Best Mod Ever

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Limp Gawd
Oct 26, 2001
This are pics of my old roommate computer, what do you guys think of this mod?




P.S Yes, The floppy drive is in upside down.
Wow...just look at all the tar and dust... and the lack of the rear of the box? :confused:
saturnine2 said:
Wow...just look at all the tar and dust... and the lack of the rear of the box? :confused:
what's sad is that's a fairly new heatsink/Fan. smoking is also bad for the computer or atleast the ThermalTake ghetto line of cases
saturnine2 said:
Its part of the new ThermalTake ghetto line. Very expesive cases...

they also take 3-6 six months to deliver because we have to age them with round the clock smoking

P.S the upside down floppy is extra
Wags317 said:
This are pics of my old roommate computer, what do you guys think of this mod?

Glad to hear this dude is no longer your roommate. Seeing that shit everyday would urk me.
WTF is with that last post. I am dumb founded.

anyways i bet that case has great ambient temps. Looks alot like my first pc, Had the same burt yellow paint and all. Smoking helps with the pcs stress levels, works best after it has had a cig :p

Awesome mod! Now thats talent! :p LOL
Damn this is why I always go out side to smoke. LOL
I threw a computer down the stairs to mimic that leetness.... but still doesn't look as cool :mad:
How much did the ashray full of cigarette butts cost? Does it improve the overclock?
LOL damn I want it! I was also wondering if the cigs and the upside down floppy increase the OC?
I see its the new line of super light and well ventallated cases. :) So is there any ram hiding under the ide ribbons because I see 2 open ram slots.
Funny true story about this case, The PC actually had a few replacement parts in it from its original state, because the athlon 1.2 that was in it committed suicide by powering off the heatsink fan.
This thread is soo old that the original pictures has been replaced on the server. Please do NOT bump threads this old.
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