Best HTPC for parents who never had a computer...?


Oct 29, 2012
Well I want to give my parents an HTPC. They have never had a computer so it needs to be some type of interface with remote control only. I will provide all the content but having them set-up some "traditional" type computer is out of the question. I can provide the initial set-up but it should be fairly easy and straight forward beyond that.

Any suggestions?????
no matter how easy we or you think something is going to be, u know they will have issues. Get them an android mini pc maybe?? Tell them it uses very very little electricity, old people love this. you can buy remote for it that has built in touch pad. A good one is called Minix G4, I have one in fact.

I think the term HTPC is bit too general now. What are they going to do with this?

If they are just going to run netflix, a bluray player like the Panasonic 220? (I forget the full model) works really well.

If you want to go full htpc just get a cheap laptop with hdmi out.
Well I want to give my parents an HTPC. They have never had a computer so it needs to be some type of interface with remote control only. I will provide all the content but having them set-up some "traditional" type computer is out of the question. I can provide the initial set-up but it should be fairly easy and straight forward beyond that.

Any suggestions?????

Get them a streaming-STB like a Roku or Apple TV; never go with a HTPC for someone other than yourself as you will have to support it/fix it constantly. If you have a HTPC you know there is no "set it and forget it" option. Problems occur. End of story.
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Someone posted here or maybe another forum where there is a box with XBMC Frodo already built in that simply runs on a remote control set-up. I am looking for something similar to this.
I wouldn't get an HTPC unless you're always close and can fix it. Dont know how your parents but my parents a little hiccup and reboot is a big deal.

As suggested before I would either get a blu ray player with apps, something like a Roku or WDTV.

But if you do decide to setup them on a HTPC, theres a ubuntu version of XBMC I believe that you can install and its only XBMC.

The box with XBMC i believe is made by arctic.
Someone posted here or maybe another forum where there is a box with XBMC Frodo already built in that simply runs on a remote control set-up. I am looking for something similar to this.

Are you referring to the PIVOS XIOS?

I'd recommend this if you're looking to run XBMC on a standalone box. I haven't actually tried the Android firmware it comes with + the XBMC apk as it was still pretty buggy several months back, but they've been developing a Linux firmware w/ XBMC cooked in that is pretty solid and it's what I run in the bedrooms + recommend to friends. I hear the Android firmware + XBMC apk are a lot better now so that opens up options like Netflix, etc. as well.
You could probably rig up XBMC Openelec to be parent friendly with some tuning. AppleTV is probably the easiest that i've seen but i'm not a huge apple fan.
I'm a big proponent of HTPC over any living room device...

But for someone with no experience of computers I'd agree it's a bad idea, even with everything set up correctly you're going to get some pop up notice for something to screw it all up for them..

Best if they get a roku.
Honestly, we need some more input on what they are looking to do with it? Watching youtube? Skype? Hulu? Netflix? There's a lot of different things you have to think about other than fairly easy and whatnot.

Someone has already mentioned an Android MiniPC and I will agree that this is a pretty simple route. Initial configuration is less than setting up a PC, and it is VERY low power consumption, negligible footprint, and with XBMC it can play nearly everything easily. However large collections do slow it down. It will play 720P and 1080P content.

I'd say your LAST choice if you wanted ease of use would be a PC driven system unless you want to keep it simplified by just using Windows Media Center. I wouldn't move into XBMC, MediaPortal or others due to the complex liveTV operations. Windows Media Center, is simple, easy to use once it's configured and just works.

Otherwise, for ease of use... And I say this with much distaste, Apple products are usually VERY simple to use. My 65 year old father purchased an iPhone for that reason. And I couldn't be happier because I know I won't get a lot of calls asking for assistance with it, since I use Android devices. I've only had to update his iPhone and he was back on his way.
OK I see my request was kind of vague. My parents know how to work a computer and have used them before but they have never had a home computer so a typical HTPC set-up won't really work. Windows is crap enough without them having issues with booting and other various things.

Here is what was posted on another thread that I was really interested in. The MC001-XBMC(US).


Anyone have one or have any experience with it??? Seems like a good choice that will be relatively trouble free while still having that great XBMC interface. I can't find any good videos or reviews of how it works exactly. I'm assuming it boots right to the XBMC interface but i am not sure.
the appletv supports xbmc for only 99$ I believe. I use to have it but I have trade it for a roku and couldn't be happier
I essentially want something pre-built (I can just go buy it ready) that will boot directly into XBMC and be controlled via Remote Control.
I believe a long time ago I could do that on my apple tv and i know i can for sure in the win 7 environment not sure about roku or WD player.
You still haven't stated what it is actually going to be used for. XBMC is great but it can still have some setup issues and relies on plug-ins for hulu and such. A blu-ray player with built in app support is still the simplest.
Plus, what are they going to populate XBMC with? You're parents aren't going to be downloading torrents. Not the police, don't care. I just can't picture them doing that is what I mean.
Plus, what are they going to populate XBMC with? You're parents aren't going to be downloading torrents. Not the police, don't care. I just can't picture them doing that is what I mean.

I have over 32TB of movies, tv shows, random stuff but my parents aren't going to want to see all of that. 1TB on this device will have more than they will care to watch. plus if they want something else I can drop by and load them up.
You still haven't stated what it is actually going to be used for. XBMC is great but it can still have some setup issues and relies on plug-ins for hulu and such. A blu-ray player with built in app support is still the simplest.

They will use it strictly to watch movies and TV shows. No hulu or any other apps. That's why I am looking at this MC001-XBMC device and leaning towards the one with the Blu-Ray player built in.

It seems simple enough and it is controlled via remote so it "should" be just what I want.
I would recommend a WD Live streaming device. We are not at the stage where you can make an HTPC for someone that requires zero maintenance.
I would recommend a WD Live streaming device. We are not at the stage where you can make an HTPC for someone that requires zero maintenance.

Streaming is just more headache. All shows and movies will be contained in one device so no streaming needed. This is why I am looking at the MC001-XBMC device.
I used to use an atom based htpc with nvidia ion graphics. It was single core, but I have a lot of trouble recommending any atom-based unit for htpc use. It was really slow in every task even with a SSD drive and 4 GB of RAM.

I recommend a celeron based intel unit in an mini-itx case if you want a pc.
For my in-laws, I got them a WD Live connected to an external hard drive. They are hopeless with technology but can use it fine. Every now and then I take the HDD and put stuff on it for them.
You might as well just get a PS3. It's compatible with blu ray, has excellent DVD scaling and you can always just chuck a 1TB HDD in it and transfer your films onto it.
Just for an experiement I took an old computer, installed XBMC on it and added it to the start-up folder.

Perfect!!!! Goes right to XBMC after booting up. I then took and old MCE remote and USB IR reciever, hooked it all up and whalla....everything controlled by the remote...just what I need.

I'm gonna put 2 3TB drives in it and load it up with stuff. I got a Gigabyte whatever board with HDMI and an A8 processor to toss in it and my parents will be good to go. I can toss in the Blu-Ray drive that I didn't use on my HTPC build also. I just prefer using my PS3. Since I just upgraded recievers they can have my old one and they already have speakers so I'll drop by next week and hook it all up.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I'll post if Moms is happy with it.
Only drawback is I use the Wide Banners for all my TV Shows on that main screen and Moms likes the look of the Posters in Library mode.

I will have to get the posters for all those shows and replace the wide banners so she can have it the way she wants.

Anything for my Mom.