Beware of Koolance software - virus


May 31, 2001
I dunno if their website has been hacked, but their latest TMS drivers have a virus. I didn't even realize it was the software until I tried another windows 7 hard drive.

As soon as I installed the TMS software on both drives, windows turns un-genuine, the date goes back to jan 1 2002, all sorts of certificate problems happen, etc.

Actually, this might have activated a trojan I already had...that seems to only activate when the koolance vista driver is installed...I don't get it. MS MSE doesn't detect anything before, but koolance can't have a virus.
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Sounds bizarro. I can say that I downloaded the TMS-200 software for Windows 7/Vista last month and had no issues with it - installed it about two weeks ago, and so far no issues.

Sounds like you've got some major cleaning up to do. Have you verified that your CMOS battery isn't just going bad and that is causing the date change? That alone can account for the problems you described.
It was weird...turned out to be Slugin.A virus...tried it on 4 different windows installations.

Apparently each one was infected due to the virus having been on a backup drive that was always connected separately.

The virus ONLY activated at the exact moment the TMS finished installing and launched all 4 times. That's why I was convinced it was the TMS software.

Good learning experience I guess...MS security essentials never detected it apparently. I switched to Avira and it got it.

On another note, the koolance TMS with expansion board is awesome ;)

I'll post pics of the setup soon now that this scare is over.