Best Performing 24" LCD for GAMING?

Jun 30, 2004
I recently bought a Gateway FPD2485W LCD Monitor and although it looks amazing at the desktop, I am highly disappointed by it's gaming performance. Mainly I play World of Warcraft and Unreal Tournament 2004.

In WoW, it's the Inverted Ghosting that drives me nuts. It's everywhere, and quite obvious. It's not a game breaking defect but can be annoying. Sometimes it makes it look like other players temporarily have an aura on them making me think they’re buffed when they are not.

In UT2004, my big gripe is the Input Lag. This IS a game breaking defect. My skill has noticeably dropped and can be VERY frustrating. The feel of play is extremely different compared to using my CRT. The ghosting is somewhat noticeable here but not nearly as bad as in WoW.

So basically, I’m returning this monitor but I don’t know what 24" LCD to replace it with. Is there and LCD that even exists that does not have these 2 major problems? Has there been anything announced but not yet available? If not, what brand/models are affected least by these issues?

-Thanks in advance!
Here are all the 1920x1200 LCD monitors I know about that have almost no lag:

Samsung 245BW - TN panel, poor vertical viewing angles, but fast for gaming, and cheap
23" Apple Cinema Display - S-IPS panel, but $900
Planar PX2611W - H-IPS panel, but $1000
HP L2335 - S-IPS panel, but not being sold anymore

None of those monitors have significant inverse trailing either. Every other monitor I know about has some lag.
Isn't Nec 2690 supposed to have 30 ms of lag and LG L245W about 20?

BTW, I'd expect the Philips 230WP7NS to behave the same as the Apple Cinema Display/HP L2335 as it's the same panel (also not sold anymore).
TN panels are going to have the lowest lag and ghosting issues, but have the drawback of limited acceptable viewing angles.

The LG245W (or LG246W) probably has among the lowest input lag of the *VA panels (1-2 frames). The Dell and BenQ 24"-ers have 2-3 frame lag.

Always a tradeoff. :)

I have the LG, and the gameplay in Counterstrike:source is great. No discernable input lag (I've been using a CRT prior and I can't tell any difference), and no ghosting. But for pure gaming something like the Samsung 245BW is good also.
I've got the Dell 2407wfp-HC and there is slight lag and ghosting is noticeable if you're looking for it. I consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer, and if I was doing nothing but gaming on this monitor I'd probably consider switching, but since I do a lot of colour work in photoshop I need it's range and accuracy, so I put up with some minor ghosting and lag. If you don't care about colour, I'd suggest the LG or Benq.
THE LG 246, I use it for gaming, its great, no input lag issues, the LG has the lowest input lag rating of all the 24's,

very happy with mine.
Hi all my american friends!
I writing from Sweden (yeah it's in Europe, you know Volvo, ABBA, IKEA, Ericsson :p )
And I can't find the LG L246WP-BN in Sweden, we only have either LG L246WH-BN and LG L245WP-BN where the latter are $40 more expensive.

Is it L245WP-BN that you guys in the US call L246WP-BN?

which is best? and what's the difference between LG L246WP-BN and LG L246WH-BN :S?

I just received my Samsung 245BW from Newegg yesterday... first thing i did (after hooking it up and gawking at it's sheer size) was launch Unreal Tournament 2004... i've got a Gateway NX560XL laptop with a Radeon Mobility X1400 (256MB HyperMemory) and it looked fantastic at the native 1920X1200...

including shipping, i paid $520 from NewEgg and there's a $20 mail in rebate that ends 8/31/07... even having only used it for one evening (and now being stuck at my crappy 17" Philips LCD at work) i have to say that it is absolutely worth every penny...

oh, as a side note, 24" may not seem that big to some, but when you're upgrading from an old 19" Compaq CRT, it's huge... ;)
I'm nearly certain that the 245 and the 246 are the same model, just different branding based on location. But I have never heard of the WH model before and I can't seem to find it anywhere that lists tech specs, ie panel type and stuff. But I'd say you're safe going with the 245WP-BN.
I'm nearly certain that the 245 and the 246 are the same model, just different branding based on location. But I have never heard of the WH model before and I can't seem to find it anywhere that lists tech specs, ie panel type and stuff. But I'd say you're safe going with the 245WP-BN.

if i had to guess, i's say it's similar to the difference between the Samsung 225 and 226... different response time (226 is faster) and different contrast ratio (226 is higher) are the only only real differences... well, that and price...

but like JiBB, i can't find any info to confirm...
2407 has noticable lag when switching from CRT. But now its been about 4 months. I barely notice it at all.

I love my 2407 . Will never go smaller thena 24
i notice a lot of people on here using Dell flat panels... are you guys having good luck with them?

i ask because we've got, well used to have, a ton of 15" and 17" Dell LCDs throughout our company, and i've spent the last 6 months replacing them... it seems as they hit about 2 years old, the backlights just fail...

maybe it's just a difference between their business and home products, but from what i've seen at work, i'd never buy a Dell LCD...

just my $.02 (not trying to start anything...) ;)
I have friends at EA and they all use the 2407 and the 2007... Some guys at ILM as well and at Alias/Autodesk where I work too. Dell is a pretty standard name for corporate usage.
it was for us as well... I work for Susquehanna Bancshares (financial holding company) and we used Dells for a while... when they started to fail in large numbers, we switched to Philips... then Philips decided to pull out of the US and stop making the 15" LCD that we use for most terminals so we switched to NEC... we've had better luck with the Philips and NEC LCDs than we have the Dells... just what i've observed here...
For gaming I wouldn't consider any other panel currently besides the updated w2207 with new panel. It has either the 226bw panel or an even better one than that. The original had a 225bw panel and was kind of mediocre. I own a 245bw and would trade it for a w2207 with the new panel but definitely not the older panel.