Bruce Willis Wants to Sue Apple Over Songs Rights


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Now this could get downright interesting if and when it goes to court. Action film star Bruce Willis wants to look into legal action with Apple over who actually own the rights to the iTunes songs after the original downloaders pass on. According to the Apple iTunes Store, the downloads are non-transferrable, precluding the possibility of passing the entire lot down to his kids when he finally Dies Hard. :D

Every Apple and Amazon user agrees to these rules when they buy music from these services, including Willis. As such, I doubt the actor will have much of a legal leg to stand on if he really does go ahead and sue the consumer electronics giant.
Welcome to the cloud way of things, you upload to a "cloud" you no longer have rights over said material.
If you dont hold it then you dont own it.

Remember that the next time you goto one of these frauds and scams called Apple app store or who ever you use. Its not just apple, its the likes of amazon and others. You are just a renter, ie, just like a tenant status on your house note. You dont own it even if you pay it off. You are not listed as owner.

Same case here, you are listed as renter, ie, tenant. You just gave your hard earned cash to these frauds.

Me i go out and BUY the disks and so on. The only thing I have that I do online is Valve, aka steam with my steam games. Have no choice but to do it that way but for music and movies you do have a choice and that is take alittle time and go out and buy it. Hold it in your hand and only then can you say i own it.
And yet so many are looking forward to the "Cloudy" days ahead.
I for one prefer to keep me head out of the "Cloud".
If you dont hold it then you dont own it.

Remember that the next time you goto one of these frauds and scams called Apple app store or who ever you use. Its not just apple, its the likes of amazon and others. You are just a renter, ie, just like a tenant status on your house note. You dont own it even if you pay it off. You are not listed as owner.

Same case here, you are listed as renter, ie, tenant. You just gave your hard earned cash to these frauds.
You do realize its the exact same way for software, right? Whether you posses the physical media or not.
Software is a service, subject to be revoked at will by the license holder.

"all your base are belong to us" you dumb americans
I wonder if his kids know about Bruce's music "career". Youtube for lulz.
Just like they want to switch to ebooks for school.
The charge almost as much for the ebook, as they do for the paper book, yet at the end of the year you can't resell the ebook.
Not being able to reuse or resell ebooks make the cost higher for most schools/students, and of corse the profits are higher too.
until they get all these music bullshit sorted out and I actually feel consumers are getting treated fairly. I will continue to buy used music cd's off ebay for a few dollars each, thus owning the media which of course can be re-sold. I haven't paid full price for a dvd, blur-ray or music cd in many many years.

Hit ebay up, any new release cd that's used on goes for 3 - 4 dollars, sometimes 5. sometimes cheaper
That is why Alltunes is SOOO much better the itunes.

Fuck apple - even if they aren't the only ones with this policy.
Hmmm...they can't have too much to say about who owns mine, after I converted everything to MP3 without DRM.
i cant wait to inherit all my dad's poco albums one day! and im sure my kids (i dont have yet) cant wait to inherit my skrillex.
At least he is bringing this rather BIG issue into the public eye sooner than later. itunes is singled out here, but this also applies to most (all?) download services... downloading may be easier, but comes with very big limitations.

Agree with Mr. Willis, fuck crApple and their shitty software, hardware and anti consumer policies (I embellished! :D).

Still, CDs are still higher quality and cheaper (and take 2 minutes to convert, which can be done automatically).
This is why I get all my music from Amazon MP3. I can burn them to a CD/DVD or copy to a flash drive. No muss, no fuss.
Just like they want to switch to ebooks for school.
The charge almost as much for the ebook, as they do for the paper book, yet at the end of the year you can't resell the ebook.
Not being able to reuse or resell ebooks make the cost higher for most schools/students, and of corse the profits are higher too.
Already doing that with physical textbooks. When my fiance was in business school, a few of her books as a heat-shrunk packet of paper with 3 holes punched out so she had to buy her own binder and since the books came in that format, she wasn't allowed to sell them back.
Apple's whole policy states everywhere that you must 'own or control' the device. When Bruce dies, can't he simply state in the will that his children are getting the devices and his accounts? They would legally 'own and control' those devices and accounts now. Everything I received through wills from my family I legally own and control. Is not an accurate assumption?
Apple's whole policy states everywhere that you must 'own or control' the device. When Bruce dies, can't he simply state in the will that his children are getting the devices and his accounts? They would legally 'own and control' those devices and accounts now. Everything I received through wills from my family I legally own and control. Is not an accurate assumption?

Owning the device itself grants different rights than what is installed on it from the iTunes store.
Typical Apple hate and double standards from [H]. HILARIOUS! What about steam? Seems like it has most of you by the balls yet you hardly see anyone complaining about it
You envy our GDP. Perfectly understandable.

heheh, actually I'm an american. And I'm not an American basher either.

Just trying to mix the die hard euro badguy spirit mixed with the business attitudes that they can leverage anything they want against people in America and people will eat it up, no matter how bad it is. Thinking of software in general... limited installs? Screw you, you didn't buy it. By our good favors, you are renting it!
Already doing that with physical textbooks. When my fiance was in business school, a few of her books as a heat-shrunk packet of paper with 3 holes punched out so she had to buy her own binder and since the books came in that format, she wasn't allowed to sell them back.

Yes, but they are usually significantly cheaper than the non loose leaf version. Also they still can be sold to other students.
Typical Apple hate and double standards from [H]. HILARIOUS! What about steam? Seems like it has most of you by the balls yet you hardly see anyone complaining about it

At least Steam has $5 sales quite often. If RIAA and MPAA had anything to do with it, a 10 year old game would still be $59.99

Apple used to be 99 cents per track, then started charging $1.29 for popular songs. Amazon dropped their prices from 89 cents to 69 cents as a poke in the eye to Apple.

A lot of people hate Apple for charging more for the exact same stuff, though some hate apple for being apple. Although, some people love Apple for being Apple and await the second coming of Jobs.
Bruce just needs to share his itunes password, sharing is caring folks.

Doesn't matter, it's a one time download purchase from Apple, now if it was Amazon it wouldn't be a problem, download away as long as the system/device is authorized.

Apple, where being an utter cock is cool (got a copyright on that, you can't have it Mr Cook).:p
Hasn't itunes music been DRM free for over 3 years now?