California Waiving Environmental Rules For Tesla Battery Factory?

I think the north is the biggest pile of shit on the planet and refuse to live north of North Carolina and to put it in perspective i'd rather live in kabul the new york, you have your opinion i have mine. I like living in the south. I like that people are friendly. I like that i've never been unemployed for longer then a month. I like you can go to college for free. I like that my money goes alot further than it does up north. I like the weather too. I am getting a bit tired of people from up north moving down here and trying to ruin the south too but i understand it can't be helped.
That's nice you have your opinion. However, what I presented was not opinion though, it was fact. I don't think there's anything wrong with liking where you are or where you're from. However, in the midst of all this feel-good nostalgia people are unaware of or purposely trying to evade the facts, and that's the problem. The South grotesquely takes from the collective U.S. while contributing very little in comparison, all while dragging down our averages. Anyway, all this is pretty off topic, I'm no longer discussing it.
That's nice you have your opinion. However, what I presented was not opinion though, it was fact. I don't think there's anything wrong with liking where you are or where you're from. However, in the midst of all this feel-good nostalgia people are unaware of or purposely trying to evade the facts, and that's the problem. The South grotesquely takes from the collective U.S. while contributing very little in comparison, all while dragging down our averages. Anyway, all this is pretty off topic, I'm no longer discussing it.

Should of let us have our independence, oh well
So you complain that our politicians are smarter then yours and get get a bigger piece of the pie of the tax money on one hand, and then tell us we are stupid for wanting to get rid of those programs all together? I'm not going to lie you have me chuckling pretty hard

So far though, I don't think the industry that's come to places where textiles and tobacco were big across the South has come close to placing them.
So far though, I don't think the industry that's come to places where textiles and tobacco were big across the South has come close to placing them.

I agree whole heartily. Still moving forward though. Porche is opening another plant etc. etc. Got a LOOOONG way to go though The midwest has ar eally good manufacturing base and skilled labor pool already so they will keep growing at apretty quick rate.
You just made my point for me

Your politicians are better at getting you more welfare, medicaid, medicare, and food stamps? Are they Jedi Masters who trick people into being poor and/or old and/or hungry for that purpose? I don't understand.
Your politicians are better at getting you more welfare, medicaid, medicare, and food stamps? Are they Jedi Masters who trick people into being poor and/or old and/or hungry for that purpose? I don't understand.

My point is two fold really, 1. we get criticized for using more of the social programs and criticized for trying to get rid of them. Its like damned if you do damned if you dont. Southerns are a prideful people. We don't like depending on others its a point of shame. Its one thing to get a hand its another to get a hand out. Yes it will hurt, but just because it hurts doesn't mean you dont do it. There are social programs that super conservative southerns like, like HOPE. You get a B average in HS and college is free. Thats a performance based social program. We like it because you have to earn it. We like earning things. The south loves the military, its a support you country thing, and its the biggest social program there is and yet its not giving away money for nothing. You have to earn it and it provides a service.

2. the second point is the same people who i have heard complain about what your complaining about have been liberal, I'm not saying they all are, i'm just saying in real life the ones i know have always been from the north east and liberal and i have no clue what you actually are this is the internet after all. What i dont understand is how someone can support the programs and be like OMG THE SOCIAL JUSTICE, except when its redistributing their wealth to people they dont like or agree with. It goes back to the hypocrite complaint. thats being a hypocrite. its like i like redistribution of wealth unless it goes to people who i don't like.
My point is two fold really, 1. we get criticized for using more of the social programs and criticized for trying to get rid of them. Its like damned if you do damned if you dont. Southerns are a prideful people. We don't like depending on others its a point of shame. Its one thing to get a hand its another to get a hand out. Yes it will hurt, but just because it hurts doesn't mean you dont do it. There are social programs that super conservative southerns like, like HOPE. You get a B average in HS and college is free. Thats a performance based social program. We like it because you have to earn it. We like earning things. The south loves the military, its a support you country thing, and its the biggest social program there is and yet its not giving away money for nothing. You have to earn it and it provides a service.

2. the second point is the same people who i have heard complain about what your complaining about have been liberal, I'm not saying they all are, i'm just saying in real life the ones i know have always been from the north east and liberal and i have no clue what you actually are this is the internet after all. What i dont understand is how someone can support the programs and be like OMG THE SOCIAL JUSTICE, except when its redistributing their wealth to people they dont like or agree with. It goes back to the hypocrite complaint. thats being a hypocrite. its like i like redistribution of wealth unless it goes to people who i don't like.

That's not hypocrisy, thats pointing out hypocrisy

If I point at the south and go, "you elect people who try to get rid of social/welfare programs while simultaneously sucking more money from those programs than the rest of the country" I'm not saying those programs are bad or the south shouldn't get that money. I'm glad people get food and shelter and I think its worth every tax dollar, even for <gasp> southerners! Its just infuriating that those same people will vote for politicians that want to take that all away from them.

TLDR: I don't think its bad that the south gets the money, I think its bad that they need it and take it but still vote for people that want to cut it cuz Jesus.
That's not hypocrisy, thats pointing out hypocrisy

If I point at the south and go, "you elect people who try to get rid of social/welfare programs while simultaneously sucking more money from those programs than the rest of the country" I'm not saying those programs are bad or the south shouldn't get that money. I'm glad people get food and shelter and I think its worth every tax dollar, even for <gasp> southerners! Its just infuriating that those same people will vote for politicians that want to take that all away from them.

TLDR: I don't think its bad that the south gets the money, I think its bad that they need it and take it but still vote for people that want to cut it cuz Jesus.

So we have a problem, we recognize we have a problem and we try to fix it, and that's hypocrisy? I do not understand.
So we have a problem, we recognize we have a problem and we try to fix it, and that's hypocrisy? I do not understand.

Your problem is that your states are full of poor, uneducated people, and your definition of trying to fix it is to cuz all of the programs that help them?

The problem is the poverty in the state, and the religious-like belief in their economic system, even when consistently "blue" states substantially outperform their states economically. The problem isn't the welfare itself, the root cause is the lack of economic performance.

And just FYI, not that it should matter, but I didn't vote for Obama the last time around, I voted for Gary Johnson.
Your problem is that your states are full of poor, uneducated people, and your definition of trying to fix it is to cuz all of the programs that help them?


No its to get rid of the programs that make them dependent. Like i said we have programs that provide help like free college etc. Thats helping people. Giving people money for nothing is makign them wards of the state
That's nice you have your opinion. However, what I presented was not opinion though, it was fact. I don't think there's anything wrong with liking where you are or where you're from. However, in the midst of all this feel-good nostalgia people are unaware of or purposely trying to evade the facts, and that's the problem. The South grotesquely takes from the collective U.S. while contributing very little in comparison, all while dragging down our averages. Anyway, all this is pretty off topic, I'm no longer discussing it.

If you looked at that plot, we shouldn't have an annual deficit with all those states depicted as net gains.

Its been manipulated in some way to exaggerate the point.

Also deadbeats go to where the money is, turning a state that had a strong economy and moderate politics to a commited blue state. So you have cause and effect reversed.
Your problem is that your states are full of poor, uneducated people, and your definition of trying to fix it is to cuz all of the programs that help them?


Just to be more clear about this: you want to make a social program thats acceptable to the south? make one that requires you to goto job training and job placement. Hell make it so if you want welfare you have to take a broom and sweep the streets SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Go around cleaning government buildings or something shit.
Just to be more clear about this: you want to make a social program thats acceptable to the south? make one that requires you to goto job training and job placement. Hell make it so if you want welfare you have to take a broom and sweep the streets SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Go around cleaning government buildings or something shit.

We have that already. And it's dumb and exploitive since it pays far below anything resembling minimum wage. But keep going. And yes I know Clinton started it. It's a bad idea.
Obviously, you've never heard of the Research Triangle. Or Metrolina.

These are the two largest metro regions in NC and two of the biggest in the South with a wide array of industry and secondary educational institutions, particularly the Triangle being the home of Duke, NC State and UNC - Chapel Hill. They are also considerably more liberal than most of the rest of the state outside of the other major Metro areas and Asheville, which is something of an anomaly. It's in the heart of the very right leaning western part of the state but is one of the most gay friendly towns in the South.
These are the two largest metro regions in NC and two of the biggest in the South with a wide array of industry and secondary educational institutions, particularly the Triangle being the home of Duke, NC State and UNC - Chapel Hill. They are also considerably more liberal than most of the rest of the state outside of the other major Metro areas and Asheville, which is something of an anomaly. It's in the heart of the very right leaning western part of the state but is one of the most gay friendly towns in the South.

Metrolina is actually fairly conservative (It is, after all, Billy Graham country). You guys did have Pat McCrory, Richard Vinroot, and, Sue Myrick as mayors. Here in the Triangle, we have a non-insignificant minority of conservatives. Our biggest problem here is the liberal carpetbaggers from states like New York and Massachusetts who flee their states high cost of living due to tax and spend politicians and runaway spending, come down here, and then proceed to vote in the same types of liberals that resulted in them running down here to begin with.

The stereotype that southern states are full of uneducated rednecks is simply false, however. We are far more prosperous and growing at a faster rate than the north and we don't have an outrageous cost of living so you can actually get, say, a good 2 bedroom apartment on 30k a year unlike NYC or Boston.
We're not full of rednecks because liberals from the north keep moving here, which is our biggest problem.
This has turned into a "who has a tinier dick" measuring contest.

The "tax" argument has been done up to no end and is always, yes I mean 100% of the time, reported and used inaccurately. Why does the south get tax receipts greater than they pay in? Simple, they are smarter than the Northern more liberal states. How so? They don't for the most part have state income taxes. Places that have state income taxes have an additional income stream thus lowering the required payouts from the federal government. But also at the same time lowering the amount they actually pay in taxes to the federal government. Therefore the keep more of their own money and thus in turn receive less back. It's simple math that the so called "intellectuals" of the country fail to grasp. Anyone who spends a dollar to make a $1.10 is a hell of a lot smarter than those who spend a dollar to make $0.90.
This has turned into a "who has a tinier dick" measuring contest.

The "tax" argument has been done up to no end and is always, yes I mean 100% of the time, reported and used inaccurately. Why does the south get tax receipts greater than they pay in? Simple, they are smarter than the Northern more liberal states. How so? They don't for the most part have state income taxes. Places that have state income taxes have an additional income stream thus lowering the required payouts from the federal government. But also at the same time lowering the amount they actually pay in taxes to the federal government. Therefore the keep more of their own money and thus in turn receive less back. It's simple math that the so called "intellectuals" of the country fail to grasp. Anyone who spends a dollar to make a $1.10 is a hell of a lot smarter than those who spend a dollar to make $0.90.

The only southern states that don't have income tax are Texas and Florida, and both of them are net tax payers. A swing and a miss.
Your problem is that your states are full of poor, uneducated people, and your definition of trying to fix it is to cuz all of the programs that haven't helped them?


FTFY. I know you're still confused. I just want to watch you sputter.
Metrolina is actually fairly conservative (It is, after all, Billy Graham country). You guys did have Pat McCrory, Richard Vinroot, and, Sue Myrick as mayors.

Charlotte has also elected three black Democratic mayors, unfortunately the last one was corrupt and is facing federal "pound me in ass" prison. The area is much more ethnically diverse since the time of height of the Billy Graham era. There are a lot of Indians in the area due to the large financial services IT industry in the Charlotte area. But there's also a good mix of new legal immigrants from other parts of Asia and even Africa. And like many areas in the country, the Hispanic population has exploded. And same thing is also happening in the Triangle.

Here in the Triangle, we have a non-insignificant minority of conservatives. Our biggest problem here is the liberal carpetbaggers from states like New York and Massachusetts who flee their states high cost of living due to tax and spend politicians and runaway spending, come down here, and then proceed to vote in the same types of liberals that resulted in them running down here to begin with.

Sure, I know my share of northerners that have moved down South, but again, these areas are simply much more non-white than they used to be.

The stereotype that southern states are full of uneducated rednecks is simply false, however. We are far more prosperous and growing at a faster rate than the north and we don't have an outrageous cost of living so you can actually get, say, a good 2 bedroom apartment on 30k a year unlike NYC or Boston.

Stereotypes are generalizations that are often wrong when looking at specific cases and individuals. It is a little pointless to compare the cost of living of most any place in the South to places like NYC or Boston. The population density of that area is about the highest in the country, much higher than any area of the South.
Yes, because if we stop helping them then the problem will just fix itself!

Because if they haven't worked since the war on poverty was begun 50 years ago, they'll work someday!!! LOGIC WINS AGAIN!!! :D:D:D:D:D
The only southern states that don't have income tax are Texas and Florida, and both of them are net tax payers. A swing and a miss.

Tennessee has no income tax on regular income, there is a income tax on securities income.
Because if they haven't worked since the war on poverty was begun 50 years ago, they'll work someday!!! LOGIC WINS AGAIN!!! :D:D:D:D:D

So your solution is? Let them starve and be homeless? Not sure where you're going with this.
The only southern states that don't have income tax are Texas and Florida, and both of them are net tax payers. A swing and a miss.

keep your facts to yourself, delusional rants rely on uninformed misconceptions pfff :rolleyes:
This isn't a blue state/red state issue, but I think the population density of blue states is usually higher. And due to the (purposeful) un-democratic nature of the Senate, it provides disproportionate representation to smaller states, which helps to explain some of the discrepancy.
This isn't a blue state/red state issue, but I think the population density of blue states is usually higher.

Yeah, it kind of doesn't make sense to compare the cost of living in NYC, which is by far the most populous city in the US, more than twice the population of the next largest city LA, to anything in the South. Love or hate NYC, it's sheer size makes its completely unique among US cities.
Well, what I was trying to get at is that with many more people living in a geographic area, we've created a false set of boundaries around said area (states) which only get 2 senators each, regardless of size/number of people.

So therefore, those lots of people pay more taxes, but only have 2 people fighting for them, so proportionally the red states (less dense) get more money.
Well, what I was trying to get at is that with many more people living in a geographic area, we've created a false set of boundaries around said area (states) which only get 2 senators each, regardless of size/number of people.

So therefore, those lots of people pay more taxes, but only have 2 people fighting for them, so proportionally the red states (less dense) get more money.

Fair or not, this was by design of the Founders, the thinking was fairly well documented. And I think it's why spending legislation has to originate in the House.
Not necessarily complaining (well, a little ;) ), just explaining some of what I believe to be the cause behind some of it.
When you live in a bloody freezing substance called space next to 10 million degree furnace called the sun I would expect a natural cycle of pretty dramatic hot and cold temperatures.

Some pesky humans burning some shit are not even in the same ball park as absolute zero and 10 million degrees are they ?
When you live in a bloody freezing substance called space next to 10 million degree furnace called the sun I would expect a natural cycle of pretty dramatic hot and cold temperatures.

Some pesky humans burning some shit are not even in the same ball park as absolute zero and 10 million degrees are they ?

Congrats you posted 4 months later to a thread to announce that you have absolutely no idea why it's warm on Earth.