Can LCD Backlight Clouding Improve Over Time?


Aug 30, 2008
Hey guys. Some of you might remember my "frustration thread" over four LCDs I've bought this past month and all the troubles.

The most recent was a 22" Samsung 2220WM HAS from

Got it three days ago and when I first hooked it up it had extreme backlight clouding and bleeding. The colors were washed out and images (particular the sky in games) looked uneven and terrible because of the clouding. Was sure I would send it back early next week, so I kept it plugged in and was using it. I noticed after gaming for two days the screen was getting darker (the "no screensaver" mode when I left it idle for a few minutes).
The gross variances in shades of the sky were pretty much gone too. Last night while it was warm I took a damp optical cleaning cloth and gently massaged the screen all over (like buffing the wax off a car) and this morning its much improved as far as bleeding and clouding goes. Just a little bleeding around bottom and side edges (and its pretty faint now). I'm about ready to keep it now.

My question to you monitor gurus is, can these screen imperfections (or defects) improve with use? There are no dead or stuck pixels and the image quality is greatly improved from Wednesday when I first fired it up. Just feel like quitting while I'm ahead!
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Yes, backlight bleeding can improve, and if it does, it happens within the first week of use. This doesn't always happen though, so consider it a blessing. Anything that stays beyond the first week is probably permanent.
Thanks. Amazon gives me 30 days to mull it over so I have plenty of time to test it. Only thing missing on this one is a "fit to aspect ratio" feature to keep games that don't support widescreen from looking stretched.

Edit: Just discovered the Nvidia Control Panel has an aspect adjustment feature. Yay Nvidia! :)
Was sure I would send it back early next week, so I kept it plugged in and was using it. I noticed after gaming for two days the screen was getting darker (the "no screensaver" mode when I left it idle for a few minutes).
The gross variances in shades of the sky were pretty much gone too. Last night while it was warm I took a damp optical cleaning cloth and gently massaged the screen all over (like buffing the wax off a car) and this morning its much improved as far as bleeding and clouding goes. Just a little bleeding around bottom and side edges (and its pretty faint now).
Sounds exactly like some of these different types of "defects":

Edit: Just discovered the Nvidia Control Panel has an aspect adjustment feature. Yay Nvidia! :)
And it probably does scaling with smaller lag than display.