BF3 user opinions on issues

What issues to you see more in BF3?

  • Connection issues... Time out of server/Disconnect from EA online

    Votes: 38 46.3%
  • Graphical Issues, bad textures, bad HUD centering on 3 screens.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • Latency issues, Wierd odd lag that cannot be explained?

    Votes: 17 20.7%
  • Smacktard hackers you just want to be banned forever?

    Votes: 44 53.7%

  • Total voters


Aug 31, 2009
Which issues affect you more as a player of BF3?
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Lost Connection to EA - that's my #1 problem but it's not a huge deal. I just click Join again and it always works the second time.

Hackers - I've seen a few with the instakill hack. But that's not a BF3 issue, that's a person issue.
Great thread! :D No issues!

Okay maybe my issue is that its hard to balance my limited gaming time between SWTOR and BF3.
Not many for me , hackers that piss me off are my main blight...

My graphic issues are minimal at worst (some weird texture pop up from time to time that shouldn't happen). All in all DICE has done alright in my book at paying attention to what should be balanced and fixed. Of course there will be those that chime in and completely disapprove but frankly I'm extremely glad they nerfed IR vision because it was absurdly OP and that is one balance issue they handled well.

I actually prefer the browser best server list instead of a built in one inside the game , its easier to update since its just web code and its more robust than normal built in server browsers are. If there is one other complaint I can think of it would be all the odd lag. Its not easy to explain but it just feels like actions in BF3 don't register the same way they do in other shooters as if the lag compensation is just too high.

But I still enjoy playing it and that is what counts. Money well spent.
I myself find the game plays very well on my system, however I have quite a few concerns that the devs could have easily addressed, in regards to gameplay, graphics, lighting and such.

To me the biggest single gripe is "destruction" originally hyped as being the next best thing in regards to realistic destruction and decomposition of materials and objects, well, its far to hollywood like to be anything close to that, many times better then BC2, but, the quality, effect, and reprecussions of the way it has been done is very bad.

Next thing to me is the lighting. The massively overdone blooming, HDR, very bad contrast ratios, but most importantly the glare/flare from seemingly any "brighter" object is a big eye sore. I know fog or raidocity effects are supposed to enhance immersion, but to me the way in which it has been done is just gross. Not everything in real life is so bright and giving off fog you can barely see things, dont forget the lighting source 100 times brighter then they should be. I though DICE said they added more sources for better overall quality, I think they messed up a bit on this(I am far from the only one who feels this way)

My final big gripe. Why is everything seemingly capable of taking everything else down? A M1 tank is not the same as a T90 in real life, nor is an MI35 the same as a Cobra, yet they way it is depicted in this game, they handle almost the same, same armor, same damage. I 100% perfered BF2 in the way that each vehicle was almost unique in the way they were. It should be the same in this, example Apache and HinD helis, Apaches are not nearly as armored but are far more agile, why are they not depicted this way? and also something like an LAV or soldiers able to take direct hits from a tank better then a tank able to take hits from them, give me a break.

I guess the thing is, if EA/DICE would have thought more on the natural balance of vehicles, physics(or lack thereof) gameplay, soldiers, and the visual quality among other htings, this game most certainly could have been the "next" BF2, which to me it most certainly is not, just another hollywood game for the kids. It is one heck of a well made game for the amount of effort they put into it, but some of the design choices or at least the final product is missing so much of what would have turned it from a good game, to a stellar game :)
Closest for me would be Hackers among those options

My biggest issue is with the community. From server admins who abuse the game like disconnecting the game when they are losing to whinny players who can keep their mouth shut when the team is doing poorly.
The connection issues are what I get the most and they are infuriating. I just want to see what the community feels.
Get into server and it crashes to desktop sometimes, I think this may be due to conflict between realtek drivers and PB? Once I get into a server and start playing it's usually fine though.

There seems to be a increasingly large amount of hackers.
I'm hoping this thread keeps living on and gets some notoriety. Who knows maybe DICE will get off it's ass and actually do something about some of our issues! Love you DICE! :-P
I get some problems with the game itself once in a while (disconnects seem to have gone away though), but my main gripe is hackers. Been seen more lately.
You have been disconnected....I would like to know why the hell I was disconnected?!
Haven't experienced any of the above... so my main gripe is not knowing how many tickets are left only to join a server and be part of the loosing team without even spawning. The game needs "spectator" implemented so that you aren't immediately assigned to a team.

also, still hate the unlock BS. I'm not able to play but a couple hours a week if that, so it sucks to be at such a disadvantage to all those who play 4 hours a night.
Voted "connection" and "hackers". Seems everyone else is, too. Hmm.

Wish there was a fifth option, "just not that fun"

If they don't find a good solution to the hacking soon, I'll probably get an account at a hacking site and squeeze some actual fun out of the game for once.
The only viable solution to really counter cheating/hacking is either an unpopular game or very draconian anti-cheat measures that people would find invasive, result in false positives, and/or excessive punishment.
This during multiplayer. It was fine for 3 weeks then one day it started doing this.

Funny though it works fine playing co-op or campaign.

Same. Just started this week out of the blue. May've its the new server patch? Whatever it is, I crash now. And the game is far slower to exit, trying to exit the game slows everything on my pc down for a good couple of minutes. (Which shouldn't be happening on my 2600k).

Also, hackers. I can barely get 3 rounds in before one shows up and ruins everything on some servers.
Mine runs really well.. only complaint I have is when my buddy gets "disconnected from EA online" about 7 times a game and all I hear is .. "f*#k" LOL
well, we have to deal with lots of "supposed" hackers, and many of them are not, however, the disconnects even some of the performance issues sometimes can be lack of memory, or the memory running to slow.

Hackers are and always be part of almost all online games, it sux, which is why it is nice to have servers that folks admin them directly, or at least that they are only a message away from looking into it. I believe for my clan we have 18 admins more or less for an average base of 100 players on and off. No rules server, well except for watching the manners somewhat and/or you cheat, or we can track down a prior history, your gone :)

They did do a good job overall, but EA with most of thier titles do speak "rushed" and this is no exception, they need to QA thier stuff more, so we have less crud to eat :p
Lost Connection to EA - that's my #1 problem but it's not a huge deal. I just click Join again and it always works the second time.

Hackers - I've seen a few with the instakill hack. But that's not a BF3 issue, that's a person issue.

Agree 100%.
no issues that you have listed.

I do wish they would nerf the damn planes.
Quit nerfing the AA to where the base AA is almost useless.
mobile AA is a little weak but a lot better than the one in the base.
The Latency kills it for me, oh look I'm getting shot at, I sure wish I could turn in time to shot back. I shouldn't have this kind of lag even on a server where I have a 20ms ping!
Ehh, don't experience the listed very often, but if I had to choose one it'd be the hackers since they're the most glaring problem when you eventually run into one.
EA online connection issues every day, crashing.

Hackers, meh...I just leave for another server.
Sometimes when playing on the map; Operation Firestorm, my game will freeze if I am piloting an aircraft. It doesn't happen often, but has occurred several times. I've verified my game files and have also reinstalled, still happens occasionally.
You should probably edit the poll, to show how many people don't have these problems against people who do. Then we will see the vocal minority?
You should probably edit the poll, to show how many people don't have these problems against people who do. Then we will see the vocal minority?

This isn't a have issues versus have nots. I'm simply trying to bring issues to light regardless of how many people at getting the issues. I put up the 3 three biggest technical issues I've read about over the past few months and threw in hacking to simply get a count more then anything else. I believe that most fans of this game know that this quite possibly is the greatest FPS since BF2 was released. However some of these technical issues are quite flabbergasting and simply keep recurring. This thread is to document the issues and help the community as a whole.
Connection issues happen occasionally, but not any more than with any other game.

The graphic issues I had previously experienced have all been fixed.

Latency is really my only gripe. The game seems to have some heavy lag compensation code that needs tuning.

Smacktard hackers are always a problem in any game, but I haven't seen very many make it past punkbuster plus not get banned by an admin shortly thereafter.
EA/DICE have also made it more or less obvious, they dont much care for the communities opinion on such matters, they care we paid them cash and are "testers" for thier newest blunders.

It is a matter of opinion, BF2 once the bugs were worked out, was a huge deal more epic then this, it was that way because of the simple play, not having to worry about gadgets, specializations, perks, things that didnt make sence, and to boot, at least we almost knew right off the bat if someone was doing something legit or not, BF3 not so much.

It is a good game in its own way, but it lacks so much of what a great game is/should be. most importantly, the devs actually caring some about the people who play it, and are paying dearly to support it, untill they realize that, it will not be number 1 for most people, it will just be another game that gets boring/beaten real quick, untill they move on to the next title, BF2 still is the best of the franchise, as far as I am concerned, at least it made more sence :)

Quoting blitz on the graphical, yep, they need contrast, and a way of turning off this "advanced" lighting/radiocity, it looks like shit, doent make it look any better with it on, and dynamic lighting/contrast, should have been done away with years ago. Stuff doesnt go from ultra bright to ultra dark in the blink of an eye in the world of which I live.
I've only run into one obvious hacker, some guy that insta-killed me a few times as soon as I would spawn in Op Metro from halfway across the map before he was banned. I rarely experience most of the issues mentioned but sometimes it's annoying waiting for the maps to load.
I don't think I've ever encountered hackers? If I have, it wasn't anything crazy. Maybe only one time I think I may have, but it could have been a connection issue or the guy was really good. Anytime I came across this guy it seemed like even if I shot at him first he was able to return fire and register a head shot pretty easy.

As far as other issues, sometimes there's that hit detection issue where even when I run behind cover I'll still die. Sometimes I get disconnected when trying to join a game. But once I join a game, I never have any issues.
It gets really old, really fast. I play for an hour and just shut it off again. I just don't have any incentive to really get into it again.