Best gpu for ps2 emu?


Mar 7, 2014
Hi, i run a q6600 with 8gb ram, and the current 5xxx radeon isn't powerful enough to run ps2 emu at full speed when using smooth textures. Any decent video card under 100$?
I thought emulators relied more heavily on the CPU these days than the GPU. After all we're talking 12+ year graphics here. Emulating the architecture of the consoles is whats demanding.
get a new cpu i think its very very cpu limted?

waht 5xxx card do you have?
Emulators are mostly CPU bound, they use almost no 3D lol when I'm emulating Wii/GC games the GPU drops back down to 2D clocks. You need a faster CPU, end of the story.
Emulators are mostly CPU bound, they use almost no 3D lol when I'm emulating Wii/GC games the GPU drops back down to 2D clocks. You need a faster CPU, end of the story.
Yup, all emulators are CPU bound because you are emulating the hardware in software from every graphics chip to CPU to IC in the console.

The PCSX2 emu is no exception.

You'll want a strong processor, dual core or quad core preferred. 2.5GHz is bare minimum based on my experience given that I've used it since the Phenom II X4 804, but if you can get 3.0GHz-plus, or higher is preferred.
As others have mentioned, you are probably CPU limited. For the graphics, you could use a lower internal resolution and see if it helps.

You need a high performance quad core CPU. Try enabling several speed hacks if you haven't already done so.