Can someone make me a short avi of this logo?


Feb 28, 2001
I am deployed and I need a short clip of this logo spining 180 degrees, so that if I loop it it would look like its spinning..(maype add a little thickness to it so it looks like its mounted on metal plate or something... black background )

If I could get 640x480 at 30FPS that would be awesome...avi raw or divx is fine, as long is it can go through email...PM me for the email address...


Someone outtga do it for the fella..he deserves it.. i cant do it myself cause i dont have a 3d program with me at the moment..but to expedite the process heres the logo with a transparent background :

I could get it done but it is waaaay to much work for doing it out of the kindness of my heart. Sorry :(
Destonomos said:
I could get it done but it is waaaay to much work for doing it out of the kindness of my heart. Sorry :(
Then why even post anything?

Anyway, I made a full 3d version of your logo.

If someone has 3dsmax, they can download the file and animate it for you in a snap (I don't really have any animation programs, sorry.)
The 3ds file is here.
Like I said, anyone with 3dstudiomax can grab this and make a 30 frame avi in a few minutes.
(The 3ds file is also higher poly count than the crappy render above. It has thickness, as well.)
I know somebody who owns 3DS; I'll talk to him and see if I can convince him to do it.

Edit: just after I posted this, I remembered about gmax, the free version of 3DS. Does gmax have animation features?
NickN said:
I know somebody who owns 3DS; I'll talk to him and see if I can convince him to do it.

Edit: just after I posted this, I remembered about gmax, the free version of 3DS. Does gmax have animation features?

Sweet d extrude, I like it. I am using Adobe Premiere Pro right now, and am using its 3d render effect as a place holder, (there is no thickness to it) if I can get that avi..
I think the above was meant for me.
It's not an extrude. I just built it from scratch. You can't extrude and get very clean lines from a pixeled drawing. If no one does it for you soon, I'll do it. I just have to drag and drop the bitmap frames one by one into a video editing program. I've done it before, its just a pain in the ass. (download one of my previous 360 shots here.
I'll get it done on Max 6 when I get home from work, assuming I remember to do it.

Edit: Working on it now in Max 6 -- excellent job to the modeller, honestly. Excellent.

Edit 2: I hope it's alright with the OP if I make it a 360 spin instead of a 180 -- the plane in the middle of the emblem doesn't half-rotate well.

Edit 3: Since I am impatient and not getting any PMs back, here is the directory that I'll upload clips to. As I type this, all that's up there is a plain movie - I'll add more at the OP / other users' advice.

Edit 4: And yes, yes I know there are other directories that are open for perusal. Just don't be a douchebag.
Looks good, thespook. Any chance of putting it on a lighter background?
eno-on said:
Looks good, thespook. Any chance of putting it on a lighter background?

Aye, I would've . . . the opening post states that it should be against a "black background", though -- I PMed the OP with a few questions about what he'd like, just waiting for a response.

Think I'll render a new clip with a metallic border instead of that matte black.
I feel like the metal will look pretty crappy sans objects to reflect - would you advise throwing some random objects into the scene, or just using one of the standard reflect maps?
TheSpook said:
I feel like the metal will look pretty crappy sans objects to reflect - would you advise throwing some random objects into the scene, or just using one of the standard reflect maps?

Lights placed strategically could make it look nice,
A standard map would work fine too.
Alright - metal didn't look so good, so I toned it down a bit -- the color scheme used almost looks like clay (at least to me), so I moved from a metallic -> fired / shiny clay texture.

Once again, I'm on dial-up - the directory'll be updated in the next ten minutes or so. However, if you look at either of the new videos (once they're up), you'll notice some faint clipping errors on the plane. I'll check those out in the next run-through - also, advice on the texture'd be nice. I think it fits the general feel of the icon, but opinions are welcome :).
2nd one looks pretty spiffy.
I didn't see the clipping you were talking about, though...
Couldn't you just make an animated GIF?

And should it spin the full 360 degrees, or really only 180?
Empyrean said:
Couldn't you just make an animated GIF?

And should it spin the full 360 degrees, or really only 180?

He asked for an .AVI.

It does spin the full 360 degrees - 180 didn't work because the airplane / words (to a lesser extent) are not symmetrical about the z-axis.

As for the clipping, it's some faint near-horizontal banding, not too noticeable but . . . it's there. I'll fix it up when I spiffify the .AVI to the OP's specifications, whenever he PMs me.
Well, I know, 180 didn't make any sense.

And I don't even see why AVI is necessary.
Empyrean said:
Well, I know, 180 didn't make any sense.

And I don't even see why AVI is necessary.
Who knows? Ask him. He might ahve a good reason. Arguing the point doesn't make much sense until you ask him why he wants an avi. Not to mention, shading and dithering and reflections looks like crap as an animated gif, especially when the image is large.