Canadian Sager Reseller?


Limp Gawd
Apr 1, 2003
Hey guys.. I've been looking into Sagers.. and I've searched google and asked people but I can only find american resellers.

Does anyone know of a canadian store that sells Sagers? (lets me configure as well.. hopefully, if not well still link me)


Well, also.. I am willing to spend about 1000$ US (preferred) to 1500$ US on a laptop .. anyone have any good recommendations? I want to use photoshop and other adobe products.. and I want wireless net, etc. I dont think I'll be playing games, but I would like to occasionally.. so I was looking into at least getting a 64mb radeon or somethign on the notebook...

Thanks for hearing me out :)
Honestly, your best bet would be to order from a company such as PCTorque or -- Eurocomm charges a LOT more compared to those vendors.

(I know that Eurocomm is Canadian, but you would save quite a bit of money shipping from the US). As mentioned by a rep from PCTorque on however, definately go for the air shipment -- you'll save on the blasted UPS brokerage fees that way.