Best joystick for PC?


Oct 24, 2004
Whats the best joystick for flying in Battlegrounds 2 and other games like that? I have a cyborg 3d gold but can't make it work in some of these games for some reason. Im looking for the best joystick that has a throttle control, twist, programable buttons and works in XP. Any suggestions?
Direfox said:
Whats the best joystick for flying in Battlegrounds 2 and other games like that? I have a cyborg 3d gold but can't make it work in some of these games for some reason. Im looking for the best joystick that has a throttle control, twist, programable buttons and works in XP. Any suggestions?

i don't know of a joystick that has throttle, twist, and is programable. the only ones i'm familer with are ch products stuff, and for what you want it would take at least 2 seperate devices to do all you want. good luck, and post if you find something that does all that.
By demanding a twisty, you instantly eliminate the finest joysticks on the market. CH Fighterstick.
I got the X52 and its very very sweet...the throttle makes it for fast adjustments in speed and leaves your left hand free for keyboarding.

Though the damn thing has over 30 buttons, all of which maybe 5 are programmed.

If you do infact get this joystick, do not install their software, the magic mouse crap screwed my laptop touch pad drivers and was a constant nuiscance on my pc.
CH makes the best ones, but they are for simmers, and way more than you'll want to spend.
Cougars are pretty mediocre right out of the box, but if you're willing to spend another $200-400 on getting the internals modded, then they're awesome.
'nother shout out for Saiteks stuff, I use a cyborg evo (one piece) and I love it, have heard nothing but positives about their others as well.
I also use a Cyborg EVO. Best joystick I've ever had. The feel is just fantastic. (looks cool to boot!) I haven't used the X52 so maybe that's better.
For a budget price , the saitek evo is a great choice . I use the evo in BF2 and its perfect for the price. The x52 on the other hands looks pretty awesome... but it's a pricey stick

Well, checked them all out online. The cyborg EVO looks great and for only 28 bucks (free shipping) at I think I will go that route. Thanks a ton for all the suggestions.

(edit) I mean 28.99 :D
saitek X45 or X52.

I prefer the X45 because it has rocker rudder instead of twist rudder. The X52 is much prettier, though. :)
my fav and yeah it's old school is the MS Sidewinder Forcefeed back pro...

but good luck finding one nowadays...