Can i run Hyper-V with an AMD Phenom X4 9950 Agena


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2002
If i install window server 2008 on my system with an AMD Phenom X4 9950 Agena will i be able to install and use Hyper-V and all the virtualization stuff?

It says that this processor has "Virtualization Technology Support" but is that the correct support you need? also does the motherboard need to support it?

I remember i was going to try out server 2008 and Hyper-V but then i had this problem.

Also can you use Hyper-V in Server 2008 standard or is it only enterprise?
I was able to run Hyper-V on my quad xeon laptop at my last job without any issue. If your proc supports virtualization tech, it _should_ be good to go.

But I believe that Hyper-V is only with the 64-bit version of Windows 2008. I was using Windows 2008 Standard 64-bit and was able to make use of Hyper-V.

If i install window server 2008 on my system with an AMD Phenom X4 9950 Agena will i be able to install and use Hyper-V and all the virtualization stuff?

It says that this processor has "Virtualization Technology Support" but is that the correct support you need? also does the motherboard need to support it?

I remember i was going to try out server 2008 and Hyper-V but then i had this problem.

Also can you use Hyper-V in Server 2008 standard or is it only enterprise?
You shouldn't have any problems. Just make sure you install the 64-bit version as noted above. Hyper-V is included in Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter unless the copy specifically says 'without Hyper-V' in the title.