Can monitors affect graphics?

H3d Case

Limp Gawd
Jul 11, 2005
I just got a BFG 7800 GT OC and i play counter-strike source. i noticed some wierd things like graphical issues. parts of the guns dont fill out like they should. i have AA 4x and AF 8x 1024x768. my monitor's highest refresh rate is 85hz. is it because of my montior that im having these problems?

using Forceware 81.95 drivers
Quick test is to take a screenshot and post it here, so we can see if its doing the same thing on our monitor. But i'm guessing its not the monitor.
Well, if you're monitor has like a .30 dot pitch, it's definitely not going to look as good as it could.
my guess is that the old drivers for your last graphics card didn't get cleaned out properly. I'd go and uninstall the drivers, use drivercleaner, then reinstall the forceware. I believe it is highly doubtful a monitor would cause what you're describing.
ok so i used drivercleaner and cleaned all the nvidia drivers. Are you supposed to clean every driver listed?

the CAB cleaner didnt work, every time i tried it it would start then freeze on 1 second. then i would get that error "program not responding". but i did clean the nvidia drivers and reinstalled the forceware drivers and still got the same problem.

and i just realized that i was using a win200/xp forceware driver while i am using windows media center. it says the latest media center edtion version is 77.79.

i will try this and if it doesnt work i will be pissed*

i would try and download updated drivers for my motherboard but i dont know what model it is. i tried searching for drivers for my monitor-hp pavilion mx70 and got no results.

*[The problem i am having and am trying to describe is this]*

As i am moving forward on a map and look at the ground, a little distance ahead of me i can see the pixels being redrawn (not sure if thats what u call it). and if i buy a gun that has tiny little engravings near the barrel i can see the pixels like fluctuating/moving.
It's funny that you asked that question, my father in-law just bought a viewsonic 20.1 inch widescreen 8ms LCD monitor. He has complained that since using this monitor battlefield 1942 (doesnt like bf2) lags more. Is this possible?

Asking this question is like asking if the window on your house affects the view outside. It might get fingerprints on it or be smudged, but it isn't going to prevent the sun from shining or the rain to fall.

Monitors don't do jack for performance. It's just a passive viewing window into your computer. Don't believe me, try this: Run a benchmark of your choice with the monitor on and again with it off. Heck, you can unplug it and cover it with tinfoil just to be sure. The scores will be the same.

The only thing that is happening is your visual perception is off if you switch monitors and notice a "drag". Researchers since the 70's have shown that smaller monitors seem "faster" to gamers and larger screens tend to be "slower" with all other factors (refresh, screen size) being the same.
RikuS said:
It's funny that you asked that question, my father in-law just bought a viewsonic 20.1 inch widescreen 8ms LCD monitor. He has complained that since using this monitor battlefield 1942 (doesnt like bf2) lags more. Is this possible?

Yes, an LCD will never be as "gamable" as a CRT monitor. Try telling him to turn on V-Sync and see if that improves anything. But ghosting/lag will happen on every LCD regardless of the bogus "ms" rating. Some people are just more susceptible to its effects.

As for the OP, Torgo is exactly right. A monitor most likely isn't the cause to bad pixel filling and draw-ins and stuff like that. It is extremely likely that this is a driver issue or a video card issue. Something is screwing up in the software here. You can verify this by temporarily plugging in your old screen or someone else's screen.
If you use Windows media center you have to use the old (77.99) driver.
I don't think the new ones are compatable. But I may be wrong.
Anyone else notice that he has a 7800GT but his setting is 1024x768 @85hz? Try using 1152x864 @75hz, 2xAA 4xAF.

Yes your monitor does affect your graphics, if you get a nicer one, you will be in a whole new world.
Monitors will affect what you see, but they don't affect the actual graphical performance of the computer/video card. However your screen resoloution does affect performance, its easyer to fill less pixels. Running at 800x600 your only filling 480,000 pixels where as if its run at 1600x1200 your filling 1,920,000 pixels, thats a big differance and that will drop frame rate, your video card cannot move on to the next frame until its finished filling current frame.

From what little you have discribed it sounds like either a driver issue or something glitching in the game itself.
H3d Case said:
I just got a BFG 7800 GT OC and i play counter-strike source. i noticed some wierd things like graphical issues. parts of the guns dont fill out like they should. i have AA 4x and AF 8x 1024x768. my monitor's highest refresh rate is 85hz. is it because of my montior that im having these problems?

using Forceware 81.95 drivers

i noticed that too, especially when changing lighting it would like flip right over to like another shade. it was funny.

i thought it was directx9, so i reinstalled that at first, then vid drivers w/ cleaner first. but its just the game i guess, i really havent noticed it now, but really noticed when i moved to a 24" from a 15" and from 1024x768 to 1920x1200 lol.
i've done everything :( . still messed up.

i looked in the console in CS:S and i did find this error:

Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Initializing renderer...
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: de_dust/groundsand_blend). Support for this will go away soon.

^^^^^ I have no idea what that means!!!!!!!! but it does describe what im seeing.
I reinstalled steam, HL2, and CS:S twice today and still the same affect.

ok can someone give me a link to the exact driver i would need? here is my specs:

*Windows XP Media Center Edition
Service Pack 2

*AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3500+
984 MHz, 1.00 GB of RAM

*HP pavilion mx70 monitor
BFG GeForce 7800 GT OC 256MB

*[Also i dont know what this means but when i start HL2 i cant see the intro valve video but i can hear it.]*
Its glitch in the game.

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: de_dust/groundsand_blend). Support for this will go away soon.

The WorldTwoTextureBlend is a shader that blends 2 textures together via alpha channel or maybe in this case via displacement map. It looks one of the devs messed something up somewhere. This glitch however shouldn't cause huge issuse, otherwise it wouldn't have made it though testing.

Edit -- and please please please post a screen shot of the visual glitches.
ok heres a pic.

look to the left side. at the end of the rail look down at the wood. see how its texture sorta curves. if i move forward that texture glitch would move forward as well. well thats basically it. also when on the gravel its about the same thing except the gravel is clear around you, but when you walk forward you can see the texture going from blurry to clear-which the range is about how far it is in that pic^.

I dont know if this affects anything but i just now thought of it. my computer came with the ATI Xpress 200 series(which is onboard graphics). and i did uninstall the drivers. Should i maybe edit something in the BIOS?

my f***ing motherboard chipset is ATI Radeon Xpress 200

what the F*** am i supposed to do now!!!!!!?
H3d Case said:

I dont know if this affects anything but i just now thought of it. my computer came with the ATI Xpress 200 series(which is onboard graphics). and i did uninstall the drivers. Should i maybe edit something in the BIOS?

For this, go to your hardware profile, and go to the display adapter roll out and right click on your ATI xpress 200 and disable. That should be enough.

As for your "glitch”, what your seeing is just an illusion from the repetitive horizontal intervals. When horizontal lines start getting to close together they start looking funky which is what you’re seeing. There’s nothing wrong.
GrandGod said:
If you use Windows media center you have to use the old (77.99) driver.
I don't think the new ones are compatable. But I may be wrong.

I have Media Center 2005 and am using the 81.95 drivers with no problems. The release notes say that MCE is supported so you should not have any problems as far as that is concerned.
Hahah I'm so glad I'm not picky about graphics, otherwise I would probably go insane.