Black Mesa: Source Gameplay

do want. Just put the shit in my hands already fuckers.
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Yeah one of the soldiers did have a pillow-talk type of tone.

straight from the lead dev's fingertips
There have been too many posts for me to reply to individually, but I'll go over the basic points I've seen crop up a bunch of times. I'll try to address everything as transparently as I can, because there's a lot of misinformation floating around.

Is this a leak? Was it released intentionally?

We had always been planning to release gameplay video(s) as part of the social media campaign, and we'd always hinted as such. Unfortunately, we ran into some difficulties while we were wrapping up the build (including several severe FPS drops and crashes) that delayed our plans for the media campaign and any gameplay videos. Once we got those sorted, we started to try to figure out what we could show off; the video that was posted to YouTube was a rough first cut outlining some possible action.

Someone showed someone else something they shouldn't have, and that someone else decided to share that something with the internet. And here we are today. Bottom line is that sooner or later, you were going to see what you saw; that's why we haven't tried to cover everything up or get it taken down. There's no conspiracy, we don't have any ulterior motives.

How old is the build of the game?

The build featured in the video is between four and five weeks old. The art assets, level design, lighting, sound effects and music, voice acting, weapons, gameplay mechanics, etc. are all basically final. You won't be seeing very many changes between what's in the video and what's in the final product.

Is the music actually in-game?

The music in the second half in the video is the actual song from the level, it hasn't been overlaid afterwards. It syncs up well with the action because it's been designed to; the song was specifically written for this area. The audio quality of the YouTube video doesn't do it justice though, and it sounds like the game's music volume was turned up too high while the video was recorded.

Why are there iron-sights in the game?

You can look down the sights of the .357 for a slight zoom and increase in accuracy at the expense of your rate of fire. It was a mechanic that was present in Half-Life: Deathmatch, but we've brought it into the singleplayer to help solidify the weapon's role. We've added an option to the main menu to completely disable that functionality, as a result of the feedback we've received from the video.

The .357 and crossbow are the only weapons that you can use the sights on, and they're for decent gameplay reasons. We aren't casualising or consolifying the mod; you don't have regenerating health, there aren't chest-high walls, you won't get strawberry jam on the screen when you're hurt, etc.

Why does everything look like crap?

The compression YouTube applies has blurred and darkened everything, even at 720p settings. You lose a lot of stuff like the scanlines on the HUD, the stars twinkling in the sky, the moonlight illuminating the launch pad and the hologram illuminating the control bunker, any real texture detail, outdoor characters, etc. I've got the original video at 1080p, and everything looks fine.

Why is the voice acting so bad?

Everything is intentional; the soldiers are meant to sound like over-the-top movie bad guys. We're not interested in trying to get you to empathise with the enemies.

Will this affect the plans for further media or the release?

It has, we're actually going to be moving some things forward. Time has never been on our side.
"We're not interested in tryign to get you to empathise with the enemies."

No, but you are trying to have us immersed in your game...retarded voice acting completely takes you out of the moment and makes it humourous/bad instead of serious.
Not a fan of the voice acting or the music... but whatever. Gameplay looks right.
"We're not interested in tryign to get you to empathise with the enemies."

No, but you are trying to have us immersed in your game...retarded voice acting completely takes you out of the moment and makes it humourous/bad instead of serious.

The lead dev continues to spout off like he's employed by EA's or Activision's PR department :rolleyes:

I don't think he really "gets" Half-Life's environment & character basis. He talks like such a tool & never acknowledges that they're taking such a long ass time due to in-team fighting about key development choices (my guess at least).
I have my sound off here at work, so I haven't caught the cheesy dialogue yet, but the gameplay/graphics look slick. Still looking forward to giving this a play through when it's released.
Watched the vid and was okay with what I saw, but what I heard turned me off completely.
I prefer iron sights over "magically floating crosshair for somehow accurate from-the-hip shooting"


It looks like this has both anyway so I don't see the complaint.
I prefer iron sights over "magically floating crosshair for somehow accurate from-the-hip shooting"


It looks like this has both anyway so I don't see the complaint.


For the graphics overhaul they did it shoulda been released about 5 years ago. Granted everything looks way improved from the original release...but by even 5 year ago standards the textures look poor.
hahaha, omg, that exchange between the 2 porn actor was so cheesy.
Gameplay looks solid, but yes the voice acting leaves much to be desired. I thought the game was a bit dark, but that could just be the glare of the afternoon sun through my window. I actually kinda like the music, brings me back to the original HL soundtrack which I think is key for a remake of the game, but thats just me.
It doesn't appear to be. I'm not really impressed with the BMS devs. They handle everything like drama queens.
They handle things as if they aren't all on the same page, which I'm guessing is what's happening here. If they are still as dysfunctional as they appear to be, I don't expect the mod will ever see the light of day.
Same complaints / compliments I read every where. Given this was done by a bunch of fans in their free time, mods of this scope rarely ever make it to completion, these guys have stuck with it despite numerous pitfalls, and it's free... I'll wait and play the mod before I make my judgements.

Looking forward to it nonetheless. Hopefully we'll see it before HL3 on Source 2, lol.
]never acknowledges that they're taking such a long ass time due to in-team fighting about key development choices (my guess at least).

Why would he and how do you know? He knows how long it's taken more than you.

I don't think you understand how long it takes to do things. If you had the task of re-creating the tram from HL1 from concept, mesh, texture, rigging, skinning, animating and scripting it would take you more than a year to get it looking decent with proper dimensions while also being optimised.

Relatively they are not taking a long time, especially considering they all do it in their spare time.

People like you most probably make him hate users.
Why would he and how do you know? He knows how long it's taken more than you.

I don't think you understand how long it takes to do things. If you had the task of re-creating the tram from HL1 from concept, mesh, texture, rigging, skinning, animating and scripting it would take you more than a year to get it looking decent with proper dimensions while also being optimised.

Relatively they are not taking a long time, especially considering they all do it in their spare time.

People like you most probably make him hate users.

You misunderstood me. I understand it can take quite a while but when you don't release much to show progress, doubt kills any type of hype & ruins the possibility of a stronger fan base. I've seen this type of crap happen before with other projects, so no need to lecture me & treat me like a dirtbag user who doesn't have a clue.
Just release the damn thing,. how many more years do we have to wait.. its been long enough... :(