Blizz getting prepared for Starcraft 2?

I'm sure Star Craft 2 will be console only. :mad: :eek: :mad:

Still pisses me off that Ghost if console only. I've been considering boycotting Blizzard for that alone. :(
Wolf-R1 said:
I'm sure Star Craft 2 will be console only. :mad: :eek: :mad:

Still pisses me off that Ghost if console only. I've been considering boycotting Blizzard for that alone. :(

If you need a reason to boycott blizzard .... just buy WoW.

... I'm here all week folks .... make sure to tip your waitress!
Wolf-R1 said:
I'm sure Star Craft 2 will be console only. :mad: :eek: :mad:

Still pisses me off that Ghost if console only. I've been considering boycotting Blizzard for that alone. :(

I've never seen an RTS that played well on a console. Why would they start now?
I guess my point is that SC was put on the map by PC players. While I personally don't care that it's on a console...the fact that it won't be ported to the PC leaves those of us that helped put SC in its spot of popularity are quite pissed that we won't get to play SC:Ghost without either purchasing or renting a console.

I for one am not an idiot and am not going to waste cash on a console that I won't have much to do with other than SC:Ghost. :mad:
Wolf-R1 said:
I guess my point is that SC was put on the map by PC players. While I personally don't care that it's on a console...the fact that it won't be ported to the PC leaves those of us that helped put SC in its spot of popularity are quite pissed that we won't get to play SC:Ghost without either purchasing or renting a console.

I for one am not an idiot and am not going to waste cash on a console that I won't have much to do with other than SC:Ghost. :mad:

This argument is valid .... however .... Console games are what put Blizzard on the map!
Bane said:
You all have it all wrong, they're working on World of Starcraft...

Oh great ... everyones gonna pick Zerg Hydralisk because it regenerates so it has 4 lives, has a creep shield, and can one hit people with its huge claws.

wait a sec ..... Nerf Hydralisks

bonkrowave said:
This argument is valid .... however .... Console games are what put Blizzard on the map!

Really? I wasn't aware of that. What titles would those be?
bonkrowave said:
Rock and Roll racing
Lost Vikings

Super Nintendo.

Isn't Blackthorne in there too? if FELT like console game at the time ;)

I'm sure Ghost will eventually make it over :)
I still hope they keep the original speed, feel, and balance of Starcraft. That's what made it so great and why I (and many others) still play it. While Warcraft III was fun, I hope SC2 does not go the some route.
Harrath said:
I still hope they keep the original speed, feel, and balance of Starcraft. That's what made it so great and why I (and many others) still play it. While Warcraft III was fun, I hope SC2 does not go the some route.

You mean the bright nintendo color graphics route?
Netrat33 said:
Isn't Blackthorne in there too? if FELT like console game at the time ;)

I'm sure Ghost will eventually make it over :)

Blackthorne pwned! :D It was the first game I played where when you shot the shotgun, there wasn't a huge-ass pixelated "bullet" that flew from it. It was in "real-time". Good times..
bonkrowave said:
Diablo 2 was alright , but Multiplayer sucked because it was all hacks.

Maphack + chest hack = fubared market

Its alright now, with the reseting ladders and improved rust storm. Its all good.
I would think that all their new employes would be to help get WoW stable, rather then make a StarCraft 2...WoW needs help right now.
SuX0rz said:
I would think that all their new employes would be to help get WoW stable, rather then make a StarCraft 2...WoW needs help right now.

They have really gone through some restructureing .... people leaving ,new people, Selling their souls to Vivendi :p

Hopefully they can come together and gel for Starcraft 2. The thought of such a game turns me into a 13 year old gigglin girl.

You know .. they really need to make drool bind on pickup.
Why are we even talking about this? This thread should just get locked up! I mean im just getting pissed off at the thought of the possiblity of a StarCraft 2 being close to nil...I remember back when I was on campus the long ass hours of StarCraft we would play on floor. There would be like 6 of us just running ethernet wires down the hall to my router playing StarCraft at like 12-4 in the morning. It was freaking awesome. StarCraft, Brood War, and Max Payne the reasons why I did horrendous my first semester at college...and of course tits, ass, vodka, fraternity, but those played a minor role in comparision to StarCraft
I would be happy if they just updated the Starcraft graphics/added some new units/new maps/ no cheating tada Im happy! :p
Don't they still have a Blizzard and a Blizzard North? It's not like they don't have the resources to work on multiple games at one time. With the long development cycle they have to work on more than one at a time. Especially with Blizzard's un-godly long (but benificial) development times.
Played Frozen Thrown at a LAN went out and bought WC3 and the expansion within a month and played it like crazy. However there are a bounch of little kids online I swear. The online exp in WC3 was just horrible.
My guess is that one of Blizzards teams, probably the one that just finished WoW, is working on a WoW expansion pack. Some of the team is probably maintaining WoW and creating new content. But it seems as if they're due for a new game announcement.
pkScary said:
My guess is that one of Blizzards teams, probably the one that just finished WoW, is working on a WoW expansion pack. Some of the team is probably maintaining WoW and creating new content. But it seems as if they're due for a new game announcement.

They no doubt have multiple teams working on projects.

A great example is Starcraft Ghost was announced a long time before WoW was. We all thought this was their next project and then all of a sudden WoW was announced, it had been in development for some time, as it was soon released to beta.

There is no doubt in my mind that Blizzard under estimated how large scale a MMORPG was and have probably taken people off of other projects to try and fix WoW.
Blizzard has updated their site with even more job openings and intriguing job descriptions. Here are a few that caught my interest.

New Job Opening - Lead Game Designer
Blizzard North is looking for an experienced Game Designer to lead the team that created Diablo and Diablo II. If you've led the design of a quality shipped title and feel you have the talent and determination for the job, see the Lead Game Designer position for more information.

New Position - 3D Character Artist

New Job Opening - Environmental Technical Artist

Maybe those wanting Diablo III will have their prayers answered.
I think this entire thread is useless. So im going to be more useless and add some descent information to a thread. Anything you have heard about sc 2 being in the making may or may not be rumor. Noone really knows. But to clear a few things up about these other post here is that Blizzard to a big hit with having alot of there "OLDSCHOOL" teams leaving. I didnt love sc becuase of the name BLIZZARD, i love it cuase the people who made the game were the shit and still are the shits. LOOKING FOWARD TO "guild wars" mmorpg from the oldschool blizzies. :) But anyways back to sc. Starcraft is a Gawd when it comes to gaming. If your talking consels its like the super mario brothers series, all like 2000 of them but in one game. I can name about 12 games that still have as many players as starcraft. Now subtract the games that have been out for 3+ years, and you come up with maybe a handfull. :O all im saying is that SC is the best game of all time. People can, and will argue that all day, but its true so screw them :). Now if i worked for blizzard, would i want to make sc2 nope. i would sure love to play it, but i wouldnt want to be the person to creat the second epic of a game that toped the charts 7 years ago and still does today. I think its crazy but, If there going to change anything. I would be happy with the exact same graphics of war3 but keep it the starcraft. NO adding units or adding new abilities or hero units during online play. I mean how can you create a second perfect game without just remaking the first :). Hell i think it just needs a new graphics patch and it will be played for another 20 years. It that damn good. Any ways im talking out my ass, i have no idea what im saying but it was fun. :)
All i gotta say is SC > Diablo...

I have everygame that blizzard has made...and I love diablo. But its true SC has something incredible about it. I hope they are working on SC2 or even a World of Starcraft. That would be cool. It was sad to hear that the old school "the shit" team all left, and Im sure they will be making some good games "tho I havent been 100% satisfied with GW yet...O well any game that comes out from blizzard should be top tier.
NeverBeGosu said:
I think this entire thread is useless. So im going to be more useless and add some descent information to a thread. Anything you have heard about sc 2 being in the making may or may not be rumor. Noone really knows. But to clear a few things up about these other post here is that Blizzard to a big hit with having alot of there "OLDSCHOOL" teams leaving. I didnt love sc becuase of the name BLIZZARD, i love it cuase the people who made the game were the shit and still are the shits. LOOKING FOWARD TO "guild wars" mmorpg from the oldschool blizzies. :) But anyways back to sc. Starcraft is a Gawd when it comes to gaming. If your talking consels its like the super mario brothers series, all like 2000 of them but in one game. I can name about 12 games that still have as many players as starcraft. Now subtract the games that have been out for 3+ years, and you come up with maybe a handfull. :O all im saying is that SC is the best game of all time. People can, and will argue that all day, but its true so screw them :). Now if i worked for blizzard, would i want to make sc2 nope. i would sure love to play it, but i wouldnt want to be the person to creat the second epic of a game that toped the charts 7 years ago and still does today. I think its crazy but, If there going to change anything. I would be happy with the exact same graphics of war3 but keep it the starcraft. NO adding units or adding new abilities or hero units during online play. I mean how can you create a second perfect game without just remaking the first :). Hell i think it just needs a new graphics patch and it will be played for another 20 years. It that damn good. Any ways im talking out my ass, i have no idea what im saying but it was fun. :)
So why did you dig up a 2 month old thread if it is so useless.