Build your next gaming PC from… Walmart?

Makes sense. They might have some money to gain when there are only 26 microcenters in the US, there are a ton of walmart locations they could easily push MC out of the game.
I think there's enough market for both to exist
I waited over 40 minutes for an "associate", to open one of those damn cabinets to get Mario Superstars when it was on sale. Hit the page button multiple times but no one came. I was seriously considering setting one of the anti-steal pods off when one of the guys I was waiting with tracked someone down.

Microcenter is the exact opposite, if you have 1 item already in your hands they surround you like mosquitos trying to put their sales credit tags on.

I want Costco level of support wherever I go. Workers everywhere, not paid on commisions, leave you alone unless asked and paid enough to not be lazy/miserable.
Greedy PC component manufacturers just targeting the demographics on the next $$ (lower) class of society... nothing new here..
Not sure what the recent quarter 2023 looked like, but previous 2 quarters PC sales were down... components most likely similar trends...

Enter Walmart
The one I work at doesn't have a PC part case but we do have Gaming Keyboards mice and Mousepads. I just picked up the XL Razer mouse pad for 26.00 Back 25 years ago Walmart used to carry BFG GPUs. Our Walmart has Cyberpower prebuilts that are not too bad and some ok monitors but all LCDs.
You haven't pitched the Valari gaming pillow to corporate yet? That could be your shot at the big leagues!
Once upon a time, my hometown/small town Walmart had GeForce 4 Ti 4200, 4600, and Radeon 8600.
The ones I've seen have metal bars behind the glass and a lock. Problem is they do it for things like shaving cream and razors as well. Only one I've been to that does that but for electronics, I assume they will do that or do what you said.

Walmart return policy is decent so it isn't a bad option if the price is right. Free returns with no shipping as well, plus holiday return period is something like 90 days although Best Buy also has similar. I won't complain about more options. Newegg/Amazon stick you with restocking fees or return shipping typically.
I have never paid return shipping or restocking fees, to Amazon.
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