blue screens...need advice


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2001
A few weeks ago i setup a bit of an agressive overclock of my 2500k. The temps were higher than i wanted after running prime 95 but any kind of gaming they would stay under 70c. Nothing has appeared unusual until i got home from work on friday and i saw my first bluescreen. After this i seem to bluescreen every 1 to 3 hours. Doesnt seem to matter what im doing whether it be watching a movie or running prime 95. I set everything down to auto on my motherboard but the bluescreens still occur. Ive run p95 fror an hour without problems. Ive run memtest for two hours without error and lots of sandra benchmarks of my ssd trying to find the problem component here. Obviously this sounds like the cpu so i was thinking of picking up the latest i5 at microcenter. I want to be sure this is the cpu because if i spread thermal paste all over my new one and have the same problem i cant return.

Its probably the cpu im just confused why it works perfectly for a bit and handles prime 95 for decently long periods of time. And ive never senen any warning signs up until now. This is my first serious problem with a comp ive built, first possible screwed up cpu. Do these things go bad by themselves or take the motherboard with them? Hoping i can get away with one new purchase to fix this. Any advice for making sure i replace the right part?
hey, what motherboard do you have? other components? does your bluescreen say anything in particular? is it always the same one?

i would try a couple of things first before deciding to move on:

1. unplug the pc and reset your bios, by removing the cmos battery and pushing the power button. then put everything back together after 15 seconds or so and see if u are still getting bluescreens.
2. reinstall windows. might be a software issue with the operating system or bad drivers
3. if you have one lying around or can borrow one, try different motherboard.
4. if you have one lying around or can borrow one, try a different cpu.

i've done with my 2600K the same things u've done with your 2500K and it still works great a year later. based on the info you've posted so far, i'd take a look at the operating system first. reinstalling windows is much less work than swapping out cpu's and mobo's anyway.
Actually yeah im starting to suspect windows now. I was able to boot into ubuntu for 5 hours with no problem, even ran a cpu burn program for 2 hours with no problems. Just tried to do a system restore and it failed
I got really lucky with a google search and this looks to be related to a bug with my SSD. Apparently this bug kicks in after 7 months of the drive being active and it becomes unresponsive every hour until a reboot. Just got the firmware updated and i'm hoping for good results. So glad I didn't go out and spend 200 on a new processor today. I thought I made it longer than 1 hour of my computer being powered on but apparently this bug kicks in right at 1 hour which I did specifically observe several times.
Seems the firmware update did the trick. It's like finding 200 dollars in my pocket which I thought was lost.
fantastic! hmm.. time to update my m4's firmware. thanks for the info.