Big Rumor, take with several grains of salt: Video text hints that Larian is developing Baldur's Gat


Fully [H]
Jan 31, 2008

I recommend heading my title's advice and not getting too excited, yet, but this is too fun to speculate on for me not to make a news post.

Larian put up a little teaser video on their main site that's just the roman numeral III. For most people, the first guess would be Divinity: Original Sin 3. After all, Larian shot down the BG3 rumor last year (and this is why I gave the warning in the title). However, something interesting happens when the video it saved and opened in a text editor.


That isn't the only Baldur's Gate reference to be found either.


When PCGamer reached out to Larian they declined to comment on the rumor. Take that as you will.

Edit: I know the title is a missing an "e". Didn't notice I ran out of characters. Is there a mod that would be kind enough to fix my mistake?
Baldurs Gat, now I’m just picturing an evil guy in full plate with a 9mm....

I've heard stories of table top games that have gone like that. Time travel stuff and somehow this medieval bad guy ends up with a gun.
The last Saint's Row game was horrible. This one sounds even stupider than the last.
Can't wait for all the unfunny jokes and writing that's more awkward than a fan translation from a language they don't know.