Blue screens from P67 Sabertooth


Limp Gawd
Jul 8, 2010
I have 2 unlocked HD6950s on my P67 Sabertooth. The system was working fine at 4.8GHz an 1.38V with all other voltages to auto. The only thing I changed was adding 4 Raptors bring total Connected drives to 6 + 2 on the extra Sata III controller. If I take out the drives or if I take out a video card the computer runs fine. I have also tried both video cards individually. BSOD was 0X116 and said it was caused by the ATI driver. The problem only comes up when putting a lot of load on the GPUs or putting load on both GPUs and Raid array.

How can I get my system stable again? TIA
what power supply do you have? almost sounds like your out of power running 4 raptors....
Seasonic x750. Just went back and used the eXtreme PSU calculator and it says 800W+. I didnt even think of that. OK well time to play musical PSUs and get my TX850 on here and see how I fair. I did not think raptors used ~25W each.
Your system, if the one in the signature, needs 700W. Even if it would have needed 800 or 900W, the X-750 would have ran FINE, as Seasonic X-Series is overbuilt and can easily handle overloading if fed cool air from outside the case.

Are your video cards overclocked?

Still, something else is causing the issues. If you were out of power, the PSU would shut down HARD, the OS wouldn't have a chance to crash. It's probably that your CPU is unstable at the overclock when the whole system is under load and the voltage starts dropping a little bit. Try and see if you can get 24/48 hours of Prime95 SmallFFT + Furmark + CrystalDiskBench fully running a stress test.
It started happening when they were OC'd, but tried with them at stock. Add another 6950 and 4 raptors to the sig. I will continue to mess around with stuff.