Broke a capacitator on my 7800gt: good or bad?


Nov 1, 2005
As the title implies, I broke one of the capacitators on my 7800gt. The card worked fine in CS:S, DOD:S, and HL2, but it borked out in Oblivion. My question is, will the card be "fine" in the long run with a missing capacitator, or will I have to buy a new card?
You can fix that yourself or get someone who knows how to work with electronics to do it.

The capacitor will probably cost like $0.10 or so, just find a friend with a steady hand, good iron, and the skills!

"doctor it hurts when i hit myself repeatedly in the head with a hammer! is there something wrong with my hammer?"
The subject of this thread made me LOL, of COURSE its bad to damage ANYTHING on a video card. Its all there for a reason, they dont just slap stuff on for the hell of it, solder that thing back on or take your losses and RMA.
Broke a capacitator on my 7800gt: good or bad?

Hmm, i'd say it's Good...the loss in weight will make it more aerodyanmic and thus give you more speed!!

Maybe make a poll? We can tally up the Good and Bad votes.
98EXL said:
I smell and RMA....if they say no, replace the cap

Uh oh, this will get people started on the morality of the RMA'ing something you've broken yourself. One side of the argument says that these are delicate electronics and you should handle them carefully - and if you don't, that's your fault. Why not call up the manufacturer and explain your situation? If it were me I would refuse an RMA of this card since the damage was due to the user.

I still think the best option is to have a friend replace it. The RMA will probably take at best a week or two, maybe as long as a month! If you run to your electronics store, get the capacitor, find a friend, you're done in a few hours.
Well, finding a freind isnt such an elegant soultion if none of his friends can solder. I sure as fuck know none of mine can. Granted, I can, but thats not important. Nothing says hes got his own army of nerds with a steady hand and decent skills with a soldering iron.

If you have a local electronics shop, they may be able to repair it for you. you just may end up paying way more than its worth. I believe some radioshacks will do electronics repair, otherwise if you have a local electronics or PC store, they may be able to do it. Call around.

Otherwise, RMA. HOWEVER, be honest about it. Chances are they will not replace your card, but tell them the cap broke, and ask if they can repair it. There will probably be some kind of fee, but its better than a new card.