit KV8 Pro.

The K8T has the onboard RAID features I need for now, but I can sacrifice the IDE RAID for a more up to date board, seeing that it came out last November.

Now the only question is, nForce or K8T800 Pro? i read the reviews on [H], and my descision to purchase basically comes down to what they say is good, thats how it's always been for me. These seem to be very good boards, but I need to know what people don't like about them. I want to know what kind of Bugs they have.

I'm not looking to Overclock...yet. When I get it, i just want to have a nice, stable, fast PC. I've already bought the 6800GT, I plan on getting 2x512MBs of Mushkin DDR400 2-2-2 next week to see how much farther my current system will go....So i'm pretty much set in terms of a nice semi-up to date Gaming rig...I just need to decide on a motherboard...

Help point me in the right direction!
I have a K8T NEO FSR and it seems like a great board plus my experience would be similiar to yours because I have a 3000+ and a GT. It was cheap and has no problems that I can see in the first 2 weeks of use. Also I can overclock my 3000+ to 2300mhz and my GT to 419/1115 and run completely stable. One suggestion though get the crucial ballistix because it can run low timmings at higher speed incase you do decide to overclock. If you are intent on overclocking however it would make more sence to go with nforce 3. My rig is stable at high speed because I tested all my components at high PCI bus speeds many different configurations would not work well with the same overclock I have.
Well if your gonna have a nvidia card i would go nfocre just because i think it might run better but i could be wrong. Either or is Good . MSI has some awesome boards atm you might look into and got many praises from here and other websights.

Gluck in yer decision and dont think too hard they should all work ok. :p

MLF, what is your highest 3DMark2003 Score? I'm running just shy of 11000 now so it'd be nice to know what the difference in scores are.