Best Way to Learn RoR


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2011
Hey, im trying to learn ruby on rails to create web-apps such as backends. And im wondering if anyone has courses or a good way to learn it reasonably quickly!


I believe this is still open to enrollment. This may or may not be the "best" way to learn Ruby on Rails, depending on what your goals and your individual learning needs are.
I believe this is still open to enrollment. This may or may not be the "best" way to learn Ruby on Rails, depending on what your goals and your individual learning needs are.

well it seems to me that thats a much more formal class, which i could see myself missing or what not will look deeper into it! Thanks

As for goals really its to build dynamic websites (with backends) and web apps
If you don't know Ruby, learn Ruby first.

It would also be a good idea to start off with a much smaller, easier to learn framework, such as Sinatra. Sinatra + Datamapper = great, easy to write online apps.

I've used RoR and Sinatra. I haven't used RoR a whole lot though, maybe ~10 hours total. I have done couple hundred hours of work using Sinatra, it's great. It doesn't have all of the features that RoR comes by default with, but since Sinatra is very light, you can always tack these on later.
Get this book:


It's also free on the author's website:

Also get this book:


And do this on a Mac (with Brew installed) or Ubuntu Linux - those are the easiest platforms to get all the different gems etc running. Lots of compiling and searching around on the net for stuff if you're on something else.

The bad thing about web development is you're going to have to learn a bunch of other stuff to go along with Ruby and Rails - Javascript, jQuery, CSS, HTML, HAML, AJAX, JSON...ugh.
I used to recommend this book back in the Rails 2 days:


There's still some good stuff in it, but it out of date with Rails 3 and they took most of the good stuff out - it's half the size that it used to be.
I think Programming Ruby from Pragmatic is a good starting point to get up to speed on Ruby. It's really more of a reference, but covers it pretty well and the latest edition covers 1.9.2 (1.9.3 in the ebook updates, minor stuff). There are some good recs for Rails posted here. On the avoid list, I would avoid Rails 3 In Action, as it was written when Rails was going from 3.1 to 3.2 and unless you're familiar with how to fix the books mistakes, you'll just get frustrated.

And for kicks, a quick primer is