Building new system...Yonah or Pelser

Flak Pyro

Sep 9, 2003
Im thinking of putting a new system togeather in the new year and it seems intel is comming out with new CPUs around this time too, which is good. Problem is that im having trouble choosing which route to go...

Yonah looks to be one sweet processor, current P-m cpus keep with with some of the fastest Athlons and Current P4's so dual core should be even better, however it looks like ill have to use a miniATX board, that isnt a big deal as all i really need is a PCI slot or two and a PCI-E slot for 1 7800GTX (SLI is too rich for me). I have read some rumors that the Yonah boards should also support Memron (sp) the mobile version of conroe. I planned to buy a new mobo for conroe but if this is comparable in performance that would be nice too.

Pelser has the advantage of being a full desktop CPU, i would be able to get a 975x ful ATX board but performance would be lower, if only the 975x would support conroe then i would be able to live with that. Going this route would allow me to get ahold of a board made my a more common vendor like Asus. I hear DFI is interested in making a Yonah board which is good but im not sure im ready to buy a Aopen board just yet, i wish i could see who has all signed up to make Yonah boards.

I plan to stick 2GB of ram in this this, a hard drive or two and a single 7800GTX video card, i primarly use my pc for general desktop work and gaming. General web browing and such can be done by anything in the last few years so the key is gaming....

So now that ive finished my long winded speed that is probably full of spelling errors :D , what is you opinion? Go with Yonah or stick with a desktop CPU? (Stability matters too)

Thanks for reading.
You sure the Yonah core is also going to a micro-ATX board? I dont doubt you at all, it just sounds weird. It took a long time for Pentium M to make it to the micro-ATX scene. Also, I would think if that is true, it would hurt the sale ofIntels Presler core as I would assume the Yonah core would be a better choice. The Yonah core is basically a dual core Pentium M, which the Pentium M is a very good processor and can even compete with the Athlons 64. The Presler core, is basically a beefed up Pentium D processor, which I would assume wont provide that much of a great advantage of the other Pentium D's except power consumption.