Buying a laptop in japan or other countries


Apr 16, 2006
My friend asked me if he buys a laptop in japan will he be able to use it back here in America and reinstall it with windows xp/vista english version? Not sure why he wants to buy it in japan prob cost more...
Im pretty sure it would work here in America and be able to install eng version of win xp/vista but i want to be 100% sure in case he does buy one... .also just out of curiosity are the laptops pretty much the same laptops we buy here in America but Japaneses windows and keyboard?
Japan's retail prices are the same if not more than what is offered in the US. Also with the value of the US $ going downhill the price will be even more expensive.

To answer your question though, a laptop from over there are the same ones as are sold here. The same standards with manufacturers are employed pretty much everywhere. Even the BIOS will still be in English.
might need a voltage converter, I have no clue if Japan uses 120v. Other than that it would work fine. However there would be absolutely no advantage to doing this so I don't see why he would...
For the japanese keyboard of course =P....I've had to take apart my laptop to get a keyboard that had chinese characters on it because I brought it over from the US. What was the worst was going through Dell's idiotic spare parts ordering hell....If I know your darn part number and can give it to you and I know what computers it works on, just sell me the damn thing without me having to read you my service code number and having you say that it doesn't work when it will work....
might need a voltage converter, I have no clue if Japan uses 120v. Other than that it would work fine. However there would be absolutely no advantage to doing this so I don't see why he would...

Most newer power bricks are universal 100-240V 47-63hz. Japan uses 50hz AC instead of 60, but IIRC is 120v like the US.