Bing Keeps Growing As Google Declines YOY

It's buried in a menu like every other browser it's literally 3 clicks away. It's not like Edge has super deep user preferences to get lost in seriously take someone 3 mins clicking and reading everything in options at most. Just because you're not familiar with the layout doesn't make it inherently trickier than any other browser.

It's only 3 clicks away if you know where to click in the first place.
It's only 3 clicks away if you know where to click in the first place.

I think it's more like 5 clicks (including hitting settings menu button and the add provider option in the drop down), but it's pretty straight forward.

It took me less than a minute and I'd never even been in the edge settings before (I rarely use that browser).
I have to say that I stay logged out of Google 99.9% of the time. I don't even except cookies if I don't have to and most of their java script is blocked by default, though I have to turn it on for some pages. I could probably count the number of times I've logged into Youtube on my fingers and toes.

You don't need to be logged in or have cookies enabled to be tracked by Google. In fact going to a website with ad sense (even blocked) is enough to track you.
But bing is a terrible search engine. It takes you 5x the effort to find what you are looking for with bing. I would rather use ixquick...

Oh karsus, saint among saints. The one guy who stands above us all that does not search for porn and use bing video search master race mode for finding porn videos. So noble and pious.
I remember a ton of reports over the last decade saying how firefox was gaining in browser share, and yet IE is still #1, especially when you take in all versions of IE. From the percentages in this article, I would say this is just standard market fluctuation and room for error.
You don't need to be logged in or have cookies enabled to be tracked by Google. In fact going to a website with ad sense (even blocked) is enough to track you.

Can you give an example of where I'd see these (outside of google's search page, which just seems to use the words I typed to display sponsored results)?
Can you give an example of where I'd see these (outside of google's search page, which just seems to use the words I typed to display sponsored results)?

I think google is advertising their blocks and it is quite small, look for "ad sense" in the corner.
Oops AdSence

I meant a website (other than Google). I see stuff on Google, but it's easy for them to come up with ads based on the current search. I just want to see if I am blocking them and if not, why I never notice them.
I meant a website (other than Google). I see stuff on Google, but it's easy for them to come up with ads based on the current search. I just want to see if I am blocking them and if not, why I never notice them.

Install EFF Privacy Badger Chrome extension to get a better idea of how you're being tracked but who cares because everyone tracks not just Google. Only guaranteed way of not getting tracked is not stepping foot onto internet or outside your house.
I meant a website (other than Google). I see stuff on Google, but it's easy for them to come up with ads based on the current search. I just want to see if I am blocking them and if not, why I never notice them.

I don't have an example to show you but even if blocked, those ads can track you. Blocking prevents the ads from loading but the script is still there. There are ways to stop those scripts but it's easier to cancel your AOL account than block Google. :)

A lot of companies track, this is the new revenue stream of the internet. No company can get personally invasive but the only difference is how often they track, and Google is the worst. Makes sense though, it's how they make money.
I guess this has nothing to do with the fact BING is the default search engine for Windows installs and a bunch of people just upgraded to 8.1 then 10 in the past couple years right :p
Probably has more to do with bing being the better image and video search engine for porn.
Install EFF Privacy Badger Chrome extension to get a better idea of how you're being tracked but who cares because everyone tracks not just Google. Only guaranteed way of not getting tracked is not stepping foot onto internet or outside your house.

I don't have an example to show you but even if blocked, those ads can track you. Blocking prevents the ads from loading but the script is still there. There are ways to stop those scripts but it's easier to cancel your AOL account than block Google. :)

A lot of companies track, this is the new revenue stream of the internet. No company can get personally invasive but the only difference is how often they track, and Google is the worst. Makes sense though, it's how they make money.

So far I see that googleads(doubleclick) and criteo are unstoppable on newegg, but everything else can be blocked with noscript.

Sadly, the EFF plugin decided to quit letting me look at scripts after I restarted the browser :/