bonz's grills on xoxide?

bonz's grills are the best i have ever seen, i dont know if anyone here could even come close to replicating's a nice way to spice up your computer...without having to do to much :)
yea its nice to see the ACTUAL MODDER make some money of their OWN MODS instead of these companies who steal the ideas from modders and mass market them as their own and make loads of money.. gj bonz
Techx said:
yea its nice to see the ACTUAL MODDER make some money of their OWN MODS instead of these companies who steal the ideas from modders and mass market them as their own and make loads of money.. gj bonz
I can't imagine he's making loads of money yet......he's gotta find a more efficient way of making them. I'm sure hand painting them is a tedious process............i'm jealous none the less.
Qtip42 said:
I can't imagine he's making loads of money yet......he's gotta find a more efficient way of making them. I'm sure hand painting them is a tedious process............i'm jealous none the less.

then they wouldnt be his creation, just his design - thats the beauty in them being handpainted
personally they're not my style, but they're definately well done
I can't imagine he's making loads of money yet......he's gotta find a more efficient way of making them. I'm sure hand painting them is a tedious process............i'm jealous none the less.
thanks to the may supporters from places like this and people who actually like these enough to spend money with us we have become successful. [H]ers rule.
When I started sending out review samples is really when things got crazy. The guys at and get a lot of credit for giving us exposure from ads and reviews.
Yeah painting can be tedious, but i just put on a season of the Family Guy or Futurama and the time flies. or i could be doing some wonderful job like working the tech counter at bestbuy or delivering pizza, yay, then it does not seem so tedious to paint them. I can actually make 30-100 a day (depending on which one we are painting that day) which is pretty decent for now. When my brother joined bonzai-mods last week to work for me full time it also added to our production capacity. I have also found faster ways of making them through experimenting with different materials. We are aiming to sell 500-1000 a month which will come in time and as we add new designs and more resellers join up. We currently have 3 resellers and i am in talks with 3 more. if they all buy 100 a month we are well on our way to our goal of 1000. If I sell 1000 of them a month i can afford to hire people to paint them and I can focus on working full time on making new designs and various other parts along with working on projects like cases etc.
bonzanego said:
thanks to the may supporters from places like this and people who actually like these enough to spend money with us we have become successful. [H]ers rule.
When I started sending out review samples is really when things got crazy. The guys at and get a lot of credit for giving us exposure from ads and reviews.
Yeah painting can be tedious, but i just put on a season of the Family Guy or Futurama and the time flies. or i could be doing some wonderful job like working the tech counter at bestbuy or delivering pizza, yay, then it does not seem so tedious to paint them. I can actually make 30-100 a day (depending on which one we are painting that day) which is pretty decent for now. When my brother joined bonzai-mods last week to work for me full time it also added to our production capacity. I have also found faster ways of making them through experimenting with different materials. We are aiming to sell 500-1000 a month which will come in time and as we add new designs and more resellers join up. We currently have 3 resellers and i am in talks with 3 more. if they all buy 100 a month we are well on our way to our goal of 1000. If I sell 1000 of them a month i can afford to hire people to paint them and I can focus on working full time on making new designs and various other parts along with working on projects like cases etc.

*raises hand* o!o!o! pick me! pick me! ;)
$30 kinda expensive though
That grill comes from our masterworks series, it is expensive because it is expensive to make. It is over 1 inch thick at the highest point and contains half a pound of resin. it is monsterous in proportions and detail. It is not designed to cover every fan on your case, rather to be a center piece on your case, like a front intake or mounted on a side panel fan. To compare it to a a normal 120mm grill we make it has 5 times the amount of resin in it. So it is equivalent to 5 normal 120mm grills, which normally sell for 14-15$ each. So the 30$ is not so bad.