Can someone change my username from EazyM3 to "D Unit"

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Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2005
Is the correct place to ask for help? I want to change my username to D Unit. Help? Thanks.
From the FAQ at the top of this forum:

(7) How do I change my username?
Usernames are not changeable unless it is to the advantage of the Administration ie: politically incorrect/trollbait/disgusting/improper usernames that somehow slipped through the filter. If you want a different name, you must have an admin close your present account and then you may re-register with the new name.

So if you want to be known as D Unit (or anything else), just PM one of the admins to close your current account, and then you can re-register for a new one.
his current handle is clearly misspelled, so instead of changing it to "easyM3" why not just change it to "D Unit"?
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