Best graphics card you ever used is.......


Jan 15, 2003
For me it would have to be the BBA R9700Pro. Purchased in April of 2003, and still using till today, 2 years later.

Star Wars Republic Commando is its latest snack.
Well considering I've gone from a GeForce 2, to a GeForce 3 to a 5200, and that I now own a 6800GT, I'd have to say the...

GeForce 2. :cool:
Ti-4200. It was like night and day from my old ATI 8 meg. Even better my TI-4200 can OC to like 312 core and 680 mem, but it doesn't really help much because it doesn't have shader 2.0...:( but in old games :)

I still use it, waiting for upgrade in the mail. It will be a sad day when that comes
XTASY 9800Pro 128mb

Bought it to replace a Ti4600. The amount of power gained for AA/AF was unbeatable. Best upgrade I ever made. First upgrade I made where I didn't feel like I wasted 400 dollars.
original geforce 256 ddr
still using it. pelted it, shorted it out with a faulty pelt wire and it still works good.

like my recently retired KT7A and Duron 600, one of things that just love abuse and keep running.
My Gainward Geforce 4 Ti4200, thing lasted me a long time, was a great performer, and it overclocked even better. I think that has to be the best card I've ever owned.
I'd have to go with my Diamond Stealth 4mb hooked to my Voodoo2 Accelerator.

First computer upgrade I ever did and its what got me started on PC gaming.

With what I do now, my 9800SE - 9800 Pro is my best bang for the buck card I've ever bought.
Mu current card, been tugging along for 5 years now (I purchased it when it was old, cost me $100) and it still handles Half Life 2 reasonably well (even with 4xAA and 0xAF, on medium-low settings)
The best combo I ever had was:

ATI Xpert@Play (Rage Pro) 4MB PCI


Diamond Monster 3D II 12MB (Voodoo2) PCI

I had the best 2D/Video and the best 3D performance, for a while. It was a match made in heaven.
even tho i only had it for two weeks, the only card that i've felt great about having was my sapphire 9800 pro 256mb... i got my 6800 gt quickly after that, but that was by far the largest performance leap from my previous card (a geforceFX 5600... such a wretched card)
well...i went from shitty PCI 2d an MX 440SE to a 9600pro to a 6800 that unlocks all the pipes and gets an OC of 390/900....

best ive used is....umm................the 9600pro, just because the damn 6800 fan is SO DAMN LOUD!
Voodoo 3 3000 AGP.... For the time it made a world of difference compared to my onboard Ati Rage II 4MB
The 6800 for nVidia.
The Voodoo 3 16mb AGP for 3DFX
Whatever crap is in the GameCube for ATi :p
My GeForce 3Ti200.

Yes, it lasted me up and including Doom III. 600x480, Medium Settings. I was rocking that game :p

Hell was the worst mission in that game though, truely showed the death of my Vid Car + ROUNDED CRT monitor. Where all of you saw a door and a ground, I literally saw nothing. There was one section when you have to run over a bridge and into a small gap in the mountain range, I definatly had no clue where that bridge was or where an opening in the mountain was. To further elaborate on the death of the card brought on by that Game and my Monitor, was the fact for the entire Hell Mission I had to cheat and get me a Flash Light. And I had to have it on ever other second I wasn't killing something. When I told my brother about the problem he was confused, rightly so, as when I went over to his house, Hell was as bright as Day.

Anywho, I loved my GeForce3Ti200. Still in use, just in my Old Computer
A Tyan 9800Pro with this freaking big heatsink and temp monitoring before it came out with the 9800XT's. I should have hung onto that instead of selling it to my brother :(.
When I jumped from a Old Celeron proc with onboard video to a Duron 1700 with a 9200 I was in heavan of course its no match to my current setup but that setup showed me gaming on a pc was enjoyable!
9200 for life!
Diamond stealth S968 chipset PCI.

Played mechwarrior 2 and wing commander 4 beautifully I was in heaven.
Best card I have ever had is my current 6600 GT. Last card I had was a R360 core 9800 pro that was good, but its not as good as the 6600gt.
my favorite one ever would have to be (and still is) my Asus GF4 Ti 4200 8x. it STILL lets me pwn it up in CS:S at 1280x1024 (native LCD res) with all the settings on low. I plan on getting a 6800GT or X800 XL, but this card is the only thing left in the upgrade i'm in. the little bastard still gets almost 12,000 in 3dmark 01 :cool:
My original S3 Savage 4 8mb. It was my first 3d accel. Games never looked so good.
My best card was my Radeon 8500. It was cheap, ran great, lasted me 18 months, lasted my wife 12 months more, and is now in the PC I just built for my mother-in-law.

I have a 9800pro R360 core, love it. I briefly used a 6800U , and for the added cost wasn't too impressed with the graphics.
Upgraded from a P3 450MHz with a Voodoo 3 3000 to a P4 3GHz with a 9800Pro about 18 months ago, now that was a world of difference... first thing I did was to replay AvP2 at 200 fps with maxed out settings :)

that's one thing i love doing, going back and playing old games with maxed out settings and insane fps, it's like a whole new game
For me it was my Diamond Speedstar Pro VLB.
The first card that was fast enough to do 320x200 at high framerates, and it even did okay in higher resolutions.
That was the first card that made PC games worthwhile for me. Before that, I played most of my games on Amiga or consoles, becasue they were just way better.
486 with VLB, that's where the PC really took off, if you ask me... with Doom ofcourse.
(Wolfenstein 3D was a hint of things to come, but those blocky graphics in a small window weren't all that great yet...).
I had a GeForce 2 MX 400 64 MB up until this past summer. I absolutely hated the card by the time I was done with it, but looking back on it, it's the longest running card I've ever owned. I think the last game I played with it was Max Payne 2. I also tweaked the hell out of Halo PC, and played Halo with it too even though it ran like crap. I payed $80 for that card, so it gets my vote purely for value purposes. The 9800 NP in my sig now cost me $116, and I expect it to last until we get Half-Life 3 and Doom 4. If it doesn't, I'm gonna be pissed. ;)
VooDoo 3 2000 PCI. First time I actually saw a game rendered in 3d, I was hooked.
About 4 years ago I went from a Pentium at 200mhz with some Savage card and a awesome 2gig HD!!! From that I took off, went to a AXP 1800+ and a Radeon 9000Pro, then to a 9700Pro. The 9700 Pro lasted me for a very long time, a good solid 3 years. It was pretty awesome going from total SHIT, to okay, to AMAZING. In the course of about a year.
voodoo 3 3000

those were good times.

When paying $200 for a vid card was still considered top of the line.... not mainstream as it now is...
chinoquezada said:
voodoo 3 3000

those were good times.

When paying $200 for a vid card was still considered top of the line.... not mainstream as it now is...
True That.... I think i paid 150 or something for mine. Voodoo 3 3000 AGP 16MB - Tore everything I thru at it.... It played quake III @ 800x600 so good. I remember the days.
Voodoo 3.

Damn thing took everything I threw at it for 4 years and still works. I only stopped using it in Nov '03
well technically, a 9800 Pro... but when I went from GF2 Mx400 to a 9600XT, I was in awe. :eek:
onboard videocard from a packard bell 166mmx to an Intel i740 wow first game i saw in Opengl Quake 2 was beautiful but only ran at like 25fps :D