BOINC Pentathlon 2015

And we are now back in the top 10. We have one chance left at a medal for this challenge if we focus a large portion of our might on LHC.

Thanks for the help tjmagneto

YoYo's servers aren't happy again. If that was your focus, make sure you have a backup set.
Well I finally got all of the LHC bunker sent, damn that took a while :D
YoYo's server seems to be happy again. That's good news. Now to see how many others had large bunkers to see how things turn out. Keep in mind also that some will bunker again making themselves look like they aren't producing as much which also means when they drop their final blow most of them will validate. You may consider another one of those tactics or at least load a larger cache to cover the majority of the time left so that the odds of validating are higher. Newer sent work units may not have a wingman ready to go...

Oh...and I got DooKey's attention too. :D
tjmagneto, some are longer than others. Some are really quick. Some can take half a day.

And brilong is backing us up on YoYo. Hopefully by mid day tomorrow he decides to switch to LHC as well as at that point the likelihood of completing the muon's are not favorable.
Just uploaded ~1750 or so WUs. Wish it was more! Meant to try and bring a few more systems online this afternoon, but unfortunately it didn't work out. However the systems that were bunkered are only doing LHC right now... so hopefully we can collectively make things happen! :D
I still have some work from all three going...but most of mine are directed to only accept new work from LHC. I think getting a medal there would be awesome as the odds of doing much elsewhere is slim at this point. Full speed ahead! :D

Oh..and as I typed that... we made it to 3rd place at LHC and 8th place over all. Let's see if we can hang onto it....
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Well I have reached the Max limit which is a total of 6000 Task.

YIPPIE we are in the MEDAL NOW #3 :cool:
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And I would highly recommend loading up as being the end of the challenge series, some teams may try using bunkering as a way to drain the project dry preventing anyone else from getting work. Just an FYI of a strategy that was used last year at POEM....

If you over commit yourself, you can always
1. let them run (highly encouraged)
2. abort them after the challenge (better than just letting them expire)

Option 1 is probably best for the project and the honorable thing to do if you decide to over commit.
Umm they still have a max limit per cpu 896 on a 64 core machine. so it is a little difficult to load too many.
Yes...but you can maintain your cache the whole time which would help. and if you don't mind the overhead... you could also load up a few VM's to pull even more...
And we just jumped to 2nd place at LHC and to 12th at YoYo
Well...I decided to push my electric a bit more. Powered up the Poweredge 2950 for the next few days. That will give us 8 more cores.
Realized I had two systems turned down somewhat significantly to reduce noise; turned them back to 100 as I'm not there to hear it. Also brought 24 3.33Ghz threads online for at least the weekend.
I already have 5 pending validation. maybe I ought to fill that second CPU socket. :D
Wel.. we have slid back to 4th this morning but it is still early. We also dropped back to 9th over all but there is still time and we are only a few points away from 8th. We made good progress on YoYo as well.
Day 11

And just maybe, [H]ard|OCP (#15) might be able to surprise these four. They’ve just overtaken TeAm AnandTech (#16) and AMD Users (#17) and are already busy putting Crunching@EVGA (#14) under pressure.

[H]ard|OCP (#7) were able to detach themselves a bit from CNT (#8).

Ukraine (#11), Boinc.Italy (#12) and [H]ard|OCP (#13) will want to get into some serious points at the Sprint to take them further ahead.
Switched my 64 core server over to LHC just now. Paused my WCG work. Not sure if it will help much. At first I was downloading LHC work and noticed I hadn't joined the team yet, so paused it until I joined HardOCP. I'm guessing the team won't get credit for work downloaded before joining the team. Anything special I should do running this project?
Nothing special that I know of, it has been my experience that you will get credit for HardOCP on the work downloaded before joining the team as long as it was not turned in before joining HardOCP.
That is my understanding as well.

And I should have a borged quad core back up in a few hours.
some teams may try using bunkering as a way to drain the project dry preventing anyone else from getting work. Just an FYI of a strategy that was used last year at POEM....

If that's true, and if people are using low powered VMs to trick the server into giving them a pile of WUs that won't be done, then that's just fucking deplorable.

Umm they still have a max limit per cpu 896 on a 64 core machine. so it is a little difficult to load too many.

True, but it can create a huge backlog of WUs that are needed for wingmen validation. For instance, I have 1,355 awaiting validation. If a lot of these WUs are sitting in a bogus bunker, then they will likely never be processed before the challenge is complete.
If that's true, and if people are using low powered VMs to trick the server into giving them a pile of WUs that won't be done, then that's just fucking deplorable.

True, but it can create a huge backlog of WUs that are needed for wingmen validation. For instance, I have 1,355 awaiting validation. If a lot of these WUs are sitting in a bogus bunker, then they will likely never be processed before the challenge is complete.

That type of behavior is why I have not normally run in this type of challenge in the past, It is so important to some people to win or do well in a contest that they will do anything to meet that goal. But in a contest where there are no rules or any way to enforce rules like that then in the boinc contest world it is deemed ok.

Over the years I have watched these contest and for the most part the project staff of the chosen projects seem to be happy about being chosen for the contest, probably due to the sheer amount of work that gets done during the contest. So since they do not appear to care about the results of a particular behavior of participants, I guess I do not care either. And I will not get upset over behavior which I may deem inappropriate.

I think of these types of contest as a No Holds Barred boxing match. :eek:
If anyone has any bunkered YoYo work, get it reported. YoYo tends to have server overload issues. The quicker you get them in, the more likely you wont lose out...

Also, if you haven't set your rigs to No New Work yet, you might want to as YoYo's portion ends in about 1.5 hours.
Well we have a serious handicap in terms of active members. Until Kyle / Steve start trying to whip up interest via the front page, we'll always struggle.

Active members in LHC per their team stats pages:

Seti USA = 101
Planet 3DNow! = 120
Seti Germany = 300
HardOCP = 14
Ukraine = 61

On the other hand, we ragged 14 are putting up one hell of a fight! :D
Well we have a serious handicap in terms of active members. Until Kyle / Steve start trying to whip up interest via the front page, we'll always struggle.

Active members in LHC per their team stats pages:

Seti USA = 101
Planet 3DNow! = 120
Seti Germany = 300
HardOCP = 14
Ukraine = 61

On the other hand, we ragged 14 are putting up one hell of a fight! :D

This is why we are called [H]ard|OCP
We are back to 3rd place at LHC. Keep pushing people. We can't afford to give them any breathing room.
Oh where O where has brilong gone
O where O where could he be
With his mighty army of CPU's we may be able to take over number 2
Oh where O where has brilong gone
O where O where could he be :D

O mighty brilong
We need your HALP! at LHC :eek:
He was pushing our position at YoYo which was awesome because it put us in the top 10 at the end. Those points have been awesome for our over all position. But now, yes it would be awesome if he brought them over to LHC. :D

Edit: Oh and got a triple core borg back up tonight. It should be back online later tonight.
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Day 12

[H]ard|OCP (#10) continue to stir things up amongst the next competitive group.

Currently, Ukraine are causing a stir by having claimed it but [H]ard|OCP (#4) and SG (#5) are very close behind

The race for #8 has erupted between Ukraine and [H]ard|OCP whereby Ukraine appear to have the advantage.
SETI.Germany has bumped us to 4th place on LHC. Hopefully we can reclaim it.
Day 13

[H]ard|OCP (#10) should indeed now let the champagne corks pop after their strong performance during the last few days. Though Boincstats were unable to follow [H]ard|OCP in the final spurt, they succeeded in claiming Rank 11 after overtaking Ukraine who were thus relegated to #12.

At half-time, SG managed to claim #3 and in so doing, pushed the valiant boys and girls from [H]ard|OCP off the podium.

Also, [H]ard|OCP can’t be sure of #8 as Ukraine and (both #9) are just waiting for others to trip up.
Today is the last day of the challenge everyone. If you have anything bunkering or waiting to report, make sure you get it in ASAP. Things come to an end at 7PM CST this evening.
Oh where O where has brilong gone
O where O where could he be
With his mighty army of CPU's we may be able to take over number 2
Oh where O where has brilong gone
O where O where could he be :D

O mighty brilong
We need your HALP! at LHC :eek:

Sorry guys. I was busy over the weekend and didn't check anything. My hosts are still running YoYo and other things. :(

Looks like I'm too late to make a difference before tonight, but I'll switch over and see if we can get a few more WUs submitted. Sorry for the let-down.
Sorry guys. I was busy over the weekend and didn't check anything. My hosts are still running YoYo and other things. :(

Looks like I'm too late to make a difference before tonight, but I'll switch over and see if we can get a few more WUs submitted. Sorry for the let-down.

That's OK.
Both of my rigs are no longer accepting new tasks as I built up almost 150 tasks pending validation.
I have 527 pending. The problem is that the admin (Eric) decided to take advantage of the excess resources being tossed at it and made some work units require 5 copies instead of the normal 2 for validation of some of the work units. This means a lot less getting verified in a timely manner. He is trying to find out some solutions to a few problems they have been having, but that certainly affects challenge standings. I would say it is a dickish move on his part, but all in all, it affects everyone, so it really doesn't matter so much.
~1,830 pending with 6,345 valid. It's unfortunate, but what can be done?

BTW, do projects have a say about being part of this? Or is it a "SURPRISE!" type thing?
Being 3rd party, it is up to the host to notify the projects or not. It can be a total surprise, but I believe that Seti.Germany contacted them in advance. I know they at least did with LHC as Eric mentioned it during our PM exchanges.