Built my 10yo his first gaming pc, game recommendations?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 15, 2007
My 10 yo son is gone for 2 weeks to his grandmas and I decided he is old enough for His first gaming pc so I plan on surprising him with this when he returns. Nothing amazing, very mid range made from spare parts I had at home and work

AMD A6-7600
8gb ram
Radeon 290
128gb Kingston ssd

Thanks to steams family share ive given him access to:
Lego avengers
Portal 1 & 2
Scirbblenauts unlimited
Super meat boy
Worms reloaded

As well as minecraft and cuphead from my Microsoft account.

Any other good game and that are age appropriate for him?
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Perhaps my favorite game growing up. Has hot seat play so you can play together. Has enough depth adults and kids alike can still enjoy it today.

It’s a fantastic game. I spent MANY MANY hours playing this with friends and solo.


Heroes of Might and Magic 2 was the best iteration. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 wasn’t quite as balanced, and the level design was too large (it became a time sink in each game), but I still spent a tremendous amount of enjoyable time in 3.

Heroes of Might and Magic 4 and beyond all sucked, they lost their way completly from the charm of the 1st, 2nd, and third games.
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Some games my friends 10yr old plays:

Kerbal Space Program
Roblox (not sure if this is a PC game)
Prison Architect
I was playing Wolf3d, Blakestone & Doom when I was 10.

For a more friendly version of those classics, Chex Quest was a blast and is very kid friendly.
fortnite, get him earning money ;)
nerf arena is free if you want a kid friendly fps
sonic racing mentioned above it good, youll like it too.
trine for some problem solving.
duck tails for some platforming.
spyro is coming soon.
Lego Worlds is nice. It's a lot more free-form than the "themed" Lego games. You can build whatever you want, or explore the different worlds, or do various mission-type tasks. It's pretty cool. Kinda like Minecraft, but Lego.
Just chiming in.

I would avoid any online titles unless you will only let him play [online] when you're supervising/playing with him or set up private servers that he is only allowed to play on. I baby sat my ex's kid brother a lot and all the childrens' games that he was allowed to play online all had horrible communities for children; bullying, bad/suggestive language/action, poor moderation, child predators, spam/attack site advertisements... It wasn't far off from a late '90s 4chan level of community most of the time I watched him and trying to explain some of it was interesting to say the least. Imo, best to just avoid it if you don't want to hold his hand the whole time.

Edit: Oh! I just remembered there are a number of programming games that are aimed at children too. It might be a good idea to load some up so he can get a head start on getting into computer languages. Then you can have him hack the wifi at the retirement home when he comes to visit later on :D
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Terraria is great, Dungeon Defenders 2, Roblox seems to have endless content that is a hit with kids around 9-11.
Perhaps my favorite game growing up. Has hot seat play so you can play together. Has enough depth adults and kids alike can still enjoy it today.

It’s a fantastic game. I spent MANY MANY hours playing this with friends and solo.


Heroes of Might and Magic 2 was the best iteration. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 wasn’t quite as balanced, and the level design was too large (it became a time sink in each game), but I still spent a tremendous amount of enjoyable time in 3.

Heroes of Might and Magic 4 and beyond all sucked, they lost their way completly from the charm of the 1st, 2nd, and third games.

+1. Agreed on all accounts. I enjoyed 3, but I came back to 2 multilpe times, even though I could never finish one of the campaigns... My army of 2000 skeletons just didn't live up to the hype XD.

I still remember the waiting music and it's now running through my head. I did enjoy the music in 3 better though.

Edit: had me looking at that gog link.. Then I realised I already own it XD. (I still have the original CD somewhere too.. but not sure if it'd be a pain to try to install for windows 10 now)
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SNES/emulator so you guys can play Contra + Battletoads and rage together.

At least, that's what my dad and I did.
I was playing Wolf3d, Blakestone & Doom when I was 10.

For a more friendly version of those classics, Chex Quest was a blast and is very kid friendly.

I was playing Wolf3d when I was 12.
My little sister was playing Unreal Tournament when she was 8.
Yakuza 0 is incredibly cheap and fun if he doesn't mind games with subtitles and has a gamepad. It's a pretty adult game, but if he's playing Postal I doubt that's a concern