Bring on Shogo 2!!!


Oct 1, 2003
I recently heard Monolith is making a sequel to FEAR. What else is there to add, just more spooks? FEAR was a great game but not THAT great.

What they need to be doing is make Shogo 2!!!!!! It has been 8 years(damn, that long already?) and still nothing new.

Damnit Monolith, get yer butts in gear! :mad:
Shogo was cool but it kept crashing in the middle so I was never able to finish it...sigh.
Ryland said:
Shogo was cool but it kept crashing in the middle so I was never able to finish it...sigh.

Load it up again and finish it! Make sure you cap the framerate though, otherwise it'll get wacky. :p
Shogo was such an awesome game, I loved the ability to get into the diesel mechs and step on troops. It was definitely ahead of its time.... image Shogo 2 running on the source engine or Fear engine :eek:
shogo's ending just ended... it was kinda lacking


multiplayer was so bad ass, i love the rocket launcher, 7 missiles in every which way direction you could imagine

i'm more hoping for BLOOD continuation but Shogo is more then welcomed :)
Another vote for Shogo2. I'd especially like to know what happened during your "debriefing" with the sisters :D
Wow, that game is...holy moly it's been a LONG time.

Do you suppose any of the original team is still at the company, though? Doesn't really seem likely given this much time, so....who knows how it'd come out if they DID do it.
Yea I loved Shogo.That was one of the first games ,that actually got me into playing PC games.
all this talk of it made me want to play it :)
so i installed it but am having problems playing it in Win XP witha 6800.
i turned Vsynch on, but it still acts like it off, flikering screens and so forth..

Edit: NM, Vsynch was the problem, not the solution...
Shogo was the first PC game I ever bought. I got it in a bundle with Septerra Core for $10 so many years ago...

I ran it off my Windows 95 Beast... Despite the constant crashing, I had a blast.
I'd forgotten about that was amazing. At the time the graphics were the best, and I loved the different missions that swapped between the robot and the humans.
I'd *love* to see a sequel, but something tells me that most people have long since forgotten it. New games likely haven't even heard of it.
Reminds me of the Clive Barker's "Undying" game that was somewhat looked over. Nintendo's Eternal Darkness more or less stole everything from that game, because nobody played it :p
discochan said:
shogo was the first game i ever played online

Have you tried the mod where you have a deathmatch between bots and people? That was a blast. We had one guy use a robot and we felt like dwarves taking down a giant :D
Sly said:
Have you tried the mod where you have a deathmatch between bots and people? That was a blast. We had one guy use a robot and we felt like dwarves taking down a giant :D

Wow, that sounds awesome! I never heard of that mod, I wish I had. Does anyone still play Shogo online anymore?
Sly said:
Have you tried the mod where you have a deathmatch between bots and people? That was a blast. We had one guy use a robot and we felt like dwarves taking down a giant :D

it's called mech vs squisheys :D
Bop said:
Load it up again and finish it! Make sure you cap the framerate though, otherwise it'll get wacky. :p

I have tried that at various times and on various systems and it always crashed in just about the same place. I could never get by a certain point because of that :(
it was very different from just about any game out on the market at the time

you had parts of the game where you were just yourself and weapons, then you had a suit, then you were in a mech, you were fighting in cities, climbing sky scrapers, taking out tanks, then you were running down streets, in office buildings, at HQ, the game really does go on and on and was way advanced for its time as far as gameplay, the weapony was super funky as well, cool shit if you ask me

the single player was cool as hell, except the ending...
Json23 said:
I never played the game. What is(was) so great about it?

Shogo was an awesome FPS. As the person above me said, there is both on-foot fighting and mec fighting. It was fun to squash all the little guys with a big mec.

Other than that, it was the simple fact that it was a very high quality game. MECs aside, it didn't bring a whole lot of new stuff to the table, but it was better than any other FPS out at the time.

Plus, the multiplayer just owned. Ah... the good old days of dial-up direct connection. Me and a buddy of mine played the hell out of that. It was fun to turn your MEC into a vehicle-ish thing and just drive around hitting each other ;)

Your missing out. Go snag it off ebay for $5.
thing to note about this game is that it was made for win95/98 and glide (3Dfx). I don't know what it takes to run on XP, or even if you could. If you have an older system a like a p3 500, 128 ram, and v2 card should do nicely.

never played MP :( , but SP was a blast. The TOW missle was awesome, from its animation to its effectiveness as a weapon :D
Bop said:
It supports Direct3D. I was playing it on my 7800GTX rig :)

well then :)

run fine with no tweaks, or did you have to do anything?

also is this under XP or win98?
Maybe this isn't much info but I know a while ago when Monolith was showing off a new Engine they had shown it with Robots and some people thought it might have been a preview ot Shogo 2. While they said no and mentioned it was just the theme that they decided to go with Shogo 2 was no totally out of the question.
wow, i totally forgot about shogo. i really think monolith is one of the best game developers of all time. they have so many great franchises that they could make their next five games be sequels and i wouldn't care.
Movieesa said:
Maybe this isn't much info but I know a while ago when Monolith was showing off a new Engine they had shown it with Robots and some people thought it might have been a preview ot Shogo 2. While they said no and mentioned it was just the theme that they decided to go with Shogo 2 was no totally out of the question.

Yeah, i've been looking for that tech demo. Anybody know where i can get it?
Loved Shogo! Multiplayer with the Tow lines on the side's of buildings rocked! Felt like you were spiderman except in a Mech body. :) Yeah, if Monolith put out a Shogo2 I'd be pre-ordering that sucker. One of the best FPS (and unique) for multiplayer.
