Can i use this ram together?


Sep 19, 2002
I have a Asrock 939 Dual sata 2 mobo
and 2x512 megs of OCZ EL DDR PC-4000 Gold Revision 2

and i have the option of adding another gig of memory cheap.
these sticks...
OCZ EL DDR PC-4800 Dual Channel Platinum

Can these all work together happily?
if i understand correctly, the faster pc-4800 ram will be slowed down to the pc 4000 speed, but that's ok with me, i just need 2 gigs of ram

i can have 2 dual channels (4 sticks) work right?

It will work....but in 2T mode.... Which isnt good. Go head and do it, itll be fine, just better to pay the $150 and get a 2x1GB Kit.
Can you please explain what 2T mode is?

i take it, its a mode that runs slower than normal? which only occurs when all 4 banks of ram are loaded?
Sort of like...bad dual channel? when all 4 DIMMs are filled. I really dont know how to explain it. It however, will not be as good as 2x1gb. It wont be a HUGE performance loss, you'll be fine.
yup, its running at 238 mhz right now i believe. I believe i need some more voltage to get it going higher gotta do the volt mod for my board. Can't quite make it fully into windows at 240mhz

asrock dual sata 939
amd x2 3800+ running at 3.38 ghz
2x512 OCZ EL DDR PC-4000 Gold Revision 2 (500mhz)
have you tried dropping the cpu multi to 9x and keep upping the htt to see how high you can get the ram before either it tops out or the cpu tops out?

also.. keep in mind you're gonna have fun getting significantly over 200mhz with 4 sticks in.
I thought the multiplier was locked for amd x2 chipps? i could be wrong, this is the first AMD chip i've owned.
no, you can put it lower than stock. just don't use the 1/2 multi's if you're trying to keep the ram 1:1