BF2 Red Tag Bug: Do YOU experience it?

Do you experience the "Red Tag Bug" ?

  • No. Never seen it.

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Yes. But only occasionally. Haven't seen it recently since later patches.

    Votes: 28 30.1%
  • Yes. But only occasionally, though still happens even with latest patch.

    Votes: 27 29.0%
  • Yes. I used to see it pretty regularly, but not now with later patches.

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • Yes. I see it pretty regularly and it still happens even with latest patch.

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Yes. 24 fucking 7 and I *enjoy* the teamkills.

    Votes: 6 6.5%

  • Total voters


Feb 4, 2003
Just wanna see how many people are actually effected by BF2's Red Tag bug.

For those who don't know, the bug is that occassionally a player on your side will have their name displayed in red text as if they are an enemy. Obviously this will often lead to you making a team kill etc. Pretty annoying.

Personally I've only seen it once or twice, and not at all recently.
I've had the bug and killed people with the bug before 1.2 patch. After the patch, I've only seen it happen once or twice.

It seemed to me that the bug happens sometimes when I was switched over to the other team by the server in the middle of the round. It must not update correctly on the client or something.
I used to see it a lot more prior to the 1.2 patch.

Since the 1.2 patch I personally have not seen it but I know for a fact that some of my team mates and squad mates have seen the bug on me on a few occassions.

What I have fallen victim to lately however is units in my squad and on my team who are wearing the enemy uniforms, with the enemy faces weilding the enemies weapons with absolutely no tag.
Weird, I never get any of that.

I guess it must be related to switching sides mid round. I never do that and only rarely will get switched by the server.
I actually have a rather annoying problem where often I see NO tag at all, can't decide whether to shoot or not, often get killed for it.
Nice thread idea.

I haven't played BF2 for quite a while, when I did, I think I was patched with 1.12 or something, and I got the bug quite a few times.

Only reason I haven't been playing is that I recently formatted, and haven't gotten around to patching the game yet. >.<
I have the latest patch. I shot someone on teh other team and I got a team damage warning, then I killed him and got Punished for a TK. I looked on teh players list and he was on the opposite team, yet was able to punish me.
I see it more and more everyday it seems, I just got back from a server where I got multiple instances of it. Fortunately I look at who I am shooting at, so I dont get very many tk's.
I actually get something different. Ill see a guy with a red tag, shoot him kill him and then punished for a team kill. Now when I press tab to see whats going on, they are on the other team.
Thats the bug. The scoreboard shows him on your team, and him team-killing you. Or Vice-Versa, you killing him, then get punished for a TK. Everyone else can see him on the other team. You have to look at the player model/skin.
I had it yesterday, almost managed an unintentional purple heart, just from people teamkilling me.

I guess it was kind of cheap to continually place myself in front of various teammembers, knowing I had the bug.

I had the same guy kill me 4 times in the round, he never caught on, lol.
I see this bug pretty regularly. I had the strangest experience playing BF2 two days ago. I hopped on a server and started playing Sharqi and everyone was blue. I was on MEC and both US and MEC were showing up blue. Unfortunately, I must have been red for everybody. 9 deaths in a row before I figured out what was going on and jumped off the server. New death streak for me. :mad:
BronxBartoni said:
Thats the bug. The scoreboard shows him on your team, and him team-killing you. Or Vice-Versa, you killing him, then get punished for a TK. Everyone else can see him on the other team. You have to look at the player model/skin.
Oh right, so when this happens you ARE actually properly seeing a red tag for an enemy who really is the enemy, it's just that the game reports it as a team kill?

Since the 1.2 patch I played BF2 only few times and I had seen that damn thing twice maybe three times... That is weird because the fixes listed red tag as one of the bugs that supposed to be fixed
No, they didn't fix the bug. It was in the list of things that were "addressed" by the 1.2 patch.

I've recently discovered a new bug too. Both my squad communication and CO communication button (V, B keys) have disappeared completely.
I've had it a few times but have not played alot recently to notice. Seen it alot when you switch teams. LMAO I was ridding in a tank with a teammate but I had the red tag bug. He got out to fix the tank but could not b/c I was red and he was blue.
I saw it like twice pre 1.2 and since 1.2 I see it 3 or 4 times a week.
Dont play that much, but havnt seen it recently. I do enjoy the TK's tho. (I hate my team, almost as much as the other team.)
I've never experienced it on BF2 but get this...after playing BF1942 for over 3 damn years, last night I was kicked from a server THREE TIMES because of a red/blue mismatch on a EA server! WTF is up with that?
ive only seen it maybe a total of 5 times, and only once since the 1.2 patch came out. but if you pay attention to the uniforms its not hard to distinguish friend from foe.