C&C Generals Texture Error?


Dec 22, 2003
hey, i just installed win server 2003, reasons to long to explain, but never the less, i did that windows server 2003 conversion guide, enbles directx, hardware acceleration and all things for games, i cna run cs, bf1942, and diablo 2normally, but im getting this error in generals, both in just generals, and in zero hour, ive tried different settings in game, and out, but i cant seem to fix this
any ideas?

Try reinstalling the game, something may be corrupted although it doesn't sound like anything should corrupt if you didn't touch those files. But more than likely its a dx problem, do you have the latest directx?
hey, i tried reinstalling MANY times, i looked on the accuaul generals forum after this and what they told me to do was roll back my drivers, so im on the detonators now and it fixed it, but when i use forceware it goofs up. :rolleyes:
well thx anyways
Ah yes, you got to it...I had a problem with taht as well on a GeForce 2 card, used the newest Drivers and the Textures disappeared, when I rolled back to 45.33 everything worked fine...NVidia is getting to be quite sad these days...