build a bridge program [old school]


Limp Gawd
Dec 13, 2003
I remember 4-5 years ago it was posted up. You made a little "stick" bridge and had to have it hold while a train went over it. Does anybody remember the name of the program/have a DL link?
Not sure of the older one - the newest one is bridgeit ...dont have a link yet - shouldnt be to hard to google it.
Bridge Builder? :p

Its based on Pontifex, the engineering version. I love that game, its right up there with Half-life on my list of "greatest games of all time."
Originally posted by Trekster
If I recall it doesn't run whatsoever on ATI cards.


Its running fine on my BBA Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB. It should run on anything that can do OpenGL fairly well.
Originally posted by lorcani

Its running fine on my BBA Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB. It should run on anything that can do OpenGL fairly well.
beat you :D
The funny thing is that about a week ago or so I thought about BB and dl'ed it again. I finally got past lvl 14 last night, now I am working on that damn lvl 15. So far, no luck, but I'm getting closer
Love that game.

Never in my life did i think a simple game about making a bridge would be so much fun.

The newer one is nvidia only , but it has some awesome graphics.
Originally posted by s8n
"I'm sick of all you hypocrites
holding me at bay
And I don't need your sympathy
to get me through the day"

uh, Dream Theater
DL'd & played, great timewaster.

Runs on 9600 (np) fine (oldest version).
How the heck are you supposed to get past level 15?!?!?! The other side of the lake is an elevation change and the game only allows the train to go level. ARGGGGGHHHH!