BIND and Loading Zones from a Directory


Aug 16, 2001
Can I have BIND look through a directory for all the zones instead of having to specify each zone in named.conf and it's file location?

Haven't found anything via google.
Dunno... but it'd be fairly simple to dynamically generate part of the conf file based on the contents of the directory...
Yeah, I don't know of a way to get bind to do this, but I could write a script to add all the entries in literally 10 lines of perl.
I guess I will go with that. Or make a script that creates the zone entry and the zone file as well.

Perhaps I can hack at BIND's source a bit to see if I can get it to loop through a directory and then re-write the config.
well, writing all that code into Bind wouldn't be TOO difficult, but then there would be the debugging as well. If you really want to, there is a dns server that uses MySQL as a backend called mydns, might work better as I think it handles edits on the fly, but it also adds DB management which might not be what your looking for.