Call Of Juarez: Bound in Blood Released


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2005
There were some people interested in this title in the "Games you are looking forward to" thread so I decided to just throw this up real quick.

go gamer has an import version for 31 and some change if you don't want to pay the 44. I don't know the difference except I noticed "online" on the US and not the import version box.


remove the "*".

Why does the board not allow a link to a e-tailers site?

I'll wait till the 2nd opf july on steam.

Dissapointing though that there is no dx10 option, made the last one look and play so much better.
Hmm, at least I think there is no dx10 option, checking steam it says there is but I thought I read an interview saying it was not worth it.
Why does the board not allow a link to a e-tailers site?
There's been drama with that site.

Maybe I should finally open and play the first game. It's been on the shelf with another dozen games I haven't started yet. :(
You deserve to be beaten for not playing it. True it is exceptionally linear but the gfx are good, it features nice gameplay additions and the voice acting is above par.
this is relevant to my interests :D

Maybe I should finally open and play the first game. It's been on the shelf with another dozen games I haven't started yet. :(

oh yeah, i have the same problem, there are lots of games that i've bought but never got the time to actually play them :(
I had it on the shelf too last year, I installed it and beat it in one sit through (~10 hrs I believe). I've never done that before, and I don't foresee myself doing it again. The game was exceptional imo.
No doubt about it. If you have this game and haven't played it yet... you've wasted all that extra nostalgia I had when I thought I had discovered the unsung game of the year.(This was right after I got done playing GUN... good string of westerns there). Gameplay slows down for a bit too long at some points, but you really get rewarded for being patient. Just an all-around good story. Voice-acting is above average for sure. Landscapes in some areas are breathtakingly sharp and robust. It's hard to explain, but this is the pinnacle of Direct x9.0c imo.
There's been drama with that site.

Maybe I should finally open and play the first game. It's been on the shelf with another dozen games I haven't started yet. :(

Ah thanks for the explanation.

You really should play the first one I was hooked for a while and it was a refreshing change.
It is a very linear shooter and feels like a typical console fps, but fun so far. I play on PC with a XBOX360 pad which is definetly harder than k+m. I play on medium difficulty but die quite a lot, maybe thats just me... The performance on PC is excellent with high framerate (40-60). Its definetly a game developed with consoles in mind.
Is there any more of the first-person platforming crap like that damned mountain from the first COJ?
I enjoyed the mountain and other parts like that.

I will be getting it just to support the company, however, can someone tell me if they retained the dx10 stuff?
Are the opponents in the draws quick or slow? Hopefully they are MUCH faster than what I saw in the Gamespot video.
I'll wait till the 2nd opf july on steam.

Dissapointing though that there is no dx10 option, made the last one look and play so much better.

It's on Steam now. No need to wait.

I mostly liked the first game but had a few mixed feelings about some of the game mechanics from that. I can't call that game "exceptional" like some others here did but overall it was "pretty good."

I wouldn't mind a demo of this first just to make sure.
Says 2nd of july on steam for me.

Really strange. I can add it to cart and buy it right now here on my end, I swear. It even says "released June 30"

When I open Steam, hit the home page, and scroll down it's the very first game at the top of the list.
No. It's DX9, uses the Chrome Engine 4.

There is also no traditional AA support, but if you use the Normal setting on the Post-Processing quality option, it will give you a sort of full screen anti-aliasing effect, so it doesn't need AA.
See, whilst i'll still get it and all i was afraid of that. The previous one included dx10 that made it run and look better than dx9 but I read in an interview that due to consoles they were effectively dumbing it down, looks like it was true.

Hope they have managed to do everything in dx9.
I really liked the first one but I already have too many unfished games right now. But this will definitely be a game to try when I have the time.
For not having DX10, this game looks exceptional, the lighting and water effects remind me of Crysis during the first mission, although it runs smoother. And the performance is very good as well.

Anyone tried multiplayer yet?
I wouldn't know. It keeps locking up on the opening cut scene in Story Mode. Seems to be a real problem after visiting their forums. Happens on ATI or Nvidia hardware. Might have something to do with Win7 as everyone that has this problem has it in Win7.
I wouldn't know. It keeps locking up on the opening cut scene in Story Mode. Seems to be a real problem after visiting their forums. Happens on ATI or Nvidia hardware. Might have something to do with Win7 as everyone that has this problem has it in Win7.

Working fine for me in Windows 7.
No doubt about it. If you have this game and haven't played it yet... you've wasted all that extra nostalgia I had when I thought I had discovered the unsung game of the year.(This was right after I got done playing GUN... good string of westerns there).

oh MAN ! Those were good times. Played it on my Intel 852/855 IGP on R51 Thinkpad, yes it ran fine. One of the best game I have played. Still have to play it on a proper video card, can't imagine how it will look. will just have to fire it up to take a look.
Not being in DX10 is a very tard argument. Looks better than a lot of games, not to mention in Crysis I enjoyed my huge performance boost using DX9, loosing almost nothing visually.
Not being in DX10 is a very tard argument. Looks better than a lot of games, not to mention in Crysis I enjoyed my huge performance boost using DX9, loosing almost nothing visually.
Thanks for saying it so I didn't have to. The game looks and runs great, and is fun as shit so far.
See, whilst i'll still get it and all i was afraid of that. The previous one included dx10 that made it run and look better than dx9 but I read in an interview that due to consoles they were effectively dumbing it down, looks like it was true.

Hope they have managed to do everything in dx9.
the original game did look better in DX10 but it certainly didnt run better(faster). in fact COJ DX10 on max settings is still one of the more demanding games out there especially with AA.
I moved from mouse and keyboard to the pad.... love the duel setting with pad, when you have to move the analog switch down, to uncock the gun :)

Generally game is good... if you won't get pissed after stagecoach/sneaking during beginning of game. Then it is much, much better. Someone really should tell Techland that they suck at making sneaking episodes :D